Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Two Scene Two Sub Act Two







Elleanor led MacBeth to his chamber. He was told to change and removed the blood from his hands. The latter was stunned when he did act. She looked away when the man undressed there. All the time with MacBeth, she had never seen him unclothed. Much as the temptation was there, she considered him as dear but still the love of Mary.

“I have done the deed. Did you not you hear a noise?” MacBeth asked.

“What noise? The whole castle is abounded with noise. The drunken snored, the kitchen still cleaning the dishes and the …… owl scream with the bird shrieking. It is a noisy night.”

“When?” MacBeth asked.

“I do not recall. Maybe then or just now.” Elleanor replied.

“Did I, do it?” MacBeth asked. It was then Elleanor turned around to face the other. He was dressed in the night dress and the blood drenched clothes were on the flooring. She picked it up and tossed the bloodied clothes into the fireplace.

“Did I …...”

“MacBeth, are you not a soldier? Would a soldier have asked if he had killed the enemy?” Elleanor snapped at the other.

“No…... he will not. He does it out of …... his training. I have never …… Bless me Lord. Descend this man to the depths of Hell if ……. That was a sorry the sight.” MacBeth looked at his hands.

“MacBeth, shed your sins. It is not a bloody sight. You had done what you were destined to be. Now rest. I will see to the … others.”

“Elleanor, who sleeps in the second bedroom? I heard them then.”

“Donalbain …… and Malcolm. They asked to be placed there.” Elleanor recalled the request. “I am sure they are asleep.”

“I thought I heard sounds.” MacBeth was searching his mind on the events then. “Did they ……”

“You think too far, MacBeth.” Elleanor told the other. “Get hold of yourself.”

The lady sounded like the General assuring the recruit at the battle.

“I am sure I heard one servant laughed in his sleep, and one cried, “murder!” And they woke each other up. I stood and listened, but they just said their prayers and fell back asleep.” MacBeth sighed.

“Malcolm and Donalbain are asleep in the same room. They heard nothing.” Elleanor assured the other. But MacBeth was still in the delirious mood.

“I heard voices. One servant cried, “God bless us!” and the other said, “Amen,” as if they had seen me with my blood-stained hands. Though I heard the fear in their voices, I could not respond “Amen” when they said “God bless us!”

“Try not to think about it so much., MacBeth. Elleanor held her arms onto MacBeth. “Your destiny awaits you.”

“Why couldn’t I say “Amen?” I needed God’s blessing most profoundly, but the word “Amen” got stuck in my throat…… Was it because I had sinned.”

“We must not think in that way about what we have done. Thinking that way will drive us crazy. Only tell yourself, you done well.” Elleanor was getting agitated with the other. He who was an officer and yet acts like a fool.

“Sleep no more! MacBeth murders sleep.” MacBeth moaned out with his head buried onto Elleanor’s bosom. “I need the sleep …… innocent sleep.”

“The sleep that smooths away all our fears and worries; that puts an end to each day; that eases the aches of the day’s work; and soothes hurt minds.” Elleanor soothes the other. She patted him on the head. “Sleep, the main and most nourishing course in the feast of life.”

“Sleep no more. I cannot …...: MacBeth pulled away. “Gladis held a murder that was in the sleep. I shall sleep no more. MacBeth shall sleep no more.”

Elleanor was stunned by the condition of the Thane.

“Who ……. Why do you cry out these words? Oh, my noble Thane, …. MacBeth, you make yourself weak and unable to act when you think so obsessively about things.” Elleanor walked to the nearby table and retrieved the bowl of water.

“Get some water and wash this filthy evidence from your …… mind. Why did you bring this thought of death from the room? They must remain there. Go return them.”

“I would not go back. I am afraid just to think about what I have done. I do not dare to look at it again.” MacBeth looked at his hands. “The blood ……”

“You weakling! Dead and sleeping people are as harmless as pictures: it is childish to fear a scary painting. If Duncan is still bleeding, I will cover the faces of the servants with the blood. They must appear to be guilty.” Elleanor turned to leave.

“Sleep here, MacBeth. You have just won a battle today.” Elleanor told him.



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