Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Three Scene Three Sub Act One







The road to the castle was quiet and dark, though the King had commanded those lights be placed along. It would have illuminated the road but the in the Highlands, there was the fog and nightly breeze that covered the road in most of it stretches. The ones that braved it were the Lords and Thanes, with their armed guards, and on occasions the lonely traveller that was in need to get home.

There were a trio that night, standing at the road, not too far from the castle. They were dressed like the guards, but their intentions were not. They were armed with sabres and blasters.

“We got the instruction but why do you have to join us?” The lady asked. “We are a duo who can do the task assigned.”

“You were a trio but you killed the other. I did wonder why? I thoughts villains have their oath of loyalty.” The one standing at the left asked.

“That was a convenience.” The one next to the lady’s right spoke. “He was one of us, but his ability had been compromised. We had to save his ……”

“Hush, Clyde. We are not paid to tell.” The lady cut in. “Who are you?”

“Me? I am the King’s messenger. I was told to bring you here and watch you do the task.” The third figure spoke. “He prefers to know the task was done when reported.”

“We can trust him, since he had stated his instructions and they are identical to the ones that we were given.” Clyde said.

“I may but I am not sharing my bounty with him.” The lady looked at the third figure.

“Bonnie, we did not say anything about sharing.” Clyde looked at the third figure.

“I am not included. I am here on the King’s request.” The third figure spoke.

“Then stay with us. The western sky is still lit with streaks of daylight. Now all the late travellers are hurrying to reach their inns, and the one we were sent to watch for should be coming near.” Clyde looked at the road.

“Listen! I hear vehicles.” Bonnie hushed the others. There it was as told; the vehicle was seen. It was a standard vehicle for the Thane, unarmed and it was alone. Inside the vehicle was Banquo and his son. He was piloting the vehicle then.

“It is an older design but sturdy to the controls.” Banquo assured his son. “

“It is an old jalopy, Father. Why can we not travel like the others? The hovercars are chic and less bumpy on the ride.” Fleance said. “No wonder Mother said you are vain.”

“Son, you need to have some adventure in your life. You will not experience this at home.” Banquo went over the uneven road, and it was not a comfortable ride but fun.

“I have to acquire my knowledge ion those boring subjects when what I wanted was to run free.” Fleance sighed. “It was Mother’s instruction that I shall be knowledgeable. And not like you.”

“I am knowledgeable. I has mastered the stratagem of warfare and above all, I am accomplished at the skills of sabre.” Banquo laughed.

“Father, the weapons today are blasters they could kill you from a distance.”

“True, but in battle, most times we are at proximity to each other. And with my sabre, I was able to deflect the blasts.” The vehicle bumped over the road and the engine creaked.

“I think we got an issue to contend with.” Banquo slowed the vehicle. He stopped at the side of the road. “I need to check the vehicle.”

“Father, could we next take the hovercar. And please have the guards with us. If they are …….” Fleance groaned to his father.

Banquo ignored the young lad and proceeded to the outside of the vehicle. It was dark out there, and the vehicle lights was dimmed.

“Darn! I should had maintained the lights then.” Banquo inspected the vehicle.

“Old jalopy, they called you but to me, you are my precious dame.” Banquo said to the vehicle. He maintained a garage of these vintage cars and even blend his own fuel for the engines. He had the contraption that acted in cushioning the vehicle with synthetic material and buoyed by the compressed air.

“I am indeed of need for help.” Banquo sighed.

At a distance, Clyde looked towards the damaged vehicle.

“That is him. All the other expected guests are already still inside the castle or already past us to their home.”

“His vehicle had stalled.” Bonnie smiled. “Most convenient.”

“An arrangement that done. It is almost a mile from the castle gate. Poor Banquo may walk to the castle, but he feared his son may not like it.” The messenger said. “Let us shed a light to their plight.”

“Silence is the mode.” Bonnie told Clyde. She does not want anyone near there to be alerted.

“It will be rain tonight.” Banquo called out to his son. “We cannot walk back. We must remain here till dawn.”

Banquo saw the light that was shone onto him. The light blinded his eyes then.

“Who are you? Put your light lower. I cannot see you.” Banquo shield his eyes. He was unarmed and was not expecting any issues on the way home. After all, they are in the vicinity of the castle.

The first attack was by Bonnie. She had aimed at the heart with her sabre but Bonguo had moved on instinct when he saw the move. The blade had struck him on the left shoulder.

“Oh, treachery! Run, good Fleance, run, run, run! Maybe one day you can get revenge.” Banquo called out while his right hand grabbed the blade.

Next was Clyde who thrusted the sabre into Banquo’s lower chest. That caused Banquo to scream out but there was the fatal move later. The blade held by the messenger had stabbed into Banquo from the rear into his heart.

“Die, traitor.” The messenger hissed out. “For Duncan.”

It was then the lights went off.

“Who put out the light?” Bonnie cried out. In the darkness, their eyes were blinded then.

“Was there anyone here we are not aware.” Clyde called out.

“There was …… It cannot be.” The messenger called out. “Maybe his son must be in the vehicle. He did called to his son.  We must kill him.”

They searched the vehicle but there was no one there.

“Have we failed?” Clyde asked.

“No, we did not. Our target is dead.” Bonnie turned to leave. “We will handle any accusations with the blade.”


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