Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Three Scene Three Sub Act Two







Another banquet was held in the morning. The guests that had stayed on were entertained to another round. The round of applause when out when the King and the Queen; in the elegant yellow gown appeared. They were accompanied by Lennox and the other notable nobles.

“You know your own seats unless some of you were promoted or removed last night which I have no knowledge of. You know where to sit according to your order of importance. To both the highest and lowest of you, I bid you a hearty welcome.” The King addressed the gathered.

“Thank you, your Highness.” The gathered saluted the King.

“Ah, they served the Haggis. I was told that they made that fresh last night.” The King looked at the offerings. “And more black pudding. The larders must be filled to the brim with blood. Eat on as long as it is not our blood.”

The gathered laughed.

“It is a good day now. I will mingle with all of you, playing the humble host. My wife, the hostess, will stay on her royal throne, but in good time I will ask her to welcome you all.” The King took to the tables.

“My King” Lady Elleanor voiced out to the King. “Deliver my welcome to all of our friends for me, since they are all welcome in my heart.

“Most unfairly not. Your heart only has me. My Queen.” The King looked back at her. “I may allow them a glimpse of it at some day.”

The gathered cheered.

It was then the mercenaries arrived. Bonnie and Clyde took their seats at the far end at the hall. The King saw them but he continued his rounds with the gathered. The King soon arrived to the table where the two were seated.

“They respond to you with their hearts as well. The table is full on all sides.” Bonnie voiced out. “Our task done.”

“And I will sit here in the middle. Be happy. Soon we will have a toast to the full table.” The King whispered to Bonnie. “And there is blood on your face.”

“It is Banquo’s blood.” Bonnie whispered back. Clyde was gulping the pudding with them drooling off his lips.

“It is better that you have his blood on your face than Banquo having his lifeblood still coursing in his veins.” The King said. “Is he dead?”

“I had stabbed him …...or we both did but the fatal stab was from your messenger. Aye, who is …...”

“My aide? He was to tell you of the ambush but I did not know he was to partake in it.”

“My King, the other died with his heart pierced. Your messenger did that hat for him.” Bonnie added. “Who is your messenger, my King?”

“Huh? A mere loyal subject.” The King was baffled. He had told the aide’s name Bruce to take the duo to the ambush place. The place was selected by the aide, and he was to watch the kill. He did not expect Bruce to kill for he had seen the former as a weakling and best suited to take messages.

“You are the best of the cutthroats.” The King smiled. He must reward Bruce; perhaps the same thrust into  the heart.

“Was there any …… witnesses?”

“There was the voice but we could not make out the person. The dead one did call out a name.” Clyde whoofed down the pudding in his reply.

“It was ……... Fleance I think. It sounded like my cousin’s name Flounders.” Clyde continued. “We could not find the person.”

“Clumsy of you. Find Fleance to complete your task.” The King said. “Whoever did the same to Fleance is just as good. If you cut Fleance’s throat, then you are a cutthroat without compare.”

“If not, the dungeon below could still have space.” The King looked at Clyde. “I am not clear of my torment. The other must die.”

“Otherwise, I would have been perfect: solid as a piece of marble, as firm as a rock, as free as the air which surrounds everything. But now I am all confined and bound in doubts and fears.” The King had doubts.

“Did the messenger not tell you that Banquo’s been killed?” Bonnie asked.

“Last we saw him, he was in the ditch, with twenty deep gashes in his head—the least of which would have been enough to kill him.” Clyde exaggerated his claims.

“Thanks for that. The adult serpent lies in the ditch but you left out the young one. He escaped will in time and in time he will become poisonous.”

“We will find him, my King.” Bonnie assured the King.

“For now, he has no fangs and in time he will strike.” The King looked at Bonnie. “. Be gone now. I will talk to you again tomorrow.”

“Bampot (Scottish for idiots.)” The King mumbled at Bonnie.



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