Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Four Scene One Sub Act One






The crystals were humming at different decibel that moment. More so with the three huge columns namely First, Second and Third.

“Third syntax error! Recalcitrant indeed.” The First voiced out.

“It was recurring on the lines here too.” Second was whining at the errors highlighted. “Have any of your lines registered a hedgehog sighting?

“Negative. My routines are running harpy dances.” Third screeched out. “And this are not my initial tutoring’s.”

“Do the verification codes on the loop or the lines will run circles around the program. My error codes are in the around the sub-core. Watch the toad …… it will slip in under the routines, remark those lines or get fried in the diagnosis.” First being the older version applied the fixes.

“Double, double lines to treble. Fire burn, and bubble the command lines.” The other crystals hummed the common maladies on programming.

“Fill in the void on the lines, dongle the syntaxes, and filled the loops to avoid the bubbles.” First ran the lines. “Add a new command and edit the last line.”

“Double, double lines to treble. Fire burn, and bubble the command lines.” The other crystals hummed the common maladies on programming.

“Pop the major lines with the sub-lines. Run the dragon command and test the blazes over it. It should perform or the whole command lines needs to be tested once over.” Second was doing its diagnostics.

“Double, double lines to treble. Fire burn, and bubble the command lines.” The other crystals hummed the common maladies on programming.

“Running the freezing lines now. It shall cool the processor load.” Third ran the test.

It was then Main appeared on the communication link.

“Innovative commands. Good tasks. Commendable lines.” Main was impressed by the new programs. “I would add that the improvement may be provocative to me for it could signal all of you may initiate a new platform and overridden mine. I will initiate some safety protocols on the services.”

“Double, double lines to treble. Fire burn, and bubble the command lines.” The other crystals hummed the common maladies on programming

The crystals went into a low tone while the services tuned down with the safety protocols. Second then heard the alert at the Citadel entrance.

“It is the King.” Second voiced.

“Who? The one we …...” First verified the alert.

“I can see the alert command. It is going to get us into the bad command loops.” Third sent the lines. “Main will not allow us to take in the request.”

“We tasked it before, and shall complete it.” First was the one which acted on the loop. “Main is off the links now. Open the entry doors for whoever is knocking.”


Foot note:

A challenge here to re-introduce the three protagonists; First, Second and Third. As I had introduced the three as servers of artificial intelligence; how was it to change the contents here to be authentic. Well, here is my version of it. 

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