Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Three Scene Two Sub Act Two






Lady Elleanor as she preferred to call that instead of Queen, took to her chamber with the chambermaid at her side. They took the stairs to the upper level and then the Lady asked the maid.

“Has Banquo left the castle?”

“Yes, my Lady but he will return tonight. The servants told me that.” The chambermaid replied.

“Is that so? I wondered why.” Lady Elleanor then decided that she will go the King’s chamber.

“Do tell the King that I would like to speak with him when he has a moment.” Lady Elleanor told the maid.

“As you wished, my Lady.” The maid bowed to the lady. “Shall I prepare the bedding?”

“That will not be necessary. I …...” The lady replied.

“I am sorry, my Lady. I meant your own.” The maid blushed and then excused herself. Lady Elleanor ignored the maid’s words and entered the King’s chamber. It was not usual for her to be there, but the King had wanted to be at her chamber. He said it was more pleasant there.

“Duncan’s eyes are onto me there.” MacBeth had confessed. “I cannot sleep well with his spirit watching me.”

Lady Elleanor had ignored his concern for he was also welcomed to her bedding. She had laid there listening to the deep breaths of the King.

“The King is rested.” Elleanor smiled to herself. “Even when you are King, when you get what you want but have no peace of mind, then you’ve gotten nothing, and spent everything.”

“It is better to be the person who was murdered than to be the murderer and have to live with doubt and anxiety.” Lady Elleanor sighed. It was then the King arrived at his chamber.

“You may remain here as guards.” The King told his guards. “I need to be alone.”

The King have taken extra precaution with his safety. He was only alone when he was with Elleanor.

“Oh, you are here.” The King smiled. He was high in his spirit from the volume of drinks that he took. “I got your message from the maid.”

The King staggered to the bedding.

“Shall we begin? I am as good as any other nights.” The King pulled at his royale cloak. “Darn cloak is more stubborn than my grand aunty, Betty. God bless her soul; she was whiter than the snow when she was laid to the ground.”

“It was winter then, my King.” Lady Elleanor reminded the King. “Let me help.”

“Yes, undressing is your better skills.” The King laughed. “I am as clumsy as the mule getting onto the road.”

“How are you, MacBeth?” Lady Elleanor asked. She used the name when she was to get personal with him.

“Me? I am fine. Never felt better, my love.” The King smiled. “I will feel better when I am inside of you.”

Men will make fun of anything when they think they are something.

“Seriously, MacBeth. Why do you keep to yourself, with only your sad thoughts for company? Those sad thoughts should have died along with the men you are Thinking about like Duncan. You should not think about things you cannot change. What is done is done.”

The serpent is not dead. We have merely slashed it, not killed it. The serpent will heal and we will once more be threatened by its fangs.” The King turned to look at the lady. “Let the universe fall apart, and heaven and earth collapse, before I eat my meals in fear or spend my nights troubled by the nightmares. They come nightly to me.  It is better to be dead … Duncan for one whom we sent to eternal peace in order to gain our own peace of mind …… he tortured me by nightmares and anxiety.”

“Duncan is in his grave, no longer troubled by life, and sleeping well.” Lady Elleanor assured him. She took his hands to lay on her bosom. “I am here now. I am real.”

“Our treason has put him beyond reach of any other pain or hurt, whether from steel, poison, rebellion, invasion, or anything else.” Lady Elleanor comforted the King. “Come on, my noble lord. Hide your troubled thoughts behind a happy face. Be friendly and cheerful with me tonight.”

“I will, my love. And I hope you will do the same.” The King smiled. “But pray do be careful on one named Banquo.”

“Speak to him and look at him so that he feels proud and important. We are unsafe if we must flatter him, hiding our true feelings behind a friendly face.” The King looked away

“You must stop Thinking like this, MacBeth.” Lady Elleanor held her hands onto MacBeth’s face. “Look at me.”

“I cannot. My mind is full of scorpions, my dear! You know that Banquo and his son Fleance are still alive.”

“But they would not live forever. Every mortal dies.” Lady Elleanor assured the King.

“Aye, that is a comfort. They can be killed. So be joyful. Before the bat flies in the darkness, and before the beetle obeys the summons of Donn ……. His whine with his droning hum announces the arrival of night …... do you know that a dreadful deed will be done.”

“MacBeth, what will be done?” Lady Elleanor had her fear in her.

“My dearest one, you are better off not knowing about it until you can celebrate the finished deed.” MacBeth smiled. “Come, night had fallen and we have much to accomplish.”

The King had his hands on to the shoulder of the lady but she resisted.

“I must be told.” Lady Elleanor pushed him away.

“I will tell. I will not blindfold you on this kind hearted day. I have arranged with invisible hands; they will destroy Banquo’s hold on my life and his. In which what had kept me fearful will be gone.” The King smiled, “As the sky darkens, and the crow flies’ home to roost in the forest. The gentle creatures of the day fall asleep, while night’s predators wake to hunt for prey.”

“You are shocked by my words, but you should not be. Things accomplished through bad deeds can only grow stronger through more bad deeds. So, please, come with me. Get into my bedding.” The King reached for her hands. “I am in need of you. Bear me a son.”


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