Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Four Scene One Sub Act Four







“My sanctuary …… my vision gone. Where are they? Gone? Let this evil hour be marked as cursed in the calendar.” MacBeth was dissatisfied.

“You outside, come in!” The King called out. Lennox was seen then.

“Is this the Citadel? I have never been ….”

“Speak your mind, Adviser.” The King was annoyed.

“What are you …...” Lennox was cut off.

“Did you see the Angels?” The King asked.

“Angels? No, my King.” Lennox shook his head. “I just arrived when the …….”

“They did not pass by you?”

“No, indeed, my King.” Lennox replied.

“Damn all those who trust them! I heard the galloping of horses. Who was it that came this way?”

“My King, two or three men came, bringing word that Macduff has sought exile to England.”

“Exiled to England?” The King was upset.

“Yes, my King.” Lennox bowed.

“So, King Edward beckons war on me. I will ……. “

“My King, the English are …...” Lennox tried to reason with King.

“It is time for me to act. Edward had sided with Malcolm and now MacDuff. They will all be defeated. More so, MacDuff for he had stood in the way of my terrifying plans.” The King looked from Lennox to the crystals. “Unless you immediately do what, you planned, you never get the chance to do it. From this moment on, I will act as soon as I want to do something.”

“Time waits for no man. I will begin right now to follow my thoughts immediately with action. I will launch a surprise attack against MacDuff’s castle; seize the town of Fife; and kill his wife, his children, and anyone else unfortunate enough to bear even a trace of his blood.”

“Is it wise, my King?” Lennox asked. “The others ……”

“No more boasting like a fool. I will do this deed before my sense of purpose dulls. And no more hallucinations!” The King turned towards Lennox. “Where are these messengers? Come, lead me to them. There are tasks for them.”



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