Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Three Scene Five Sub Act One







Days have passed and the realm was filled with sad news.

“Banquo, the Thane was discovered dead. He was murdered and his son missing.”

“The King is not attending any functions. The Queen acts for him.”

The nobles and Thanes were all in confusion then. MacDuff was also missing from his duties. The Adviser, Lennox took to his chamber to work through the requests.

“When will my King be sane?” Lennox mumbled to himself. He knew it was treason to said that in the hall but the realm needed the King. A noble asked to see Lennox then.

“Come on, Lord Bannon.” Lennox offered the noble the seat at the chamber.

“I am …...” Bannon was unsure of the words. “We are in the state of confusion.”

“Confusion? We are similarity of our thoughts, and we can draw a few further conclusions.” Lennox sighed. “The King is …... uncapable now.  The Queen; God forgive us rules in his stead.”

“I am just saying that strange things have been happening. MacBeth pitied the gracious Duncan ……. Since then after Duncan was dead. God bless the old King.”

Lenno was still a follower of Duncan despite his sworn oath to serve the throne.

“Adly, Duncan is no more.” Bannon added.

“And what I hear of Banquo. The Thane went out walking too late at night in the old vehicle and unescorted. They are Thane, and should be guarded.” Lennox snapped out. “I know he is a soldier but even at the most peaceful of assembly, the rank of the Thane was to be escorted.”

“His son, Fleance is missing. It was reported that he travelled with Banquo then.” Bannon said. “Poor Mauld. She is of my bloodline and I shall her griefs.”

“Yes, Fleance is missing. Could he had been killed too? Or fled the scene and remained in hiding.” Lennox pondered his thoughts. “He is young and I guess, if you like, we can say that Fleance may have killed him, because Fleance ran from the crime scene. It is a possibility and until Fleance is found, we cannot dismiss any of it.”

“I doubt Fleance could do that. He is young and …….” Bannon said.

“Obviously but for the Thane to go out walking too late at night. It is madness.” Lennox roared out in anger.

“Hold your tone, Adviser. The tone of madness cannot be heard in the castle.” Bannon cautioned the other. “I can agree madness may prevail here. Who will disagree that it was monstrous of Malcolm and Donalbain to kill their gracious father?”

“A damned act!” Bannon said. “It upset MacBeth! He was in his righteous rage then; didn't he then immediately kill those two servants while they were still drunk and sleeping?” It was not the noblest thing for MacBeth to do? But he was in rage.”

“The death of the guards was ……. Timely.” Lennox said. “It would have angered anyone alive to hear those two servants deny their guilt. So, given all of this, I think MacBeth has handled things well. I do believe that if MacBeth had Duncan’s sons in custody ……. which I pray will not happen ……. they would learn the awful the punishment for killing a father. As Fleance would learn it too.”

“But enough of that. For I hear that MacDuff, who spoke too plainly and failed to appear when summoned by MacBeth, now lives are now out of favour with the King. Can you tell me where he is staying?”

“On MacDuff, I know not where he is.” Bannon said. “Of Duncan’s son Malcolm, exiled in England, where the saintly King Edward treats Malcolm with all due respect. It was as told, a royal courtesy despite all of Malcolm’s misfortunes.”

“The King of England our neighbour yet our foe to the land.” Lennox said. “Of MacDuff, he went there to beg holy King Edward to call Northumberland and the great warrior Lord Siward to arms. Macduff had left the English land and hopes that with their help ……... and the support of God above ……... the princes away, we may once again be able put food on our tables; escape our sleepless nights; enjoy our feasts and banquets without any violent murders; pay sincere homage to our King; and receive the honours we are due. We pine for all of that now.”

“MacBeth did not know of Macduff’s mission, and is so angry that he is preparing for war with the English.” It was Bannon who told the Adviser.

“War I doubt will erupt. I was told that MacDuff was to return?” Lennox told Bannon. “The ……”

“Adviser, you are misinformed. The King did ask for the return of MacDuff, but the other responded, “My King, I won’t.” The messenger bearing the command to the King could had said; “You’ll regret the day you gave me this answer.”

“That should be warning enough for MacDuff to be cautious and stay away from the Highlands and the King. Some holy angel should fly to the English court and tell MacDuff to reconsider and quickly return to help our country, which is suffering under a mayhem of murders.”

“I will endeavour to do that, Adviser.” Bannon dismissed himself from the chamber.



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