Monday, December 23, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Nine Scene One Sub Scene One


Act Nine

Scene One

Sub-Scene One

Visigoths on the plain truth


Alain sported a think frame, but over the years of lumbering and later at the mill, his body frame was all power in strength. He also held a good mind about war strategies and the occasional need for diplomatic moves. He stood there on the forest edge, half naked from waist up, and the bandanna was wrapped around his neck. He looked more like a cowboy than a miller.

The Visigoths controlled the back roads that the bootleggers used to transport the booze. They will arrange safe passage for them from the coppers or the agents for a cut on the profit. The landlines were an alternative to the sea lines, but you still need the landlines to get the booze from the unprotected areas to the wharfs. That includes the river, namely the Mississippi River, or by the Dakota people, it was named 'Haha Wakpa,' which means 'river of the falls' and Wakpa Tanka, Great River.

Like the forefathers on his grandmother's side, Alain loved the river. He grew up with it and soon sailed it. He praised it with his voice.

‘Mississ-Ippi River is so long, deep, and wide.

I can see my good girl.

Standin' on that other side.

I cried and called; I could not make my baby hear.

Lord, I'm 'on get me a boat, woman, paddle on away from here.’

(Mississippi River Blues by Big Bill Broonzy).

“I am here, Alain.” Mark approached the leader of the Visigoths. He had met the other several times, but it was hardly personal, for it was always with the bosses at the helm. He saw Alain had on his waist belt the Peacemaker 45 revolver that once was his father’s.

“We agree to be unarmed.” Mark indicated the revolver.

“Yes, we agreed. This one is without any bullets. The bullets are in my pocket.” Alain smiled. “Out here in the wild country, it is not the gunmen we are concerned with but the predators on four legs or the ones slithering over the grass. For later, I could pick up the wood here and dance it to death.”

There was a pile of cut wood there on the ground, and next to it was the Winchester rifle laid on the side.

“That is with the bullets, but I would not use it on you. I much prefer to do it in the Roman Arena of Death style. Though it will be just you and me.” Alain looked at Mark. “Bear is my cousin from my mother’s side; more brawn than brain, but still a relative.”

“I am sorry about Bear. It was...”

“An execution, Mark? Or was it a massacre like the ancient Romans did to the Christians?” Alain smiled. “Their action of massacring the Christians filled up Heaven with deserving souls, so that when we lined up to go there, we were rejected to Hell.”

“Alain, I was not...”

“Yes, Mark. You were a lowly boy of the Romans. You do what was told. Crassus was the one who got my cousin killed.” Alain sighed. “It was always the leaders who decided.”

“Are you one now, Mark Antony?” Alain looked at Mark.

“Yes, I am now a lieutenant, but I report to Caesar.”

“Admirable there. I heard you did a good job with the Sicilians. I congratulate you there. Now, do one with me?”

“Alain, there is no reason for us to battle each other. This is the work of...”

“Some madmen are in Rome. I believe it is so. They would not battle it alone but call on the others. After that, they will pick us all up and destroy us. Such a strategy is ancient.”

“I appreciate you seeing this way, Alain. We know who they are...”

“No names, Mark. I am not keen to know who your traitors are. For the ones who shot you when you were with Ashraf, I had them removed. They will never be found.” Alain smiled. “We loved the wild. It is our home, and we feed the predators well.”

“You could...”

“Tell you, Mark? That will kill your efforts to complete the tasks. All I can say is that when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Send them all to the arena. The victor wins it all.”

“I take it you are not involved.” Mark wanted reassurance.

“I am a free man. I want to remain that way. I am not a caged animal among the others.”

“What can you tell me of Egypt?” Mark asked.

“Scandalous. I feared they were a lot like the Romans. Probably that is why they brought Caesar there. The viper pit needed a new head.”

“Thanks, Alain.” Mark took leave.

“It was Pompey, Junior, who met me.” Alain spoke out.


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