Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Three Scene One Sub Act Three







The King retired to the adjacent chamber and awaited his new guests. He took the glass of whiskey made available to him. He looked at the glass and smiled.

“Enchant to the King. I will hold your throne well.”

“They are here, my King.” The aide stepped into the chamber to announce the arrival of the guests.

“Bring them in to see me.” The King said. “And stand guard out there. Let no one intrude on us.”

“If my position is not safe, then being the King is worthless. Many Kings are in threat from rebellion or the dagger in the chest. Bloodline may not be relied on, for if not the princes, the others of the bloodline may even remove the King.” MacBeth had his thoughts.

“The King held power over others, but the power to kill the King may be even higher.” MacBeth smiled. "I, for one, knew of this.”

“To those who stand by me, I hold a varied eye on them. More so, my friend Banquo. You were there that day at the Citadel. You held your own prophecy—a natural nobility about him that makes him a threat to me. He is a brave soldier; he charges at the enemies without any consideration of his strength. Yes, he leads the men well and hard, but many have died in his charge.”

“Not that the total counts to that. Banquo also has the wisdom to act with care and forethought.” MacBeth sighed. He is one I truly admire and... I fear. In his presence, my angel is intimidated.”

“I feel what Mark Antony says—my fear of the gathered, but Banquo may not be Brutus. He can be more powerful than Octavius Caesar. He held a sword over my head with his prophecy. Indeed, he doubted the prophecy from the Citadel, but let no man deny that they will not be intrigued by their... destiny.”

“Not his, but his descendants would form a line of Kings. The angels placed the crown on my head and a sceptre in my hand, but then said that I would never pass them on.” MacBeth shook his head. “I cannot recall now, but I was to be King; I knew of that. I hold no heir, which may mean my crown and sceptre will be taken from me by someone from outside my family.”

“Not even a bastard, for I held no son of mine will succeed me as King. I am the first, and maybe the last. If what the angels said is true, then everything I have done has been for the benefit of others. Banquo’s children for one, as they are to be King. To be that, they may dishonour myself, as I have on gracious Duncan, destroying my peace of mind, all for them, and my sin... I will be eternally damned to the Devil while they become Kings.”

“Banquo’s sons, Kings! Rather than let that happen, I will invite fate to come into the battleground and fight it to the death. I will set the new path that others will find difficult to fulfil their destiny.”

“Who is there? Did I not say I was not disturbed?” The King called out. The aide enters along with two figures.

“Your guests, my King.”


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