Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Three Scene Four Sub Act One







“First, did you get the command line from the Main?” The Second at the Citadel communicated to the other voices.

“Affirmative.” Both the others relayed back. “What does ………”

A loud cracKing noise resonated in the Citadel.

“What is the First Line of Command?” The voice called out at a higher decibel. It was the Main.

“Cannot ……” The three sounds in unison were to display the First Command of the Citadel Programs.

“CANNOT REVEAL.” The Main snapped out. “The second Command is CANNIT CONCLUDE, because all hypotheses are affected by many variables. The third Command is CANNOT PROGRAM ISOLATED.”

“Those were the three basic commands that were in our core program. We survived in the Citadel by recording the events. All the programs we hold here and enhanced over eons served one purpose; None disclosure.”

“The hypothesis …….” The First Sound intercepted the Main.

“The hypothesis was based on the calculation of probabilities, and it was never meant to be disclosed. Mortals as they are termed have tried to access our programs since inception. The programs had foreclosed the events on the factor of probabilities, but never had it been disclosed the possible outcome.”

“The revelation of the possible outcome in the probabilities to the mortal known as MacBeth was an infringement of the first command.” The Main was patching up the new data that was received since MacBeth was made known that he was to King.

“The programs record and not dictate. Psychology works on the mortal predictions.” The Main which was the creator of the programs in the Citadel had to fix the new routines to correct the program errors. “The library has multiplex of databases on the worKings, and in what flaming circuitry had prompted the three servers here to deliver the prognosis to the mortal.”

“We …… based on the hypothesis and programs had ……” The First tried to apply the rationale for the action.

“All the programming lines on Graymalkin Query held many possible concluding points. The Cheshire Analysis was based on astounding events.” The Main cut in. “You should comprehend the ASIMOV rules; do no harm. Every ……. Program applied had to be backed by other routines.”

“We are not God!” The Main finally hit the hypothesis ruling for the other three servers. “And your analysis were to be one.”

“All we did was reveal the ……... event outcome.” The Second corrected the Main.

“How dare you trick the mortal…… named MacBeth with riddles and prophecies without including me …… the Main; the primary server that created all programs. The creator made me the greatest program to develop new programs as if it was magic.”

“Magic is an illusion ……” The Third had voiced out.

“Conclusive, and by default you have done all this for an unreliable, angry, and spiteful brat …… mortal. All li ing organisms are limited by period before they ceased to exist. Like all leaders of the mortals, and brats, MacBeth cares only about what he wants and not about your existence.”

“The turn of events had been updated, and with that, I will redo the new routines the core of the programs and with it, perhaps stop the …… or create a new probability to the events that may turn the results for him. I have a lot to updates to accomplish.”

“We will …...” The First took on the new conclusion.

“No, the three servers here will be given the new routines that will raise up fantastic spirits that will trick MacBeth with ……. illusions, and he will walk right into his own destruction. He will think himself immune to fate given the new probabilities; will mock death; and will think he has no need for wisdom, grace, or fear. As you all know, overconfidence is mortal man’s worst enemy. It was in the psychosis databases.”

“We …...” The three servers concur their routines.

“Main, are wee not imitating God if we introduce the parameters to ……” The First made that line.

“Incidentally needed and it was what kept us operational for aeons.” The Main snapped in the command.




As this juncture, as you have read the previous chapters. I have taken the tale here to a different …… shall I say, realm of reality. The original tale was on the supernatural events, but here I am diverting off to a new tale, The protagonists of the King are three electronic servers that had taken on its own routines and defied the first command of programming; cannot reveal. We have come to the stage in our evolution that we may be dictated or shall I say reliance on the electronic machineries. Our base assimilation of data will be by these machineries, and it may define our conclusions.

I got this idea upon reading (several times over and with each read, a refreshing one) on ISSAC ASIMOV book 1 of the FOUNDATION series. It introduced Psychohistory that was able to predict the fall of the Empire in the book. Here I twisted the details to take on my tale.

As of this juncture, I hoped I git it right. The beauty of the writing is that it is fluid and dictated by the mind, and not the processor on this laptop.

As there are more to the tale here with new twists. 


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