Friday, May 3, 2024

Yes, i am back

Pardon for the long hiatus from here. I was caught up with many issues at work, health and .....creativity of the mind. It was all blank in my dreams and writing. I spent most times, taking care of the above and reading. And here I am back now. 

Why the Scottish tale? It was a challenge to take on this tale. I had read many articles of the tale, and was honestly put off to do the write for some time. It was early April when I decided to to key in the first lines. And from there to today, it's done the first cut. 

And the added twist to the end. 

Please enjoy the read 

Will I continue writing..... I guess so....once I read what a novelist said; all you need to do is to keep on writing whether it's one word or a line, the words and lines will multiply soon enough. 

I will do so.


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