Monday, May 27, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act One Scene Six Sub Act Four







MacDuff was always the observant one. He had served King Duncan for many years, as his father had. He was assigned to protect the King when the latter was to leave the palace. He knew his position well and listened to the advice of Lennox well.

“The infantry and the man-suits are in the woods. They will come on my signal.” Such was the precaution that MacDuff took to assure the King’s safety.

"You have done well, Thane of Fife.” Lennox smiled at each other. He had worked with MacDuff’s father and, later, his son. The Thane of Fife is a loyal subject of the King, but Lennox was one to lower his security even though the King was on his own land.

“How fare your family, Thane?” Lennox asked. He was not of any family; he was an orphan from birth and later a clerk at the palace. He has no need to sow his seeds, though he has his lovers. They sowed theirs into him, and those were the moments that he was seen as vulnerable.

“They are well, my Lord. Thank you for asKing.” MacDuff replied. His family was small; a lover and their son, the lad, were at a tender age. They lived in the castle in Fife, guarded by his personal guards. MacDuff feared for them, for if they were to be harmed, he would be distraught by it.

“My Lord, the last of the family is here at the church." MacDuff had received the report from his guards. It was a distasteful task to gather the family members of the other Lords of Cawdor. He was told of the six families, and with swift action, he had taken their sons or daughters hostage. It was the call of the adviser.

“Stifle the head of the family from aiding the Thane.” Lennox had told him. “It must be done swiftly, and let me handle the news for the families.”

MacDuff did not question the adviser and did his tasks. He had all of them held in the small church near Fife. His son had asked him why some of his friends were there, and MacDuff refused to answer the boy.

“Ian, do you think it is wise to hold them?” Lady MacDuff had asked him then.

“I am just performing my duty to the King, my love. I do not question his command.” MacDuff replied. He knew that his action would be condemned by the others, but the needs of the King overruled all.

The church was surrounded by the other lords’ guards, but none dared venture in. They feared the children, and true to his words, MacDuff released them all when the battle was over.

“Ian MacDuff, you made an enemy of us. We will not forget this and be aware of your family.” Ian Macduff was cursed and sworn on by the departing Lords. He had sighed at his action but held no regrets. His action was to make him a close aide of the King.

“MacDuff, is your family here?” Lennox asked again when Thane was silenced to his asKing.

“Pardon me, my Lord. My family is fine. They are in Fife. My son is unwell and could not make it.” MacDuff bowed to the other. “My love wanted to be at his side.”

“A mother’s love is unrivalled by any.” Lennox smiled. “I am sure the King will find you some gifts to return for them.”

“That would not be necessary, my Lord. My family is content with their own at Fifie.”

Lennox knew the Thane was sad that his action was to make him a bastard to the other Thanes', but it was a needed move by the Adviser to quell the rebellion.

“Have you any words for Malcolm to replace his father upon his death?” Lennox asked to gauge the loyalty of the Thane.

“I will serve him as I do for his father. He will be the King." MacDuff looked towards Malcolm, who was at the fore.

“He will be a good King." Lennox nodded.

“Aye, he will be.” MacDuff added. In his own thoughts, MacDuff wished Malcolm would be much wiser in handling the Thanes.

“What of Donalbain?” Lennox tossed the question toward the other.

“What of him? He will serve his brother well too.” MacDuff replied without any second thoughts. “Do you have doubts about him?”

“Me? None whatsoever.” Lennox parried the question of loyalty like the chess moves that he mastered. “Family comes first in loyalty.”

“Aye.” MacDuff smiled. “Family first.”

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