Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act One Scene Three Sub Act Two







The doorway to the Citadel opened on the push by MacBeth. He did not hesitate to step into the citadel, followed by Banquo. There was a storm that suddenly came upon them when they reached the Citadel. MacBeth was feeling the surface of the walls when the freak storm hit them. It began raining hailstones and huge pellets of rain.

“Get to shelter!? The engineers there rushed to cover the storm. The Chief Engineer, during his run, fell to the ground and was barraged by the hail stones. He screamed out in pain before he was whisked off by the others to the safety of the command centre.

“Heaven forbids it. That was some storm.” Banquo stood there, looking at the heavy rain from inside the citadel. “I have never seen a day that was so good... because of our great victory... and yet with such bad weather. Foul Mary will match that mood.”

“We had victory just then, and now the gods have celebrated it for us with hail stones and rain. What had happened to the land? Or us?” Banquo saw, then the doorway slipped to close. The doorway closed on their entry. He rushed forward to open the doorway, but it would not budge.

“Help me, MacBeth. We are trapped.”

MacBeth moved to assist, but the doorway was sealed. He then turned to look at the interior of the citadel. He saw the sight before him. There were columns of crystals that were thick on the stem and reached high to the ceiling that were not made out. There were many columns of differing dimensions, numbering more than a hundred, but some were small, like young bamboo sprouts in the grove. There were three columns that stood thicker and higher than the others. The crystals illuminated the surroundings with their assorted auras of shades. It was a pleasing sight, and soon Banquo was taken in by it.

“A crystal... cave?” Banquo uttered his amazement. He had last seen this design in a holographic theater emphasizing illusions.

“Mesmerizing….” Banquo added.

“It is a beauty.” MacBeth replied. When he was a child, he was brought to the hills to view the Aurora lights. It was spectacular then, and that was what he felt then.

“Spectacular.” MacBeth uttered it then.

“Not spectacular, MacBeth. This is your dream.” The voice sounded out to the two soldiers. The sound came from the direction of the crystals.

“Who is there?” MacBeth reached for his sabre, but all he saw were the columns of crystal.

“Who is there? Banquo repeated the concern and took a defensive stance with his sabre drawn.

“We are the sister’s... rather creation of the same.” There were voices then heard by the duo.

“Perhaps we need to give them a familiar sight.” One of the voices sounded. It was then that the holographic trio appeared before the duo. It was not an anticipated sight then.

“What are these... features that appeared here? All of you looked haggard and flea-bitten.” Banquo was the one who spoke of his sight.

“Haggard? I saw none.” What MacBeth saw were three angels appearing before him.

“Second, could you be more decent?” One of the voices screeched. “These are our invited guests.”

It was then that Banquo saw the new image before him.

“What in Forres of Duncan’s Palace did I miss?" Banquo shook his head.

“Banquo, shed your memory of Forres. I knew those dancers were appealing, but could we focus here?” MacBeth snapped at his friend. It was Banquo's drunken stupor then that made him stumble onto the dancers’ chamber when he was in the palace. He was treated to a repertoire of dances to lessen the burden between his legs.

“Yes ….” Banquo shook his head and still saw the haggard lady’s image. And they held beards to their chins. “God forgive me.”

“Why do you invoke God here? Do you not see what I saw?” MacBeth looked to Banquo.

“Are you for real?” Banquo sighed. “Are you something that a man can question? Or should not. God bless my long-gone mama.”

The voices released what may be termed laughter.

“I see before me are a set of ugly women with menacing thoughts …….” Banquo sounded upset.

“Truly you compared us to the woman who birth you.” The voices said. “No…... no rude intentions there. We are acquainted with you and your fate.”  

“You look like women, but your beards will not let me believe that you are. My mother held no beard there.” Banquo smiled.

“Enough of your patters, Banquo.” MacBeth looked from his friend to the three images of the angels. “Who are you?”


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