Friday, May 3, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act One Scene One Sub Act Two







In every battle, there will be casualties among the participants. It may be a mechanized unit like the man-suits, but dwelled in those were the human interfaces. The wounded will be retrieved by the Healers and brought to the healing centres, where their lives will be given the proper treatment to rejuvenate or removed to be replaced with the other, more suitable components.

“Who brought in this man-suit?” The senior Healer called out with his hands covered by the grim leftovers of the previous patient. “I am a Healer, not a man-suit maintenance personnel.”

The short figure of Senior Healer was covered by the red overall that covered his frame, and mounted on the back of the Healer was the droid unit that clung onto the frame with its six extended limbs to assist the Healer in the recovery. With the drone activated on the Healer, the figure resembled a spidery creature with its automated extended limbs.

“We apologize, Healer. The man suit was brought in by their mates. The ….” The assistant Healer was trying to appease the senior.

“So bloody well, move the man suit to the retrieval unit." The senior Healer called out. “I have my arms full with the ones that needed recovery.”

“Healer, the other man-suit needs your expertise.” The assistant called out while motioning to the other man-suit standing upright at the side.

“About time, I was told.” The senior Healer stepped towards the other man-suit. The droid went into action with two of its limbs reaching out to activate the release function on the man-suit. The man suit was short of its right upper limb, and the chest appendage was damaged. Its left lower limb was damaged, but it was still standing upright. The chest appendage will not detach, and the droid two’s extended limbs took to pry it open. The force of the extended limbs managed to remove the chest plate, and the wounded human was sighted.

“Give me a scan.” The Healer called out. The droid's other left extended limb appeared at the chest to take a scan of the human figure. The results of the scan were fed to the droid, which then interfaced with the Healer through the interface connection at the base of the rear neck.

“Apply what is needed and get the human out of the suit.” The Healer completed his diagnosis while the earlier extended droid limbs continued the removal of the man-suit.

“Healer, will my captain survive?” The Healer heard the plea of another man standing there. The human inside the man-suit had removed the headpiece then.

“Son, your... who?” The Healer turned to look at the man who asked.

“Captain Ian, Squad Leader, Rusty Rust.” The one who asked replied. “He is our commanding officer.”

“Well, son. He will live once we replace his breathing, his lungs, and his liver. He is...”

“Thank you, Healer. Thank you, Sir.” The man-suit who asked shed a tear then. “We will remove Rust One now. I do not think...”

“Son, unless you can replace his face and brain, I doubt we are concluding that fact, Rust, that his name is dead.” The Healer cut in. “Now leave me alone to do my healing.”

“The King is here!” The roar of the sentry could be heard then.


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