Friday, May 3, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Zero Scene One



Hero or Villain


Adaption of the Scottish Tale


Jimmy Loong

April 9th, 2024

First Cut

May 3rd 2024


It’s nice to be back writing again. If there is a tale to be re-told, this will be the one that needs to be done.










“Move the armour sections out!” The call was made. The mechanized Man-Suit, taller than most men by twice their height, moved its heavy-laden frame from the covers of the trenches. The huge frame designed by humans held a more grotesque design with the three upper movable contraptions that resembled the arms, of which one was at the chest of the suit, but all three contraptions held blaster guns at the tips. The suits powered by the human interface stood inside the heavy suit, manipulating the suit’s contraption as it moved into battle.

“Squad Four, move to the right, and outflank the enemies.” The leader of Squad Four heard the call and moved its frame to the right side. The lower part of the suit was the two contraptions that acted like the legs of the suit, but the difference was that at the side of the outer thighs was the mounted blaster that was shooting ahead, fed by the projectile belt linked to the rear case on the back of the suit. The five blasters were a devastating force that would clear the path ahead.

“High on, Leader.” One of the members of Squad Four roared out while moving to the right of the leader.

“Move it, Rust One. I will not have you cowering behind me.” The leader roared back at the new recruit, who was pacing the length to the right. “Rust Three and Four, move to flanking, and cover...”

The communication was snapped off by the sight of Rust One getting disseminated by the enemy’s blast that took the headpiece of the man suit. 

“Rust one down!” The squad leader did not hear that call from the others, for it was in clear view of the leader. Rust One stood there without the head piece like a lightning-struck tree trunk, and before more could be done, more shots were seen to tear off the three upper contraptions before the next blast took its impact on the rear case and ignited the man suit.

Squad Four was down by one man, but the heavy armoured units were needed to be at the forefront of the battle. The remaining four men took to the road with their heavy powers, closing the gap toward the enemy line.

The troopers of the Infantry Sections, less in the armour but equally deadly with their hand phasers, were on the rear of the man-suits. The third platoon of troopers, reduced to half their strength, roared their battle cries in their charge. They made some distance before they had to sink into the covers.

“Third Platoon, move on!’ The leader of the platoon called out’ injured in the left arm was doing the part required in the assault. “We cannot falter now. We cannot fail now. The Citadel will be ours.”

It was the rally call for the platoon to charge at the enemy regardless of their casualties.

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