Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.36


Gaerth did not make it far into the dark forest, when he was captured by the dwarfs. The later were released from their oath on the truce and had re-formed to re-take their land. They had don their old armors and wield the weapons of their choice. They had formed the columns and attacked the ogres that had taken over the hills, chased out the Elves that lived in the valleys, and took back their mines from the gnomes who dug their gold.

“Gaerth of the Huntsman, we have no welcome for Man, now that the dwarfs are back in the forest and the hills.” Biffy sat in as the Chief of the Council of the Dwarfs. “As we speak now, the other clans of the Dwarfs are coming to rejoin us under one banner; the Mirg Alliance.”

Biffy glared at the huntsman who was captured at the forest, and was to be executed but spared when he mentioned the name Snow White.

“Who is Snow White to you?” Biffy asked. Snow White had been taken by the Prince back to his castle and there she would be protected by the Prince. It was also learned that the Prince would wed the Princess on the approval by the King of his land.

“I am Gaerth of the Huntsman. I was also the protector of Snow White. I came to search for her in the forest, but failed to find her. I need to see her.” The Huntsman spoke out in defense. “The Queen intend to kill her.”

That last statement hushed the members of the Council and Biffy asked again.

“Why should I trust you?” Biffy asked. “You could be the killer that the Queen sent over.”

‘True, but my words are my only offerings. Kill me if you think I am lying.” Gaerth replied. He then closed his eyes to await his punishment. But the dead blow did not come, instead a set of hands was on his shoulder.

“I vouch for him, Council of Mirg. I am Red Hood, a friend of the dwarfs and also of the Princess.” The sweet voice of Red saved him. Later at the far corner and away from the dwarfs, Gaerth asked Red why did she save him.

“Gaerth, I knew you from the castle. I also know your chwaer, and ma’er before her death. You are a good man, and if you had to do harm on the Princess, it would be by the order of the Queen. I know of the Huntsmen; you are all loyal and brave.” Red was dressed in a red vest over her hunting attire with the red cloak on her back. She was armed with the bow and the quiver of arrows.

“Gaerth, we would soon be at war. It’s the wishes of the Princess to remove the Queen, before her wedding to the Prince. They are calling on the other Lords’ to unite under the new Queen, the rightful heir of King Thaddeus; Queen Snow White.” Red told him. “I am here to call on the local people to unite too, and oust the Queen. I may need you to get the Huntsmen on our side.”

“It’s a far order, red. I am not the leader of the Huntsmen. And neither is Alan. They are now under a new leader named Kane and he answered to the Queen personally.” Gaerth told the other lady. “Kane had his own men to command the columns now.”

“But the men in the columns remembered you. You were Gaerth the Loyal One. They would rally to you, maybe not all, but most.” Red told him. “If you can get one of the huntsman to join you, then that is one less Huntsman to fight against.”

“And among friends, we would be killing. I cannot be a part of that.” Gaerth replied with a sigh.

“Then tell them who are their real friends, and Queen.” Red imposed on him. Gaerth stood up and then walked away without a word.

Across the land, in the new castle of Prince William, King Charles listened to his son. He was glad that the Prince had returned to his castle, but displeased that he came back with many requests. And among them was to declare war on Queen Clarity.

“Are you mad, my Prince?” King Charles looked to his son. He then glanced at the young lady by the side of the Prince. “No link to you, my dear. Just only on my son.”

“You called for war with the Iron Lady? Do you know who is her? She wield powers which even King Arthur would shudder to challenge.” King Charles was a close ally of King Arthur then who was still fighting on his borders with the other Lords’.

“I have an army of Man, but she had an army of sorts, including ogres, and elves.” King Charles shuddered at the thought of flying dragons if they do exist. “Your distant Uncle George would had declared ‘non-combatants’ conditions if he was here.”

“But my King, we must fight. It’s a matter of time, before Queen Clarity would invade us. She would knowing that I am with Snow White.” Prince William told the King. “Surely, you do not want to me wander forever looking for a lady I could love.”

With that statement, a few noble ladies in the Main Hall all ran out weeping. King Charles looked at his son and then at Snow White.

“Give me one good reason, I must fight this war.”

The Prince marched up to the King and whispered to him in the ears.

“Oh my, we do need to fight this war for sure. I can’t have my lands taken from …Is it a him or her?” The King asked. The Prince smiled.

“Probably a boy.” That made the King smiled. With that the King sent out emissaries to all his allied Lords for their commitment of unfulfilled favors. And he then ventured to consult the carpenters for the new chamber. It was during then, the King was visited by the arrival of the knights from the Round Table.

“King Arthur conveyed his regrets of doing coming over, but he sent me to be his champion.” Sir Lancelot bowed to King Charles. “The King offered his alliance to fight this Queen. I come with an army of two thousand strong men and a loving heart.”

The noble ladies rushed off to brighten their facial masks on that line, but Sir Lancelot had his eyes on Snow White. She was as beautiful as Guinevere, the consort of King Arthur. He wondered then if the Prince would to perish in battle, would she consent to his request to ride with him back to Castle Joyous.

In the castle of Queen Clarity, the Queen had recovered but she found her walk was impeded by the limp. She had then arranged for her servant to carry her on the throne chair whenever she was to meet anyone. That day, she was meeting the Lords who had assembled to show their loyalty.

“Obviously, there must a plague in my lands to see half my Hall filled up.” Queen Clarity turned to look at the healers. “Are they all unwell, or dead?”

“No, my Queen. I have no idea of their whereabouts, and the land is freed of plague.”

“My Queen, if I may intrude.” Kane of the Huntsmen stood forth to address the Queen. “The other Lords are shying away from their responsibilities to you for fear of reprisal by the people. There had been news that was passed to them that you are an evil Queen, and does not deserved to be retained.”

“Vile words of deceits spread by gossiping, I believed. Nevertheless, effective and troublesome. Men despite their bravado somehow still grasped onto their mother teats for the essential milk even when they held their own lovers’ in their mouth. I am not a real mother and may offered them none of these milks.”

The Lords in the Main Hall all looked down or ashamed that they are branded as mother’s pet despite the thousands they command. Kane laughed out loud as he was an orphan and his milking came from the cow udders.

“I concurred that with all your army,” Queen Clarity glared at the Lords’, “I would be defeated before the next full moon.”

“Therefore, I had come to asked for some other assistance.” Queen Clarity despite her limp, stood up and walked over to the window. “Look to the tree line, my Lords. Behold my new army.”

At the tree line, columns of army were seen, but they were not of Man. They were Ogres, Gnomes and Elves. An uneasy alliance but shared among them was the elimination of the dwarfs of Mirg.

With an exception of three dwarfs, who were currently in the dungeons courtesy of the Queen. She had enslaved them with her superior magic, and had found their services not needed any more.

The Queen turned to her Lords and told them off.

“No one challenged me. I am the Iron Lady and would not be defeated that easily.” Queen Clarity glared at them. “Anyone not of use would be removed without reservation.”

At that moment, the three dwarfs in the dungeon found their throats slit by the wardens. Thus ended the saga of Killer, Greed and Influence.

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