Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.34


Snow White looked at the dishes left by the dwarfs from their breakfast meals. They may be great wizards and miners, but they are hopeless with housekeeping. Since she had stayed there, she had been like a servant handling the washing and cleaning. She was kept busy from day break to night time, with the last hours of the day listening to the dwarfs talking of their mining. There was no mention of anything regarding the Queen or the huntsmen, or anything relating to the lands. However she did have the company of the other animals, like the badger who likes to dip his head into the trash, and the birds cheered her up when she was washing. She get the occasional assistance from the others who would bring over the fruits and vegetables. The dwarfs on the rare evenings may haul back some meat and they would all feed on it for some time depending on the size of the capture.

Every time, Doc leaves the house, he told her to be wary of any strangers. He said they hardly had any, and don’t trust the honey bears. They take more than they offered. He once offered to leave Dopey behind, but the Princess was insistent that she was safe. Doc then told her the house was protected from any magic, and she was not leave the place alone.

“Hello there?” Snow White heard the call. She was packing up the dishes, when the call came. She looked out of the window and saw a frail looking old lady standing there with a basket of red apples. She was hesitant to reply but the old lady saw her.

“Oh, hello there. Can I speak to you?” The old lady voiced out. “I am thirsty and in need of water.”

“There is a water barrel by the side of the door. You may drink it. Its clean.” Snow White replied. The old lady walked towards it and slipped on the ground. She screamed out in pain, and Snow White rushed out. She pulled the old lady up and saw the apples have spilled out. She helped the old lady to collect the apples.

“Thank you, my dear. Here have an apple for your kindness.” The old lady offered one of her apples to the Princess. “May I know your name, my dear?”

“It’s Snow White.” The Princess replied within hesitation. In her mind then was what harm the old lady could do to her.

“Snow White. A lovely name. I got to go. I have a houseful of mouths to feed.” The old lady walked away while Snow White looked to her departure. She then remembered the red apple in her hand, and smiled. She would eat later after she had completed her tasks.

Soon later, after she had cooked the meals for the dwarfs, she remembered the apple. It was still there on the table. She picked it up and took a bite. It was delicious, and the feeling rippled through her body. It sent shivers down her spine and then her head felt heavy. She soon found herself seeping into unconsciousness, and it was dark.

Not long later, the dwarfs came trooping in from the mines. Doc saw the animals that were the Princess companions all around the house. He knew something was wrong and rushed in. He saw her lying on the floor with the half eaten apple in her hand.

“Snow White!” Doc rushed forth and tried to revive her. “She was poisoned.”

Doc saw the apple and pointed at it. He tried to force the piece of the eaten apple out but it was not working. It was then Grumpy who spoke out.

“Doc, we have to use our magic to save her.” Grumpy had the pleading look on his face. He wanted to have permission to use it but only with the consent of the leader. Doc hesitated and tried to revive the Princess.

“We cannot delay. She cannot end up like Dopey.” Grumpy reminded the other of what had happened to Dopey. He was rescued by the dwarfs but Doc refused to let them use their crafts to revenge for what they did to Dopey. He lived to regret it every day on seeing how Dopey who was once the wiser of the lot and then became a dull dwarf.

Doc then gave up on the effort and nodded his head. The dwarfs cheered and ran to collect their old stuff.

Doc collected his wand with his ability to call up the spells and magic.

Grumpy collected his battle axe which gives out a flame on contact with magic..

Happy grabbed his bow and quiver. He was most happy when he shoots the bow.

Sneezy collected his set of daggers. He was good at it with every snooze, he could throw them with accuracy.

Bashful collected his shield and the dagger. He was their protector on the attacking spells

Sleepy had his own bags of magical dusts.

Only Dopey sat there looking glum. He could not recall his specialities.

“Grumpy, Happy, Sneezy.” Doc called them. “Find the assailant. The rest helped me to carry her in.”

The trio who went to search for the person who have caused the Princess to be poisoned. Doc used his wand to call on the magic to help her, but he could not find the spell which may bring out the apple piece but it was not working.

“Damned” Doc cursed out. His grasp of the crafts was rusty, and needed some practice. Bashful stepped up and offered his dagger to cut her open and remove the apple piece. Doc stopped him, although the dagger had a magical blade which would cut without bleeding.

In the dark forest, Grumpy was fleet on his legs as he jumped over the roots and ducked below the branches. Happy had followed close behind, while Sneezy was slower but keeping them in sight. They saw the tracks and then animals spoke to them. The beetles told them of the old lady was not old but a younger lady version then. She was headed for the plains outside of the forest.

“Sneezy, she headed for the plains. Take the valley and head her off. I would make sure she does not change directions.” Grumpy told the last of the trio. Sneezy grabbed a doe in his part and sprang off with it.

Grumpy knew the dark forest and cornered her before she reached the plains. She saw the other was in waiting for her before the plains, so she side tracked to the nearby hills.

“Damned!” Grumpy cursed. He warn Bashful of their new direction. Those hills are not the favorite ground; there are Ogres there. It was getting dark and Grumpy was getting agitated that they are so slow. It was like the old days when they could have cornered the prey sooner.

Queen Clarity saw the dwarfs on her rear and picked up her pace. She was familiar with this dark forest, although she used to run in it when she was younger. She was headed for the hills so she could alert the huntsmen in the forest. It was then when she slipped on the trail and hurt her left shin. She limped and ran on, despite the pain. She must reach the top and there she had allies.

Grumpy saw her climbing up the hill side, and knew she was moving to the top so she can alert the huntsmen. It may not stop them, but they could add in more trouble for them. The weather was turning to dark skies and then the lightning was flashing down in streaks.

“Bashful, the weather is getting bad. It would be dark fast.” Grumpy took up his battle axe and lit up the blade. He called on the magic that powered his axe. He continued on his pursuit, and soon closed the distance.

“Bitch~” Grumpy shouted to the Queen, but the later turned to released a spell of fire from her left hand. He raised up his axe and deflected the fire attack. He swung back with his axe, but the ogre appeared out of the trees to take the blow.

“Who?” Grumpy sighed when he recognized the ogre. It was he feared to meet on the hills.

“Dwarf! I like them.” The ogre rushed at Grumpy but then Bashful had intervened with his daggers. The seven daggers stopped the ogre which collapsed writhing in pain. Bashful recalled the magical dagger from the ogre but the lady had run ahead.

“Bashful, I think it was the Queen.” Grumpy told the other while he gave chase. The lady had arrived at the top of the hill, and found herself trapped. She could not move forward, as there was the steep cliff, that dropped down to the bottom. She looked back to the advancing dwarfs and stepped back. She felt her footing was on shaky ground and then the lightning came down. It spook her and caused her to fall back over the steep cliff.

“Aargh!” Queen Clarity screamed out when she fell.

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