Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Crusaders II The stakes are raised 10.2

1.          Manor at the Siberia Forest

Lucifer threw the wine glass at the fireplace. He watched it vaporized in the fire and then glared at Satan still standing there. The later have just brought in the bad news on the collapse of the Dry Lake Gate and that displease Lucifer. He had planned on that gate to be constructed for the new intake of souls as back up to the Second Gate.

"Satan, I may had planned this war but I needed the spirits to come over. I also planned the third gate hidden in the dry lands, but that is also gone. Who could tell them that? Did you? Or was it my son Baal who found out?" Lucifer was ranting to himself. He is losing his control on the situation.

"Lucifer, I did not say anything. I doubt even Baal knew...." Satan plea with his leader. "None of us knew. Maybe....."

"The Crusaders cannot be denied. They are resourceful." Another voice sound at the side of the apartment. Satan looked over and saw the figure dressed in the Englishman country attire complete with the bent pipe on his lips.

"Loki? How can that be? How can he be here?" Satan looked from the trickster to his own leader.

"Loki just came over to tell me that Lord Seth have invaded the Asgard realm." Lucifer walked to his ally across the room. Satan was to speak when Lucifer hushed him up. "It was planned that Seth invade the realm and then Loki would defeat him, but the former now wants to change the plan; he wants to defeat all in Asgard."

"More so, he wants the third gate in Asgard, the Yggdrasil Tree."

"That was the gate which we traded to move the weapons over for the dead of Asgard." Satan spoke out. "Why would Seth wants another gate? His gate is intact in the Pyramids."

"True to the gates, but having more than one adds volume to your numbers." Lucifer reminded the other. "We had a second gate too but we lost both in one incident. Now we have to use the only gate; the one they named St Peter's. Now that makes me mad! You fool!"

Lucifer project his anger on the broken shards of the wine glass and have them hurled across the room to thrust into Satan. The later took the thrusts and then placed his fingers on each of those shards to remove them.

"Temper, my dear Lord. That's not a reflection of a good leader." Lucifer looked at Loki who questioned his character in front of the servant.

"Loki, you may had ended our alliance with your careless statements." Lucifer walked over to the bar to pour himself a new glass of wine.

"A sad waste but before I go, allow me to speak of the missing gate in Asgard." Loki can see Lucifer stopped in pouring the wine. "How do you think I can move so freely when Yggdrasil is guarded by Odin? Surely, Odin did not allowed me to use the tree to move the spirits."

"Tell me more, Loki. We may still work together." Lucifer took the second glass for his ally while Loki looked at the young octopus in the glass aquarium. Loki have not really seen a live octopus before.

"Most interesting specimen." Loki taps at the glass surface and the octopus emits a spurt of dark liquid into the water. "Naughty of you."

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