Friday, March 7, 2014

The Crusaders II The Players Calls 9.5

1.          Washington DC

The three man sat at the dinning table; as ever the priest prepares a good meal. The meal was enjoyed in silence until Miles broke the routine.

"Tell me, Father Ricken," the last word was muttered out in sarcasm. "You dragged us here on some presumptive notion that we might be invaded by the demons from Hell. Well, we stemmed the recruitment leaving you some numbers that can be taken care of by the authorities. So are we off the hook now?"

"Most regretfully; no. Your action at the other dimension of Hell was commendable but your service are still in need." The priest laid down his fork. "Do you not question of the whereabouts of the others; Geraldine and her ...squire?"

"Sadly, no." Miles was direct in reply. "We had hardly met, and despite our previous alliance; I would be honest I am not deeply affected to dropped my napkin and rushed for the door on her."

"I am here as the spirits told me that I am needed here. I felt that I have completed the task and feel no compulsion to sit here." Kruger add to the weight of the word from Miles.

"Gentlemen, allow me to brief you." The priest picked up his fork again. He used it to pick up a piece of the vegetable on his plate. "Your accomplishment is only like this piece. Its a part of the growing menace that needs your ability to removed its root. If you leave now, the Crusaders would be defeated and banished to the unforgotten annals of history."

"Please, Father Ricken; end the theatrics. We are not amused. As for Geraldine and her squire she could be skiing on the Alps now." 

"Blasphemy! You think these tasks are child play. The threat which I mentioned may be bigger than you envisage." The priest stood up from his seat and then slowly laid down his fork. "Lucifer wage a war here, one that would extinguish all living lives. Let me tell you that only all of you can stopped the war. You are the Crusaders."

"The Crusaders left their mark in the Crusade but we are past that age now. There are other forms of Crusades but they are man made and man would handle it. I fight in many of them in the Middle East." Miles demonstrate the action of firing a gun. "I shoot at them and they shoot at me. Father Ricken, there are enough of us fighting this war."

"Your argument sounds true but the war you wage is not of man but of demons. The gates of Hell would opened soon and the demons would come through to battle all that is Man; on both sides of the field. Geraldine is fighting one in another realm but yours are about to start."

"Spare me the sermon, Father Ricken. Let us get this over with." Miles spoke up in despair. "To where you are going to send us next."

"Ford Dry Lake, Arizona."

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