Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Do men go topless??? ( COL Re-run of the Classics )

I wrote this much earlier during my blogging days.... and thought I shared it again. It was part of the Male Tales Volume 1.

Issue 1.003: Do men go topless?

I am sure most woman wants to know. Actually, before we explore that, allow me to define “topless” as defined by the many definitions in the GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE ( to be exact I got 1,570,000 results in 0,22 seconds ) says a lot was define on the above.

The gist of it was “uncovered breast” as mainly stated in these results. If there is anyone with a raging hormone now, please stop reading. We are trying to understand the matter of the subject and not explore the subject of the matter.

Now we cleared the general mass of readers, let us asked ourselves the above. Actually MEN do go topless as MEN do not generally wear vest within their clothes. Pardon my words, the vest I may refer to is a loose cloth of fine material that is comfortable to the skin underneath our shirts.

Okay, there are some GUYS I know who wore vests inside their sleeping attire, and this was in my college days, but they are extinct by now.

But generally most MEN don’t. ( No debates please. We are trying to keep it decent here. )

I don;’t know about the current younger generations, but when I was in my growing years, we all wear “singlet” inside our Shirts or T-Shirts as its absorb the sweat which we generate when we run around like a bunch of boys. Eventually, when we stripped off our top’s ( MUM said to do so, as she would had no more extra washing with a sweaty SHIRT to add in ) to kick a ball or play a game, we don the “singlet” of ours as its takes up the sweat off our chest. I remember mine as branded under the name of PAGODA. As it was very comfortable, we used to wear one “singlet” daily. I did go shirtless ( defined clearly here ) when I was “perky strong” then, but I prefer not so now.

Eventually as we grew, so did the fashion, the shirts’ became sleeveless ( courtesy of GREASE the MOVIE then and perhaps before that JAMES DEAN in REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. ) the singlet went out of fashion, as the design of the two merged into one “raving Sleeveless T-shirt”.

It was about the same time that WOODSTOCK took place, so going “topless” was a groovy thing. 

Over the last years, I cannot recall any boys or men wearing those “singlets” except in the basketball games. So I guess they must had inspired those beach volleyball ladies in their attire. But not many MALES wears those “vests” anymore to bed nowadays; they only don them for basketball games. And they do not bring them to bed after the game, as its all full of SWEAT.

So yes, men go topless, but shirtless only on the occasions, like at the beach.

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