Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Crusaders II The Players Calls 9.7

1.          In the deep forest of North West Canada

Clawler looked at the departing Lycan as he retracted back his claws. They have threaten him but not attack his family. He would let them go until such time he would need to defend his family. He contemplates his position; to search for Geraldine or stay here.

"Son, your family is safe here." The voice was heard in his head. Clawler turned to look at the source of the voice. Its another figure that looked familiar. Its his father, Marcus of the Tribe; killed by Xeno before Darius killed him in return. " I will be there for them."

"Father, you are dead. How can that be?" Clawler then saw the fleeting images of the others in the forest. "They are here. The tribe?"

"Yes, we are but we cannot meet. You are an outcast by the Tribe when you followed the priest. But they owed you their honor which is why they have come on my request. We would protect your adopted family. Go and seek the one named Geraldine. Your task as the Crusader if of utmost importance."

The image of his father dispersed and Clawler stood there all alone. He need to get back to see the priest.

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