Monday, March 31, 2014

The Crusaders II The stakes increased 11.4

1.          Citadel of the Gods

Fredya checked the supplies for the coming siege while Lady Sif arranged the warriors to their tasks. The Hall of Warrior holds large chambers for storing of supplies while at it rear lies two deep wells to give them water. It also holds a well stocked armory filled with swords, pikes, spears and bow with arrows. All the warriors helped themselves to the arms that was there and carried them to the assigned posts. The vacant spaces are then filled up with the beddings for the coming wounded. The warriors horses are kept in the yard and tended by the children. They may be called on if there are needs for it. It was Lady Helga who chaperoned the non-warriors; the womenfolks, children and infirmed to the Hall of Warriors. There they settled in among the needed supplies and assigned some o be nurses to manage the wounded. Medicines and poultice for healings were distributed for the wounded. Some of the older children are given tasks to be runner or messenger carriers.

The Gods and the clan leader are all at the Hall of the Lords. The Hall was unlike the Hall of Judgment; here there are long tables but they are arranged in two rows to sit all the Lords and clan leaders, while Odin preside the meeting. At the side of the walls are the line up of previous leaders or heroes whose gallantry are recognised here in the Hall. They are represented by their armors and weapons hanging on the wooden frame there. Today, the Hall only sits four Gods'; Odin, Thor, Balder and Heimdall. Heimdall holds in his hand the fabled hunting horn of his, that once blown would rise up the warriors from Asgard.

"Heimdall, keep your ears opened. I need to think but wake me up if they do come." Odin told Heimdall.

"They are already here." Heimdall looked back at Odin as he picked up the horn.

Meanwhile the Crusaders have the Frost Giants massed outside the Halls. Geraldine split the army into four company of equal numbers and assigned them to each of the Crusaders.

"Miles and Kruger, take your company to outside the walls. Helped with the warriors while Clawler and myself would be the flanker." She heard the alert through the horn. That means Lord Seth's army is at the plains near the plateau.

"Hval, I think its time we have a look at the enemies."

It was not Lord Seth's army that approached the plateau but a company of Dwarves with their leader, Kurse. The Dwarves are dressed in their armor and carrying the large picks and maces as their weapons. Kurse was dressed in a red armor with his head gear; a round cylindrical with a flat top and slits for the eyes and nose. He carries a large mace on a short handle with a sword at his waist. Kurse left his army before the barricade and handed over to the Asgard Warrior there the scroll he was holding. The scroll was handed to a rider who took it to Odin.

"Hela, send us her champion with some warriors. She feels lonely without the dead in her realm. Do we accept?" Odin asked the warriors in the hall. None dare to speak or deny the assistance. The Dwarves and Asgard share an uneasy truce with skirmish between the two breeds, and held each other in respect. Finally Thor spoke up to Odin.

"Our fight is with Seth and all in Asgard can joined in as our allies. If we lose his war, they too would suffered under Lord Seth. I said we welcome the Dwarves." There was silence in the Hall until Odin spoke up.

"My son speaks the truth. His.....humble word shall need to be heeded in these times. If I can accept the Frost Giants, then the Dwarves are also acceptable. But before I can do that, I need to ask both Hval and Kurse if they would accept a truce between them?"

Kurse walked up Odin and lowered his mace to the ground. Hval did the same with the issgeisl but they did not looked into each other.

"So be it. The Dwarves shall take the left while the Frost Giant stayed to the ......right." Odin reluctantly gave the command. He hopes to be in the middle but then again, he never had such unusual alliance before.

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