Monday, March 17, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.5

Dark Queen

I heard the door opened, and pulled at the eye shades. No one would dare to come into my chamber except my personal aide. It must have been urgent or she won't step in when I have a set alarm for eleven o’clock. I sat up and saw her standing there with the morning towel and glass of orange.

"Sorry my Queen, you did tell me to wake you at nine o'clock." My aide, Mrs. Treacher; six footer and was ex-military, short cropped hair and still packed the .45 on her left garter hose beneath her skirt. She was dressed in her usual dark two pieces that made her look like a school matron. She was also punctual with instruction. Mrs. Treacher pulled out the electronic tablet, and read the updates.

"Knight secured the package. The parts are on the way to the courier. The transfers came in as agreed." Mrs. Treacher was all work. She continued on. "We got a new request. Burke sent over the details. We are checking the list of donors."

Mrs. Treacher then paused in her report. When she does that, it meant bad news.

"We lost one of our members. She was Rook. 2nd Avenue. Back Alley. She had her organs removed. The other Chessmen are getting agitated." Mrs. Treacher continued on. That was the third one in the last week. I threw the empty glass to the wall. It worked up my sleeping partner; a young boy picked up from train station. He was new to the city and needed some mothering.

"Halloween?" The young and freckled face muttered. We were playing the game of tricks or treats last night.

“Fuck on your own treats.” I elbowed him in the face and then chopped down hard on his throat. He would do for the new organs if he matched, or donate for free.

"Have him removed." I climbed out of the bed. These young studs are good for my night sleep and they oozed quality moisturizer. "I need a shower."

While in the shower, I was updated on the other matters.

"They had no new information from the Pawn traitor." Mrs. Treacher with her experience hardly minced her words. "We need to terminate him. He's broken and useless now."

"There may be more. One of mine needs to be avenged. He is our only link." I told my aide, while I stood there with the hot streaming water removing my night grime and also my urine.

I do it standing most times, and this was one of them. It’s was my father' dream to have a son, but his wife was to provide him the daughter before she died. He was unforgiving and made me an image of his son, before he handed me the family business. I moved it from being a trader to the main provider of the materials. We used to single out the junkies, but the latest demand was for pristine organs.


Soon I joined the team at the basement, where a certain person was tied to the chair, and given the various modes of tortures. He was a new recruit and moved up fast to become a certified Pawn. He was to be promoted to Rook, but he was singled out by one of the informants that told me that he think the guy was a Police informant. The buyer had seen him with some other enforcement characters including the FBI. I got him picked up by the Knight; my very own enforcer last night at the drinking establishment. Since then he had only given me some basic information.

"He does not know much." Mrs. Treacher told me. "All he had was a new number. We rang the number but there was nobody picking it. I got his home address."

"Get him off my premises, leave them there and later finished off his family. Let it known that I do not condone traitors in my team." I looked to the tortured man.

"My Queen, Marlene Phillips is in the City."

"Damn!" I cursed.

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