Monday, March 24, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.33

The new Conflict


Queen Clarity threw the mug in her hand at the fireplace. The wine burst into flame on contact with the fire. She had been brief by the Gaerth that he had not found the Princess since he left her in the dark forest.

“What am I to do with you, Gaerth of the Huntsmen?” Queen Clarity glared at the guard. She was already disappointed that when he was discovered after being missing for over a few days, after his task with Snow White. She had sent the huntsmen to sought him, and if needed bring back his dead body. They did, but they brought back was actually a broken man who was drunk and badly in need of a bath. He was thrown into the dungeon to sober up, and then questioned by the Queen.

“I could not kill her. I had let her go in the forest.” Gaerth confessed to the Queen.

“Fool! Am I always surrounded by fools?” Queen Clarity was furious at the action. She stepped up and slapped the huntsman.

“Throw him back there.” Queen Clarity told the warden of the dungeon. She was not see him for one full moon. It was a long wait for the both of them, and then it was then the Queen called him in. He was dragged into her chamber and left there alone with the Queen.

“Gaerth, are you okay?” Queen Clarity asked him. He looked towards her and then walked to the side table where a jug of wine was located. He took a long drink and then threw the jug at the Queen. She had the jug moved to the fireplace with her spell.

“Gaerth…” Queen Clarity called out in a broken tone, for she felt the pain to see the man she loved standing there. He stepped aside and then looked at her.

“I am no more in your service, Queen Clarity.” Gaerth told her. He reached for the door, but the door won’t open. He turned to look at her.

“So you are going mind sweep again, to make me forget all about you and …..our baby.” Gaerth challenged her. On hearing the last words, Queen Clarity held down her anger. She walked towards the huntsman and invoked the spell of sleep on him. He fell down at her feet, while she looked at him there. Her eyes welled up with tears but soon she cleared her emotion.

A short while later, she had Gaerth cleared off from her chamber. She was all alone then.

“Mirror, mirror on the tree, tell me where is Snow White?”

The mirrors were quiet for a while and then it spoke.

“She is with the dwarfs. They protect her for now.”
“For now? Why protect her?” Queen Clarity asked.

“For her champion to come. Then they would waged war on you.”

Queen Clarity was stunned by the reply. She was not prepared for this. She was expecting to remove Snow White, and continue her reign until she find the new Iron Lady. And Snow White does not feature in her plans. She had to remove the Princess. She cannot invade the dark forest unless she wanted a war with the dwarfs again. Since the last war, they did not lose but decided to have a truce. She knew the truce was an uneasy one, but since the last war, she had won over many other allies.

But this one was personal.

Queen Clarity looked to the basket of apples at her bedside. She loved apples and knew Snow White liked them too. She had seen the last Queen dabbled in it, and she would do the same. Nothing like a good red apple to keep the Princess happy.

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