Sunday, March 30, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.10

Dark Bishop

I looked at the names; the list of names given to me. The employer had given me the resources to do an extensive detail background on the list of hits. I do not question my employer’s selection, as long as I got paid. That was one of my exclusive traits as a professional assassin. This was not my first contract, nor would it be my last.

The list contains seven names, and three were ticked off. The next one was a lady, but the folder after it was the one I was most keen was below. It was marked Billy Dane. Damn! He looked beautiful in the photo; or shall I call him as Billie. He was never the same, not after Dad made him into that image. I recalled the day after I killed the old man; we were holed up in a rented room. He was shaking from the ordeal, and muttering to himself.

"Billy, get hold of your own self." I grabbed him by the shoulders. He was past listening and continued his sobering. I slapped him and then punched him like Dad. He went down whimpering and then cowered on his side. I carried him to the bed, and climbed in with him, I spooned myself behind him. I held him close and shared his pain. We slept that day and the next few days; every time we climbed into the bed together. He becoming more comfortable with it, and soon my lust overcome my senses.

"Mitch, hold me." Billy was in his vest and shorts. I held him tight, and the unexpected happened. It was that Billy was not the only one which had gay tendency. I was too, but hidden from him and Dad. It was just so unexpected. We were never brothers; I was adopted by his mother and taken in by the family. I did that to return the favor for his mother.

Soon I was to returned the favor to Dad; my adopted father. I will kill the son whom he hated.

Dark Queen

I replaced the receiver on its holder. It had been a bad day and that last news, was worse. I picked up the fork and picked at the remaining lunch. By then I had lost my appetite and pushed it away.

"Arrange for Rook' burial expenses." I told Mrs. Treacher.

In the tenure of my operation, I had lost many key figures, of some were kins. Virginia was one of the best, but there were others too, but it was all part of the game. Pieces may be sacrificed in the game. It’s the strategy of the game.

"Mrs. Treacher, call in the favors. Find out where Virginia been lately." I hate to lose good resources.

"We did that already. It was the Agent assigned from the Feds. From our sources, he was checking on her last night. It could be coincidental."

"If he was onto her, that mean they had some leads to work on. Find out more of this Agent. I want him tracked down." I barked out. I am the Queen and in Chess, I am the all powerful with my moves.

“My Queen, what about Marlene Phillips?” Mrs.Treacher was worse than my own mother. She remembered everything and anytime.  

"Agent Marlene Phillips encountered me when I was Knight. She had the last Queen killed in the shootout. If she is here, then that would probably be why the Feds are at the scene. She may be onto us." I recalled the fight we had then.

I lost most of the team from the Queen to the Pawns, with only three survivals; two Pawns and myself. Marlene Phillips was not giving up that easily then and had led the Fed team to track us down for ten months. During our run, we hid out at different places including our head office; the warehouse with high tech surveillance, and even with that, Marlene still managed to trap the team there. I escaped with one other Pawn, and since then, we had laid low. I began recruitment the new team two years ago and rebuild the organization. If she was in the city, I would make sure she would not succeed again. I would have her destroyed before she does that to me.

"I would kill Marlene Phillips." I told Mrs. Treacher.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...