Monday, March 31, 2014

The Crusaders II The stakes increased 11.4

1.          Citadel of the Gods

Fredya checked the supplies for the coming siege while Lady Sif arranged the warriors to their tasks. The Hall of Warrior holds large chambers for storing of supplies while at it rear lies two deep wells to give them water. It also holds a well stocked armory filled with swords, pikes, spears and bow with arrows. All the warriors helped themselves to the arms that was there and carried them to the assigned posts. The vacant spaces are then filled up with the beddings for the coming wounded. The warriors horses are kept in the yard and tended by the children. They may be called on if there are needs for it. It was Lady Helga who chaperoned the non-warriors; the womenfolks, children and infirmed to the Hall of Warriors. There they settled in among the needed supplies and assigned some o be nurses to manage the wounded. Medicines and poultice for healings were distributed for the wounded. Some of the older children are given tasks to be runner or messenger carriers.

The Gods and the clan leader are all at the Hall of the Lords. The Hall was unlike the Hall of Judgment; here there are long tables but they are arranged in two rows to sit all the Lords and clan leaders, while Odin preside the meeting. At the side of the walls are the line up of previous leaders or heroes whose gallantry are recognised here in the Hall. They are represented by their armors and weapons hanging on the wooden frame there. Today, the Hall only sits four Gods'; Odin, Thor, Balder and Heimdall. Heimdall holds in his hand the fabled hunting horn of his, that once blown would rise up the warriors from Asgard.

"Heimdall, keep your ears opened. I need to think but wake me up if they do come." Odin told Heimdall.

"They are already here." Heimdall looked back at Odin as he picked up the horn.

Meanwhile the Crusaders have the Frost Giants massed outside the Halls. Geraldine split the army into four company of equal numbers and assigned them to each of the Crusaders.

"Miles and Kruger, take your company to outside the walls. Helped with the warriors while Clawler and myself would be the flanker." She heard the alert through the horn. That means Lord Seth's army is at the plains near the plateau.

"Hval, I think its time we have a look at the enemies."

It was not Lord Seth's army that approached the plateau but a company of Dwarves with their leader, Kurse. The Dwarves are dressed in their armor and carrying the large picks and maces as their weapons. Kurse was dressed in a red armor with his head gear; a round cylindrical with a flat top and slits for the eyes and nose. He carries a large mace on a short handle with a sword at his waist. Kurse left his army before the barricade and handed over to the Asgard Warrior there the scroll he was holding. The scroll was handed to a rider who took it to Odin.

"Hela, send us her champion with some warriors. She feels lonely without the dead in her realm. Do we accept?" Odin asked the warriors in the hall. None dare to speak or deny the assistance. The Dwarves and Asgard share an uneasy truce with skirmish between the two breeds, and held each other in respect. Finally Thor spoke up to Odin.

"Our fight is with Seth and all in Asgard can joined in as our allies. If we lose his war, they too would suffered under Lord Seth. I said we welcome the Dwarves." There was silence in the Hall until Odin spoke up.

"My son speaks the truth. His.....humble word shall need to be heeded in these times. If I can accept the Frost Giants, then the Dwarves are also acceptable. But before I can do that, I need to ask both Hval and Kurse if they would accept a truce between them?"

Kurse walked up Odin and lowered his mace to the ground. Hval did the same with the issgeisl but they did not looked into each other.

"So be it. The Dwarves shall take the left while the Frost Giant stayed to the ......right." Odin reluctantly gave the command. He hopes to be in the middle but then again, he never had such unusual alliance before.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.36


Gaerth did not make it far into the dark forest, when he was captured by the dwarfs. The later were released from their oath on the truce and had re-formed to re-take their land. They had don their old armors and wield the weapons of their choice. They had formed the columns and attacked the ogres that had taken over the hills, chased out the Elves that lived in the valleys, and took back their mines from the gnomes who dug their gold.

“Gaerth of the Huntsman, we have no welcome for Man, now that the dwarfs are back in the forest and the hills.” Biffy sat in as the Chief of the Council of the Dwarfs. “As we speak now, the other clans of the Dwarfs are coming to rejoin us under one banner; the Mirg Alliance.”

Biffy glared at the huntsman who was captured at the forest, and was to be executed but spared when he mentioned the name Snow White.

“Who is Snow White to you?” Biffy asked. Snow White had been taken by the Prince back to his castle and there she would be protected by the Prince. It was also learned that the Prince would wed the Princess on the approval by the King of his land.

“I am Gaerth of the Huntsman. I was also the protector of Snow White. I came to search for her in the forest, but failed to find her. I need to see her.” The Huntsman spoke out in defense. “The Queen intend to kill her.”

That last statement hushed the members of the Council and Biffy asked again.

“Why should I trust you?” Biffy asked. “You could be the killer that the Queen sent over.”

‘True, but my words are my only offerings. Kill me if you think I am lying.” Gaerth replied. He then closed his eyes to await his punishment. But the dead blow did not come, instead a set of hands was on his shoulder.

“I vouch for him, Council of Mirg. I am Red Hood, a friend of the dwarfs and also of the Princess.” The sweet voice of Red saved him. Later at the far corner and away from the dwarfs, Gaerth asked Red why did she save him.

“Gaerth, I knew you from the castle. I also know your chwaer, and ma’er before her death. You are a good man, and if you had to do harm on the Princess, it would be by the order of the Queen. I know of the Huntsmen; you are all loyal and brave.” Red was dressed in a red vest over her hunting attire with the red cloak on her back. She was armed with the bow and the quiver of arrows.

“Gaerth, we would soon be at war. It’s the wishes of the Princess to remove the Queen, before her wedding to the Prince. They are calling on the other Lords’ to unite under the new Queen, the rightful heir of King Thaddeus; Queen Snow White.” Red told him. “I am here to call on the local people to unite too, and oust the Queen. I may need you to get the Huntsmen on our side.”

“It’s a far order, red. I am not the leader of the Huntsmen. And neither is Alan. They are now under a new leader named Kane and he answered to the Queen personally.” Gaerth told the other lady. “Kane had his own men to command the columns now.”

“But the men in the columns remembered you. You were Gaerth the Loyal One. They would rally to you, maybe not all, but most.” Red told him. “If you can get one of the huntsman to join you, then that is one less Huntsman to fight against.”

“And among friends, we would be killing. I cannot be a part of that.” Gaerth replied with a sigh.

“Then tell them who are their real friends, and Queen.” Red imposed on him. Gaerth stood up and then walked away without a word.

Across the land, in the new castle of Prince William, King Charles listened to his son. He was glad that the Prince had returned to his castle, but displeased that he came back with many requests. And among them was to declare war on Queen Clarity.

“Are you mad, my Prince?” King Charles looked to his son. He then glanced at the young lady by the side of the Prince. “No link to you, my dear. Just only on my son.”

“You called for war with the Iron Lady? Do you know who is her? She wield powers which even King Arthur would shudder to challenge.” King Charles was a close ally of King Arthur then who was still fighting on his borders with the other Lords’.

“I have an army of Man, but she had an army of sorts, including ogres, and elves.” King Charles shuddered at the thought of flying dragons if they do exist. “Your distant Uncle George would had declared ‘non-combatants’ conditions if he was here.”

“But my King, we must fight. It’s a matter of time, before Queen Clarity would invade us. She would knowing that I am with Snow White.” Prince William told the King. “Surely, you do not want to me wander forever looking for a lady I could love.”

With that statement, a few noble ladies in the Main Hall all ran out weeping. King Charles looked at his son and then at Snow White.

“Give me one good reason, I must fight this war.”

The Prince marched up to the King and whispered to him in the ears.

“Oh my, we do need to fight this war for sure. I can’t have my lands taken from …Is it a him or her?” The King asked. The Prince smiled.

“Probably a boy.” That made the King smiled. With that the King sent out emissaries to all his allied Lords for their commitment of unfulfilled favors. And he then ventured to consult the carpenters for the new chamber. It was during then, the King was visited by the arrival of the knights from the Round Table.

“King Arthur conveyed his regrets of doing coming over, but he sent me to be his champion.” Sir Lancelot bowed to King Charles. “The King offered his alliance to fight this Queen. I come with an army of two thousand strong men and a loving heart.”

The noble ladies rushed off to brighten their facial masks on that line, but Sir Lancelot had his eyes on Snow White. She was as beautiful as Guinevere, the consort of King Arthur. He wondered then if the Prince would to perish in battle, would she consent to his request to ride with him back to Castle Joyous.

In the castle of Queen Clarity, the Queen had recovered but she found her walk was impeded by the limp. She had then arranged for her servant to carry her on the throne chair whenever she was to meet anyone. That day, she was meeting the Lords who had assembled to show their loyalty.

“Obviously, there must a plague in my lands to see half my Hall filled up.” Queen Clarity turned to look at the healers. “Are they all unwell, or dead?”

“No, my Queen. I have no idea of their whereabouts, and the land is freed of plague.”

“My Queen, if I may intrude.” Kane of the Huntsmen stood forth to address the Queen. “The other Lords are shying away from their responsibilities to you for fear of reprisal by the people. There had been news that was passed to them that you are an evil Queen, and does not deserved to be retained.”

“Vile words of deceits spread by gossiping, I believed. Nevertheless, effective and troublesome. Men despite their bravado somehow still grasped onto their mother teats for the essential milk even when they held their own lovers’ in their mouth. I am not a real mother and may offered them none of these milks.”

The Lords in the Main Hall all looked down or ashamed that they are branded as mother’s pet despite the thousands they command. Kane laughed out loud as he was an orphan and his milking came from the cow udders.

“I concurred that with all your army,” Queen Clarity glared at the Lords’, “I would be defeated before the next full moon.”

“Therefore, I had come to asked for some other assistance.” Queen Clarity despite her limp, stood up and walked over to the window. “Look to the tree line, my Lords. Behold my new army.”

At the tree line, columns of army were seen, but they were not of Man. They were Ogres, Gnomes and Elves. An uneasy alliance but shared among them was the elimination of the dwarfs of Mirg.

With an exception of three dwarfs, who were currently in the dungeons courtesy of the Queen. She had enslaved them with her superior magic, and had found their services not needed any more.

The Queen turned to her Lords and told them off.

“No one challenged me. I am the Iron Lady and would not be defeated that easily.” Queen Clarity glared at them. “Anyone not of use would be removed without reservation.”

At that moment, the three dwarfs in the dungeon found their throats slit by the wardens. Thus ended the saga of Killer, Greed and Influence.

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.10

Dark Bishop

I looked at the names; the list of names given to me. The employer had given me the resources to do an extensive detail background on the list of hits. I do not question my employer’s selection, as long as I got paid. That was one of my exclusive traits as a professional assassin. This was not my first contract, nor would it be my last.

The list contains seven names, and three were ticked off. The next one was a lady, but the folder after it was the one I was most keen was below. It was marked Billy Dane. Damn! He looked beautiful in the photo; or shall I call him as Billie. He was never the same, not after Dad made him into that image. I recalled the day after I killed the old man; we were holed up in a rented room. He was shaking from the ordeal, and muttering to himself.

"Billy, get hold of your own self." I grabbed him by the shoulders. He was past listening and continued his sobering. I slapped him and then punched him like Dad. He went down whimpering and then cowered on his side. I carried him to the bed, and climbed in with him, I spooned myself behind him. I held him close and shared his pain. We slept that day and the next few days; every time we climbed into the bed together. He becoming more comfortable with it, and soon my lust overcome my senses.

"Mitch, hold me." Billy was in his vest and shorts. I held him tight, and the unexpected happened. It was that Billy was not the only one which had gay tendency. I was too, but hidden from him and Dad. It was just so unexpected. We were never brothers; I was adopted by his mother and taken in by the family. I did that to return the favor for his mother.

Soon I was to returned the favor to Dad; my adopted father. I will kill the son whom he hated.

Dark Queen

I replaced the receiver on its holder. It had been a bad day and that last news, was worse. I picked up the fork and picked at the remaining lunch. By then I had lost my appetite and pushed it away.

"Arrange for Rook' burial expenses." I told Mrs. Treacher.

In the tenure of my operation, I had lost many key figures, of some were kins. Virginia was one of the best, but there were others too, but it was all part of the game. Pieces may be sacrificed in the game. It’s the strategy of the game.

"Mrs. Treacher, call in the favors. Find out where Virginia been lately." I hate to lose good resources.

"We did that already. It was the Agent assigned from the Feds. From our sources, he was checking on her last night. It could be coincidental."

"If he was onto her, that mean they had some leads to work on. Find out more of this Agent. I want him tracked down." I barked out. I am the Queen and in Chess, I am the all powerful with my moves.

“My Queen, what about Marlene Phillips?” Mrs.Treacher was worse than my own mother. She remembered everything and anytime.  

"Agent Marlene Phillips encountered me when I was Knight. She had the last Queen killed in the shootout. If she is here, then that would probably be why the Feds are at the scene. She may be onto us." I recalled the fight we had then.

I lost most of the team from the Queen to the Pawns, with only three survivals; two Pawns and myself. Marlene Phillips was not giving up that easily then and had led the Fed team to track us down for ten months. During our run, we hid out at different places including our head office; the warehouse with high tech surveillance, and even with that, Marlene still managed to trap the team there. I escaped with one other Pawn, and since then, we had laid low. I began recruitment the new team two years ago and rebuild the organization. If she was in the city, I would make sure she would not succeed again. I would have her destroyed before she does that to me.

"I would kill Marlene Phillips." I told Mrs. Treacher.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.35


For a full moon period, the dwarfs could not revive the Princess. Doc searched the scrolls and also sent out messages to the others, but no one replied. Merlin’ reply was unwelcoming. The seven dwarfs placed the Princess inside a glass display case. They had her case placed inside a cavern inside the mining cave, surrounded by precious gems and ores. The dwarfs of Mirg had come to pay their respect as if she was dead, or she was actually in the state of sleep.

“Doc of Mirg, we came not only to pay our respect to her. We came to asked you to revive the Clan. Since the last season, the dwarfs had been attacked by Ogres, and also the Elves. We had a truce but they are not adhering to it.” The one who spoke was a older dwarf with his heavy beard named Biffy. He was also a member of the old Council.

“I stand by Biffy.” Another senior dwarf supported the motion. “I had seen those Elves. They are vicious and had killed one of my mates.”

Soon the dwarfs of Mirg had agreed to be re-united and called on the battle to regain their honor. They did not notice the arrival of a charming man in the leather suit. He stepped up and soon approached the glass case. He was stopped by a dwarf who viewed Man also as an enemy of theirs.

“Leave, Man of the realm.” The dwarf told the leather man.

“I am not any man. I am Prince William of Carven. It’s a small kingdom on the far side of the forest.” Carven was a breakaway of the lands under King Thaddeus. During Queen Clarity rule, it had broken off but because of its insignificant land but the Lord Carven had nurtured it with some good allies. Prince William was on one of his trip to bring in more allies, when he heard of the sleeping Princess.

“I come to see her and then would leave.” Prince William told the dwarf. The dwarf was to challenged him when another walked up.

“Let him be, Grumpy. He is a Prince and may be a friend.” Doc told the other. With that, Prince William approached the case. He looked in and saw the Princess.

She was beautiful.

She was so young to die.

No, she was still breathing.

The Prince did the unthinkable. He pulled and pushed the lid off the glass case. It fell off the side and shattered into pieces. The loud sound of the breaking glass vibrated off the other sides of the glass case, and caused them to vibrate. It all collapsed down on the ground, and it was a loud boom. At that moment, the sound penetrated through the magical veil that covered the Princess, and jolted her from the sleep. The apple piece was removed of its spell and it woke her up. She looked up and saw the Prince staring at her.

It was like her dream.

A Prince to save her.

Well, a dusty and dirtied Prince in his suit may still suffice.

The Prince leaned down to kiss her.

The Princess pout her lips for his.

His lips landed on her left cheek and then he smiled.

“Your cheek look rosy.”

The Princess smiled.

He had not seen other parts of me which as rosy too.

The scene of affection was soon infected with violence when Doc and Grumpy wrestle the Prince to the ground.

“How could you open the glass case?” They had the right to complaint as they took days to construct the glass case.

“Dwarfs, stop the fight. He saved me.” The Princess shouted out. The dwarfs stopped their battering of the Prince and looked to the Princess.

“Snow White’s alive.” Doc shouted out in a jubilant mood. Grumpy also snarled up one of his rare laughter. Prince William pulled himself up and walked over to the Princess. His face looked as it was suffering from allergy attacks.

“Are those your friends or relatives?” Prince William asked.

“Those? More like body guards. But I would leave them outside the chamber next time.” Snow White replied.

In another part of the land, Queen Clarity opened her eyes to see her herself back in her own chamber. She tried to move her body but it ached all over. Part of her right leg was in bandages. She looked to the side of her bedding and saw the healers.

“My Queen, you are awake.” The Chief Healer spoke to her. “It was the huntsman who brought you back. He found you in the gorge and saved you.”

The Queen pulled herself up and sat by the pillow. She asked the healers of her conditions.

“You had some broken bones, but the leg was bad. You may not be able to walk for a while.” The Healer held back his tongue to tell her that she would be limping for the rest of her life. “But you would be fine soon.”

“Who is the Huntsman that saved me” Queen Clarity asked.

“It’s I, my Queen.” Gaerth stepped from the far corner. “I was posted to that area, and saw your body. I carried you back here.”

Queen Clarity looked at the man she had banished from her life. Yet he had saved her once more. She then spoke to the healers on her condition, ignoring the huntsman. Gaerth took the excuse to leave the chamber and walked to his horse at the stable. He met Alan Bates on the way.

“Is the Queen alright?” Alan asked.

“Yes, she would be fine. I am leaving for the forest to resume my tasks.” Gaerth mount the horse and rode off without another word. Once he had reached the forest, his mind trailed back to the Queen. He had found her when he rode along the stream in the gorge. He saw at first was a lady but later identified her as the Queen. She was too weak to travel, so he build a camp there and shelter her. He had dressed her wounds as neatly as he was trained. The right leg bone was broken in three places, so he fashioned a splint for her. He then waited for her recover for the ride back to the castle. During the night, she had bouts of fever and was talking in her sleep. She called out his name many times in her feverish state, but he did not reply to her. He just held her like the old days till she was asleep.

Gaerth since his banishment had given up on his drinking and resumed his task as the Huntsman. He had slowly mend his body and was then a much improved person. He soon took the Queen back and the rest was known.

“Huntsman!” Gaerth heard the call, and saw the old hunter who lived in the dark forest.

“I heard of the Princess in the glass case.” There were rumors of such, but Gaerth had ignored it. “She had been rescued by a Prince.”

Gaerth smiled at the mention. It seems the rumor had improved in its contents every time he hears of it.

“They said the Princess was Snow White.”

The mention of the name Snow White, hit his mind like mallet on the metal. He asked the old hunter of the location of the glass case. He gave the huntsman the directions and Gaerth rode to seek the Princess he was to kill.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Crusaders II The stakes increased 11.3

1.          The Manor at Siberia forest

Asmodeus handed over the electronic pad to Lucifer who read it with glee. He then punched in the instructions and passed back the pad. Asmodeus looked at the reply and then looked up at Lucifer.

"You cleared the European Charter to go reinforced the Alps Shrine. Why? Are they in any threat?" Asmodeus asked back as he had wanted Mammon to be his hidden ally in this war. Mammon was doing a good task there; recruiting in the vampires and holding off the werewolves.

"Yes, they are. The Crusader is targeting to hit the European Shrine soon. You may not know this, but in the shrine, there is something of value there. They know about it."

"What is of value there? We used that place as a staging area. No one said anything of value there."

"Then asked Mammon. He;s your secret ally. " Lucifer told him.

"Mammon is our ally. He knows our war.... Why are we he having secret pact?" Asmodeus protested on the loyalty of Mammon. "Why are you creating rift between us? Putting Satan to watch over me and refusing to be in the alliance, and yet you drive it among us."

"No, Asmodeus. You are the rightful leader of this declare war. You said so yourself and walked out of the room that day." Lucifer corrected the other Prince of Darkness.

"A war which I was asked to start by your son, Baal. Baal have been harassing me to fight this war, instigating me to revolt against you. Work with Loki and conquered both dimensions." Asmodeus shook his head. "I should had listen more than to be....myself."

"Greed for power was your weakness, Asmodeus. Its seduces your mind and you followed my son's lead." Lucifer laughed. "You were always a fool."

"Baal gave the amulet to Clawler." Lucifer continues. "He could had fought more to hold onto it. He ought to know by doing it, Clawler can lay claim to the leadership. If he defeat Fenrir, then we have a stronger enemy to contend with. Baal is Fenrir' creation So he would not let that happened. Baal know that Clawler would not lead the wolves; he's Windingo. But his desire to kill Wilhelm was more in deep. He went to the Asia Shrine to meet Wilhelm."

"I thought you hated Baal? Was it not because of past dealings he done to you.? The betrayal then which you were abducted....." Asmodeus asked.

"No! I was not abducted but allowed me to be detained to see my plan go through." Lucifer corrected the other. Then he got irritated. "Asmodeus, you asked too many questions. I do not want your involvement any more. You are slowing things down."

Asmodeus stepped back and glared at Lucifer.

"You planned all of this. From the start, you wanted us to be seen helping you but in actual fact, you were using us. You and Baal are working together." Asmodeus turned to walk away.

"Stop! You may not leave." Asmodeus find himself paralyzed in motion. He could not move at all. Its like his limbs are all frozen.

"I have to warn the others." Asmodeus tried to communicate with the others, but he finds his thoughts disrupted with bombardment of vibrations. "I can't concentrate....."

Lucifer called on a spell which binds the other Prince of Darkness into a worm like creature. Lucifer then picked up the worm and placed it in a jar. He placed the jar into the deep freezer.

"Welcome to Hell, Asmodeus."

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.9

Dark Knight

I was to sleep till past noon, but the portable rang. I rolled over and picked it up.

"Billy Dane." That was my name if there was a need to be a Man, but if it’s a Wo-Man with Tits they want, then my name was Billie Diane.

"Billy, it’s me, Anne." I knew Anne. She was from the Precinct; our own informant. "They got Virginia."

"I would call you back." I told Anne. I turned off the portable. Sleep was not needed then, while I got dressed and went down to look for Anne at the Precinct. We met at the Cafe across the street.

"I saw the report when I checked in. She was knifed like the others." Anne was in between tears. She knew Virginia; she was a Rook. “Are we in danger?"

In the past, there were threats before from rival organization which the Queen had handled with her diplomacy or by stern actions. They had all survived those previous threats, but this was different. A Rook had fallen and the Pawns were concerned.

"Any leads?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I am not in the Task Force. There is one Agent, Micheal Darren. He was working with Simon."

"Simon? I know Simon." I smiled. “But I don’t do cops. I guessed I would have to change rules.”

"Yeah, he liked you but you shied away. He could tell from your looks. He was into you." Anne replied. I then asked her on Tom, my other informant in Forensics.

"He's okay. I guessed he got the Forensics covered with Audrey there. She adored him." We had certain key persons to ensure the information we need are available. I said my goodbye to Anne and left. If I am to get at Simon, I needed some help from some friends.

The place was located at the business district but well hidden with the bakery occupying the other half. Its accessed was via the side entrance of the bakery. I walked along the dim light narrow way; saw the high definition camera over my head. I knocked on the door, at the end. There were no names required; if they don't like my look, the door would remain closed.

"Hello, Billie." The lady who ran the place was behind the counter. She was small framed in that blouse and jeans, but many had under estimated the lady who was also an ex-wrestler.  

"Darla had been calling for you. She was in need for you but you did not reply." Darla was one of my regulars for the weekly physical therapy. In her other life, she was a stock trader with three failed marriage relationships until she found me. I kept her satisfied while she satisfies me with some good market tips. Lately, I was caught on other issues, and could not reply her calls. Upon entering the room, I saw Darla partially dressed in her top half of her business suit, while standing with her back to me. She had been drinking; one of her bad habits when under stress.

“Hello, Darla.” I walked up to her and grabbed her by the waist. She leaned back and laid her head on my right shoulder. She pulled out the vibrator from her, and threw it aside.

“Fuck me.” I did as she asked. Soon after several intense sessions, Darla laid back on the bedding while I poised my body over her left side. It was time for me call in a favor.

"Can you get me into the Planet Core?" The Planet Core was a place which Simon also patronized.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.34


Snow White looked at the dishes left by the dwarfs from their breakfast meals. They may be great wizards and miners, but they are hopeless with housekeeping. Since she had stayed there, she had been like a servant handling the washing and cleaning. She was kept busy from day break to night time, with the last hours of the day listening to the dwarfs talking of their mining. There was no mention of anything regarding the Queen or the huntsmen, or anything relating to the lands. However she did have the company of the other animals, like the badger who likes to dip his head into the trash, and the birds cheered her up when she was washing. She get the occasional assistance from the others who would bring over the fruits and vegetables. The dwarfs on the rare evenings may haul back some meat and they would all feed on it for some time depending on the size of the capture.

Every time, Doc leaves the house, he told her to be wary of any strangers. He said they hardly had any, and don’t trust the honey bears. They take more than they offered. He once offered to leave Dopey behind, but the Princess was insistent that she was safe. Doc then told her the house was protected from any magic, and she was not leave the place alone.

“Hello there?” Snow White heard the call. She was packing up the dishes, when the call came. She looked out of the window and saw a frail looking old lady standing there with a basket of red apples. She was hesitant to reply but the old lady saw her.

“Oh, hello there. Can I speak to you?” The old lady voiced out. “I am thirsty and in need of water.”

“There is a water barrel by the side of the door. You may drink it. Its clean.” Snow White replied. The old lady walked towards it and slipped on the ground. She screamed out in pain, and Snow White rushed out. She pulled the old lady up and saw the apples have spilled out. She helped the old lady to collect the apples.

“Thank you, my dear. Here have an apple for your kindness.” The old lady offered one of her apples to the Princess. “May I know your name, my dear?”

“It’s Snow White.” The Princess replied within hesitation. In her mind then was what harm the old lady could do to her.

“Snow White. A lovely name. I got to go. I have a houseful of mouths to feed.” The old lady walked away while Snow White looked to her departure. She then remembered the red apple in her hand, and smiled. She would eat later after she had completed her tasks.

Soon later, after she had cooked the meals for the dwarfs, she remembered the apple. It was still there on the table. She picked it up and took a bite. It was delicious, and the feeling rippled through her body. It sent shivers down her spine and then her head felt heavy. She soon found herself seeping into unconsciousness, and it was dark.

Not long later, the dwarfs came trooping in from the mines. Doc saw the animals that were the Princess companions all around the house. He knew something was wrong and rushed in. He saw her lying on the floor with the half eaten apple in her hand.

“Snow White!” Doc rushed forth and tried to revive her. “She was poisoned.”

Doc saw the apple and pointed at it. He tried to force the piece of the eaten apple out but it was not working. It was then Grumpy who spoke out.

“Doc, we have to use our magic to save her.” Grumpy had the pleading look on his face. He wanted to have permission to use it but only with the consent of the leader. Doc hesitated and tried to revive the Princess.

“We cannot delay. She cannot end up like Dopey.” Grumpy reminded the other of what had happened to Dopey. He was rescued by the dwarfs but Doc refused to let them use their crafts to revenge for what they did to Dopey. He lived to regret it every day on seeing how Dopey who was once the wiser of the lot and then became a dull dwarf.

Doc then gave up on the effort and nodded his head. The dwarfs cheered and ran to collect their old stuff.

Doc collected his wand with his ability to call up the spells and magic.

Grumpy collected his battle axe which gives out a flame on contact with magic..

Happy grabbed his bow and quiver. He was most happy when he shoots the bow.

Sneezy collected his set of daggers. He was good at it with every snooze, he could throw them with accuracy.

Bashful collected his shield and the dagger. He was their protector on the attacking spells

Sleepy had his own bags of magical dusts.

Only Dopey sat there looking glum. He could not recall his specialities.

“Grumpy, Happy, Sneezy.” Doc called them. “Find the assailant. The rest helped me to carry her in.”

The trio who went to search for the person who have caused the Princess to be poisoned. Doc used his wand to call on the magic to help her, but he could not find the spell which may bring out the apple piece but it was not working.

“Damned” Doc cursed out. His grasp of the crafts was rusty, and needed some practice. Bashful stepped up and offered his dagger to cut her open and remove the apple piece. Doc stopped him, although the dagger had a magical blade which would cut without bleeding.

In the dark forest, Grumpy was fleet on his legs as he jumped over the roots and ducked below the branches. Happy had followed close behind, while Sneezy was slower but keeping them in sight. They saw the tracks and then animals spoke to them. The beetles told them of the old lady was not old but a younger lady version then. She was headed for the plains outside of the forest.

“Sneezy, she headed for the plains. Take the valley and head her off. I would make sure she does not change directions.” Grumpy told the last of the trio. Sneezy grabbed a doe in his part and sprang off with it.

Grumpy knew the dark forest and cornered her before she reached the plains. She saw the other was in waiting for her before the plains, so she side tracked to the nearby hills.

“Damned!” Grumpy cursed. He warn Bashful of their new direction. Those hills are not the favorite ground; there are Ogres there. It was getting dark and Grumpy was getting agitated that they are so slow. It was like the old days when they could have cornered the prey sooner.

Queen Clarity saw the dwarfs on her rear and picked up her pace. She was familiar with this dark forest, although she used to run in it when she was younger. She was headed for the hills so she could alert the huntsmen in the forest. It was then when she slipped on the trail and hurt her left shin. She limped and ran on, despite the pain. She must reach the top and there she had allies.

Grumpy saw her climbing up the hill side, and knew she was moving to the top so she can alert the huntsmen. It may not stop them, but they could add in more trouble for them. The weather was turning to dark skies and then the lightning was flashing down in streaks.

“Bashful, the weather is getting bad. It would be dark fast.” Grumpy took up his battle axe and lit up the blade. He called on the magic that powered his axe. He continued on his pursuit, and soon closed the distance.

“Bitch~” Grumpy shouted to the Queen, but the later turned to released a spell of fire from her left hand. He raised up his axe and deflected the fire attack. He swung back with his axe, but the ogre appeared out of the trees to take the blow.

“Who?” Grumpy sighed when he recognized the ogre. It was he feared to meet on the hills.

“Dwarf! I like them.” The ogre rushed at Grumpy but then Bashful had intervened with his daggers. The seven daggers stopped the ogre which collapsed writhing in pain. Bashful recalled the magical dagger from the ogre but the lady had run ahead.

“Bashful, I think it was the Queen.” Grumpy told the other while he gave chase. The lady had arrived at the top of the hill, and found herself trapped. She could not move forward, as there was the steep cliff, that dropped down to the bottom. She looked back to the advancing dwarfs and stepped back. She felt her footing was on shaky ground and then the lightning came down. It spook her and caused her to fall back over the steep cliff.

“Aargh!” Queen Clarity screamed out when she fell.

The Crusaders II The stakes increased 11.2

1.          The Halls of Judgment

Odin looked at the newly arrived guests to grace the Hall. He was apprehensive when he first saw Geraldine but now with the other three at her side, he can see that they are formidable foes. The four guests are standing in the center of the Hall while the warriors of Asgard stands on both sides. Thor was most annoyed as having one to usurp him was already insulting but now with an additional three more of them was unacceptable.

"I protest, my Lord; more of them are seen as an insult to our warriors. We are your warriors, and would never be placed as below that of the ...outsiders." Thor stood before his Lord.

"Silence! I did not asked for your words on the matter." Odin came out loud in this voice. "Thor would have his own warriors back. Now they had seen their weakness; I expect them to be the warriors they were once before. Before the lull in the fighting made them weak. As for the Valkyrie, they shall ride with Lady Sif."

Odin look to the Crusaders.

"I have another army for you. Not of men or women, but of warriors breed. Bring forth my guests now." Odin command. The doorway of the Hall was thrown open and heavy footsteps are heard as the Frost Giants stepped in to the Hall.

"Frost Giants here?" Thor shouts out in anger but Odin stopped his outburst with the slammed down fist.

"Come in, Hval son of my old foe, the Giants." Hval walked in with two of his warriors all carrying the famed issgeisl; weapon of the Frost Giants. Hval walked in and bowed to the Lord of Asgard before he looked at Geraldine.

"I heard of your exploits. I am honored to know and to serve you. We, the Frost Giants would serve you." Hval bowed to the leader of the Crusaders. "My army of a thousand awaits your command. March us to Hell and we would wiped it off the dimension."

"Good words, Hval but Lord Seth would not stopped at Asgard. Your homes would be next and then the Dwarves. No one would be safe." Odin then stepped off from his throne. He whispered to his ravens and they flew off. "We are outnumbered and we need to bring the fight to us. The place to fight would the Citadel of the Gods."

The citadel was situated on a high rectangle plateau with steep cliffs on all sides except the northern cliff; where it tapers down on a low gradient to the plains. Along the gradient path was a row of five metres high statue of the heroes watching the plains on the left side while on the right side were the statue of the Gods and Lords. These statues were made of stones and probably weighs a few tons. Its only two hundred metres across on the gradient and the warriors have build three barricades on the way up. Each barricade is covered with a wall of stones and iron spikes. Each barricade have also their offensive weapons; ballista with a double bolt release mechanism. The bolts are dipped in silver for this battle. Each barricade would have a squad of a hundred warriors manning it, while the Valkyrie manned the main citadel.

The citadel had a high wall build facing the plains with only the two gates fronting the only entrance and exit from this place. There are no side walls as the fort was built into the plateau with unscalable sides. Inside the fort, there are three main structures; the center one was the Hall of Asgard, with the left building the Hall of the Lords and the right one the Hall of Warriors. Just like the two gates at the wall, one was for Lords and the other Warriors. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tweet ...Tweetttt...Crusaders III done...25/03

Wow! The last chapter was the most difficult. I admit this was my most far reaching tale which touched on some sensitive issues. I had to wrapped it up on the origin of the Crusaders, the figures behind it, and why the quests. God did help though and with that I am here to declare I done it.

The Crusaders Trilogy done, and would soon appear here the Final Part; after we completed Part II currently in the run still at the halfway mark.

What am I doing now? Besides watching some series ( Reign on Queen Mary of Scots/ Castle S05/ Hannibal S02, HELIX  ) and watching some mini series ( Bonnie & Cylde, Hatfields and McCoys ) with a dash of Frozen ( fast forward most times. ), I had embarked on Prey & Predators III.

What would P&P III offer? Well, it won't be Pampers & Poultice for sure, but more sizzling, grilling, and kneading.....Need I elaborate. I based it in the Capone Era. It would have jazz, bob hair cuts, mobster gunned down, and also the mystery of why Valentino was so popular then.

Till then, keep on the reading.


Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.8

White Pawn

That place was not on any Trip Advisory page, but it would do for me. I stepped in and was confronted by the shout from the bar.

"The place is close." The person there was a guy tending the polishing of the glasses behind the bar. He was a large hunky man in his tight sweat shirt and a bandanna over his head. He also had a thick moustache on his upper lips making him an aristocratic look of a brawler.

“FBI, I am here to see the Manager.” I took out my badge to show him.

“Ian Bannion. I owned this place.” The bartender replied.

“Micheal Darren, Special Agent.” I introduced myself, while handling over the receipt. “Do you know who the patron? Perhaps you could check the system~”

“I know her. She is Virginia Smith. She is our regular.” Ian replied. “She’s here to see her friend, Steven. I don’t know his full name.”

“Do you know where I can get in contact with Steven?” I asked back. “Or his friends?”

Ian shook his head. He explained that he only knew Steven as one of his patron. However, he said Steven have another friend that also patronized his place.

“Her name is Alice or something.” Ian reached in and took out a name card. “She left it for me. It had her number and address. A great lay, but kinky at times.”

I smiled at the guy. It was out of curiosity I asked him of Sylvia Gates.

“Sylvia? Nope, I don’t know that name.” The guy shrugged his shoulders. “Listen, if you are cleared of your questions, I have loads of cleaning to do.”

That was my cue to leave the place. I thanked him and took myself outside to hail a cab. It was then my portable rang. It was Simon. He wanted to see me at the Morgue.

“Come in, Micheal. Doctor Brady had some update for us on Victim No.5.” Simon greeted me there at the Morgue. I saw the corpse on the metallic table. It was another lady.

“Micheal, meet up with Ruth Herring.” Simon motioned to me at the lady there. “Ruth Herring; twenty seven, single and healthy but without her vital organs. She was our duo this morning.”

I stepped up and looked at the body. I looked at the exposed cavity and noted the incisions made by the Coroner. It was not a fair sight for one when you had not accustomed to it. I seen many of it, but still I felt the urge to throw up whenever I am looking at it.

Doctor Brady stood by my side, and confirmed my observation.

“I compared her body to the other victim, Virginia. There was a distinct difference; Ruth had her organs removed with surgical precision but the cuts on Virginia were cruder. These are done by two different persons.” Doctor Brady smiled at his effort. “Ruth was killed by the original organ killer, while the copy cat did this.”

The copy cat was my conclusion having examined the three of the killings from the nine. The cuts were made without the precision of a trained professional.

“I would correct myself. Virginia cuts were more of like a butcher, or a killer. Of the many I had seen, they are not done surgically. The other two victims were the same as Ruth.” Doctor Brady supported my observations while he held up the surgical blade in his hand. “More to it, she was cut while still alive. Or near to death. A painful way to die.”

“Damn!” Simon cursed out.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...