Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Tempest Prologue 8

Prologue 8

It was not all roses for Steven. He may be the one you called on but of late he was not reliable. Soon after Mrs Baldwin left the pavilion, he found himself spent on the next thrust. He tried to go on but he was deflating fast. She pushed him off.

"Steven, what happened?" Anne sat up on her own, She was a thin person with years of bulimia but a hearty appetite for sex, which was why her husband sent her here. He told the doctors, she needed more than 'vitamins' and so they allowed her amorous adventures for anyone game to take it on. Steven and Timothy then nicknamed Laurel and Hardy took the tab chits.

Steven shook his head but Anne was not in the mood. She sulked off to rejoin Mrs Baldwin at the bridge game. Steven got his clothes on but that did not missed the attention of one other nurse, Alice who was walking back to her unit, met him halfway She was smiling and probably got paid for her personal massage therapy.

"Maybe you needed one of my massage to liven up the thing." Alice smiled at him. "I could offered you a discount."

Steven was not into parting his wealth when it came to sex or anything. He was the taker and never the giver unless its his bodily fluids. He rushed off back to his own unit where he kept his own personal tonic of vitality. He took it out of the crate and drank a half measure before he paused. He looked at himself; still in his prime but something stung him there. It was not stinging hard for long.

Damned! He knew the reason. He had just induced into the sodomy acts but he should had picked his bed fellows. Damned! They all looked alike from the rear was how he viewed it. Maybe one of them cursed him and he was suffering for it. He would go and see Doctor Micheal. The man know what was to be done.

"Steven, its not your thing. Its your body. You been enhancing it with the drugs and what else. Its killing you inside. I could recommend you a leave of works to recover." Doctor Micheal was explaining to him but he rejected it. He did get those potions from the Chinese Shop and later from the Oriental looking dark guy. It worked him wonders; he was a bull, but lately its hitting him hard.

He went for the bottle of liquor instead. It made him strong and sometimes forgetful. What better combination that those two?

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