Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Tempest Act 3, Scene 1 Part 3

 Act 3, Scene 1 Part 3

Paul earlier told Ariel to take Freddy to cut some more woods, since Kabib was missing from there. It was a hard task for one who was used to sitting behind a desk. He soon arrived at the yard where Freddy was chopping the woods. He had his daughter seated at the doorway of the block watching the man do the chopping. Paul left his daughter there.

Freddy saw the lady sitting there. He smiled to himself. He was Alan Nates' son, and yet here he was a servant with shackles on his legs. He looked to his labors and knew that it was hard but no harder than that of being the son. He was not like his father; he lack the brutality or madness that his father had. He was more like his mother; gentler and more of a negotiator with wisdom than fists. He recalled his scene with Colin, he would had negotiated the ways of getting back the black and white; what money could not buy was his motto, but his father took on the impromptu justice. When he was in London to do his studies, he had his moments when he would walked the fine line. He had many friends then; but never once did he crossed the line on giving up on his chastity to anyone. He was fine with the petting and kisses, but he drew on the line when it came to full sex.

Why? His good friends asked of him.

"I am saving it for my real love. None of them are. They are after me because I am Alan Nates son." That lost him his circle of friends, but he cared not. He believed in the love of the real one. Like the one he saw then; seated by the doorway, though she was sightless, but she saw more of him than the others. In his heart, he believes it so.

"There be some tasks painful, and their labor
 Delight in them sets off: some kinds of baseness
 Are nobly undergone, and most poor matters
 Point to rich ends"

Freddy muttered to himself when he raised the axe. He did studied in play writes then besides his accountancy major and pictured himself like Ferdinand the character from the Shakespeare play then.

"You mistaken on the words, Freddy. It was 'there be some lessons painful'. I was read Shakespeare by my father when young." Miranda corrected him.

Freddy laughed and recite the next lines of the plays.

"This my mean task
 Would be as heavy to me as odious; but 
 The Miranda which I serve quickens what's dead
 And makes my labors pleasures: O! she is
 Ten times more gentle than her father's crabbed,
 And he's composed of harshness."

"Oh, no. You must not said that of my father. He meant well; well I hoped he does. We been here so long. It could of  that he turned harsh as you placed it." Miranda replied "But never to me."

Miranda smiled.

"Freddy, may I assist you in stacking them?" Miranda asked hearing of his deep breaths and sigh. That showed he was getting tired from the task.

"But these sweet thoughts do even refresh my labors." Freddy replied to her, and heaved out another sigh which caused Miranda to laugh.

"Your speech does not speak well of your muscles." Miranda replied.

"No, my lady. You may not need to dirtied your hands on this task. Its mine which would do the honor of keeping the warm fire for your cold nights." Freddy smiled and renewed his chopping with the new energy he got from her. He then turned to her and asked her name.

"I heeded not your name, my lady. I admit I was in pain then" Freddy looked away and smiled to himself. "Pray tell, so that my heart would not ache for it in the dark corridors."

Miranda laughed at the words. She was amused by this young man, although in sight he was not seen, but in her mind she felt his presence. Miranda weep on her eyes when she heard the chops on the wood. Each chop signify to her was like another beat of his heart to her's but she lack the sight to lent to his on the direction of the axe. She felt so helpless sitting there.

"My name is Miranda." She was forbidden by her father to tell her full name. She stopped at that.

"Miranda? Never a finer name for a beautiful lady." Freddy replied.

"And yours too. I seen no man for a long time, lest it was my father I last seen. He was my companion for years now, caring and loving without a single harsh words from his lips." Miranda sighed. "I am now older, and in need of more friends."

"I am your friend, Miranda." Freddy dropped his chores and hobbled over. He held out his hands to hold Miranda'. At that moment, Miranda had a vision of a Prince that came riding past the main gates, walked up the stairs to her house before introducing himself.

"The very instant that I saw you did 
 My heart fly to your service; there resides,
 To make me slave to it; and for your sake
 Am I this patient log-man"

Miranda laughed at his choice of words. She was to asked him why he recites the play writes but then she felt that the best question was the direct one.

"Would you love me?" Miranda asked.

"O! heaven! O earth! bear witness to this sound," Freddy took the lines again. "I, Freddy Nates. Beyond all limit of what else i' the world, do love, prize, honor you."

"Nates? Did you say your name is Nates?" Miranda stood up.

"Freddy, I am a fool." Miranda replied. "There can be no love between us."

"Why?" Freddy asked. "Was it because you are blind? Well, then love is blind. Its all about the inner feeling. I love you since I saw you. I argued with your father thinking that he was a monster to imprisoned you. Like myself then, but then I knew it was fate that we meet."

"No, you would not know. I think you do know. ..." Miranda spoke up. Her tears came down like rain. Freddy stepped him to hold her. She did not resist so he pulled hard towards him.

"Tell me what you know." Freddy whispered to his love.

"I can't. For us and for them." Miranda pulled away. "Please let me go."

Freddy held her tighter. He would not let her go. She stopped struggling. She let him held her as she cried. For once in the last ten years, Miranda felt the pain fading.

She felt the past was to be left behind. She saw her mother smiling in her mind.

Her mother always smiled when she approves something. It was like then when she was five, when she brought in the injured puppy. She hid it but her mother knew. She told her mother, the puppy needed care. So her mother smiled and helped her took care of the puppy. Her mother told her these words; 'be kind to the living ones. Forgive their sins as it could had been imposed on them'.

The puppy was her first pet, and her last. She never knew what happened to the puppy after that night.

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