Tuesday, December 17, 2013

More tweats 17th Dec 2013

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas to all of you..... My Christmas wish is to dish out more tales for this blogspot.

And I hope you like the Preys and Predators, it was actually a culmination of several short one off tales, and then combined to be that long tale....with a twist to the ending, and using some borrowed characters from Thomas Harris.

Why Hannibal? Starling?

When I wrote those shorter tales, I was immersed in the world of Hannibal ( The TV series ). So it caught on and the fingers danced on the keyboard.

The sex part?

Gee, it was fun to fantasies the motions, and gyrate the gears to move....hahaha.... I tell' ya; writing erotic ain't that easy hovering between porn ( pure machine guttering motions ) to sex scenes. Damn! I salute my mentor, Harold Robbins for my first initiation. ( Who's he? Try 79 Park Avenue, or Pirate, or even Betsy. Wiki would be good. ). We all had read the above genres ( for those of you above 25 I may stand to qualify. ) Why 25? Some of us only read the former then and then asked themselves; 'is that how its done?'.

Any good suggestions? I hear theee... Try this one; HIM by Anonymous. Printed circa 70's. Its a good read for Subject 101 or 010. Try Amazon.com. There are more by that author like WE, THEM, US, and HER, but HIM ranked first. If you come across OURS, then its mine.....( just pulling your joint on that.... )

Okay, enough about the coital and move to the coming of tales.

Crusaders II on the mantle now, with Tempest. I am penning some other shorter tales to get the upper joints working ( qualified that to distinguish from the previous para ) and would resume on finishing some unfinished long tales. Maybe for this weekend, I may dished out a Xmas special....... ( Ignore the X; it may not be what you think....  or maybe not.... or maybe yes.....or I would just shut up..... )


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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...