Thursday, December 19, 2013

3.3 Crusaders Book II - Dealer's Shuffle

3. Along the stretch of the river Amazon in Inner Brazil.

The Amazon River is the second longest river (Only to the Nile), in the world and the longest and largest river of South America; over 6,437 kilometres long, and carries more water than any other river, even more than the Mississippi, Nile, and Yangtze rivers together. Its wide at about 2.5 to 10 kilometres wide during most of its course, to about 150 kilometres at its mouth. The temperature averages 29 °C nearly throughout the year. With a rainfall of 130 centimetres in the low-lying areas to the 305 centimetres near the Andes Mountains in Peru. The air is very humid throughout most of the river basin. Many different fish live in the Amazon River, including the fierce, flesh-eating piranha and the pirarucu, one of the largest fresh-water fish of South America. The basin area is the home of such animals as alligators, anacondas, monkeys, parrots, sloths, and many species of insects.

But the most amazing one was the river dolphins; Pink, blue or albino, the Amazon river dolphin is the most distinctive of the five river dolphins. It has a ridge along its back rather than a dorsal fin and its fat, heavy body is surprisingly flexible. Paddle-like flippers which move in a circular motion provide exceptional maneuverability, making up for a lack of speed. The Amazon and Orinoco river basins provide all the food in its highly diverse diet, including at least 40 different species of fish. It relies on echolocation to find prey in the muddy waters. Males can reach two and a half metres in length, making them the largest of the river dolphins.

The dolphin swam for the small fish which its feds on, but little realizing that the caiman was waiting in wait for the gentle creature. The caiman moved from its hidden place at the muddy mud river bed and moved with stealth towards the dolphin. It did not see the steel laced rope noose which swung into its jaw and tighten on contact when pulled. The caiman sensed its entrapment and fought hard to removed the noose, but it was pulled away by the strong arms of the young man assisted by the power winch on the five tonne truck. The caiman fought hard but it soon find itself dragged to the dry banks. The creature stared at its captor which came towards it with more ropes to secure its limbs. The caiman was wrapped up and dragged onto the five tonne truck before it was driven off by the young man.

The trip was to last three hours over the uneven path and soon it stopped at another river bank. There was another figure standing there; dressed in a shaman guise with dark shades and holding a long stick. The younger man pulled the caiman out of the truck and released it of its bindings. The caiman crawled out of its bindings and looked to the river. It would had bolted for it, but when it saw the shaman, it stopped. The caiman did move as the shaman performed some ritual on the creature. Soon it was over and the caiman left for the river.

"The creature is freed of its demonic host. It would now roam the river like when it was born." The shaman thanked the younger man. "You done a great deed, White Jaguar."

"Its what I do. I would be at the jetty if you need me." The younger man took off in his truck and soon appeared at the jetty. He was surprised to see the two figures at his boat. He stopped the truck and went over to greet his guests. They asked if he would go upriver for a fee he would find difficult to refuse. His boat was relatively flat bottomed wooden boat of 5 metres long. It has a small shelter on board, and may be used as a permanent habitation for him. He uses the boat for transportation on rivers for fishing. The trip took an hour with both guests; men dressed like tourist with fishing rods looking for a good spot.

"Captain, do you think there are piranhas here?" The younger of the men shout out his words over the din made by the outboard engine.

"Ja. They are here. They would strip you of your flesh in seconds." The Captain of the boat thought of impressing his guests. The guests of his stood up and turned to looked at the captain.

"We gone far enough for us. Now we just want to feed the fishes." The two men lowered the rods they are carrying and smiled. Their faces went from that of a normal men to that of devilish looks; gleaming eyes and hideous fangs which appeared. "We been looking for you for more than a decade, Kruger Schmidt."

"Boys, I hate to tell you this, but they like demons more." Captain Kruger grabbed the long pole he keeps at the side of the boat to push against sandbars. He swung the pole and hit at the two demons off his boat. The piranhas reacted to the new introduction into the waters, and went on their feeding frenzy. Within seconds, the fishes were turning afloat with bloated bodies. Two partially eaten bodies of the demon climbed back onto the boat, and picked up their fishing rods.

"We reckon the fishes don't like rancid flesh. Now we are back, perhaps we can continue our previous talks." The half eaten face with the right eye ball hanging over the half eaten cheeks. One of them start to approach Kruger, but he was stopped near Kruger.

"They never said ..." The demon burst into ashes and dissolved into the river when it fell on it. The other demon then saw Kruger holding onto the sword handed down for generations.

"The Sword from the Lake." The other demon recognise the weapon in Kruger' right hand. The sword is of medieval design with a long one metres length and a double handed hilt. "Excalibur".

The demon jumped into the river and swam away with fast strides. Kruger gave chase using the boat, but the demon was faster. But nothing beat the caiman which came to stopped the demon. The caiman took its bite on the left heel and dragged the demon into the river bed. There another caiman lies await to approach the struggling demon. The second caiman jaws caught the demon's head and crushed the skull. Then it hauls the broken head away to the river bed for its own feeding. Up above on the river surface, Kruger stood there with the sword pointing downwards in front of him.

"White Jaguar, your dream spells your destiny. You are needed elsewhere. Go there, Brave one. They have the needs of you." The shaman appeared on the nearby riverbank. "Your time with me is over."

Kruger remembered those dreams like nightmares, and if the spirits willed it on him, he shall obey.

4. Somewhere in the deep forest of North West Canada

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