Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Samurai in the Time Rift 9.2


Leader Intai reached the cavern where the Idol was seen toppled. Its immediate reaction was to rushed forth to try to picked up the fallen idol, but it was scattered in many places. It cried even louder when it sighted the dead warriors; death not by honor but by deceit.

"Searched the place." Senior Intai gave the command. One of the warriors came back to report to the Leader. It found the tracks that was taken by the others.

"I cannot be sure of the numbers, but they are Hibagon." The scout reported back.

"Tracked them. We would find them." Leader Intai rushed forth with the scout taking the lead. "They could be at the Temple."

Taisa Mori found that by holding onto the amulet, he could slipped past the wall of rocks. The amulet un-solidify the wall of rocks, allowing not one but many if held with the amulet by one. He led more of them into the inner cavern where another metallic structure was seen. This machine was different from the others; this one also had a series of small domes on the top but below each dome was a series of tubular connection and there was a rectangle window screen below each dome. On the windows was images of Nippon land but in different time era. Below the windows were a long table of metallic plates with many knobs and running lights. The size of the dome structure was about fifty feet in radius, and there were ten domes with ten window screens.

Taisa point to the structure to the right side; another dome contraption build like a small seating pavilion for six person.

"The amulet shone very bright here and its sounded very loud." Taisa Mori explained to all of them. "That is not all. I noted that the amulet may feed into this slot here."

There was slot opening at the 'pavilion' structure at one of its pillar. There were four pillars but only this pillar was missing the amulet.

"I reckon it would feed in here." Taisa Mori indicated to the slot which he had placed the amulet. "Once I fitted that there, the window screens showed me images. There was one of my prefecture as I remembered it."

"Its our village." One of the Ainu pirate exclaimed out on seeing the images at one of the window screens.

At Tito Palace, Lord Zethre looked at the ragged band of warriors that was defending the place. The Nihonzaru are at the gates now and ensuring battle was going on with the Hibagon side on the losing end. The scouts reported of the enemies making a breakthrough on one of the caves entrance and breached into the inner caverns.

"Where the all the Cave warriors?" There was no one to answer the Lord, as they were either fleeing or fighting a losing war. 

"Where is the Adviser?" Lord Zethre asked and again there was no answer. It was then the Lord saw the group of Nihonzaru approaching the hall. It tried to run but was surrounded by the Nihonzaru. They did not pause in their moves but jumped on the Lord and attacked the Hibagon.

Lord Jedi soon arrived and then made the call.

"Ransack the place. I need one detail to find the Yomi Temple." Lord Jedi rushed out with fifty Nihonzaru to search the temple as told by the blood kins was the sanctuary of the Hibagon.

Leader Intai found the others at the Temple. They were plodding through the broken eggs, and trying to right up the ones that can be saved. To the Leader Intai, the action of breaking the eggs was done by the rebelling group.

"Fight them! They killed the young ones." Leader Intai shouted out as he charged in with the hammer. Both groups clashed among the eggs; fighting among the same breed.

During that fight, an unknown predator having caught the scent of blood and then the desired scent of its vengeance; the One Eyed Kaiju Ryu rushed in with blood dropping jaw. It had seen the battle and with its hunger, it went for the stragglers, until it took on the scent of the one it was hunting. It went into a frenzy and then reached the cavern. It saw its intended hunt and charged in.

It became a battle of survival with many sides not sure of which to take on but to fight for survival against a large predator. During that fight, the large predator crashed into the metallic structure caused more more damages. Some of the metallic legs had collapsed and fires broke out.

"No, Taisa Mori. You cannot go out there." Edo cautioned the leader who was holding onto his honor to fight the enemies. "They are our enemies but they are fighting among themselves. We need not get involved."

Taisa Mori stopped struggling and Edo released his hold on the samurai. Both of them stared at the fighting just mere distance from them, through the apparent wall in front of them. On the other side, the view was a wall of rocks but from inside here it was an open window screen without the wall.

Taisa Mori saw the Kaiju Ryu collapsed upon the attack by ten opponents; including one badly wounded one eyed Hibagon. The large predator succumbed to the wounds and cuts as it bit into it last prey; a Nihonzaru by the left arm. After the Kaiju Ryu fell, the rest of the fighting creatures took a respite to assess their next moves. The badly wounded Hibagon struggled to stand up with the aid of the hammer, but it failed to do so as its wounds all forced it to fall forward. It took one last attempt and managed to make it up to the knees.

"Lord Jedi, we have fought to a standstill." Leader Intai addressed the Nihonzaru who was also wounded but able to sit there still holding onto its daggers. "The Hibagon have declared that they have lost the war this time."

"Our temple have been damaged and we may take time to re-build it. We would signal the Masters for the repairs. Just as we done before." Leader Intai looked at the Nihonzaru. "Don't you get tired of all these?"

Lord Jedi looked at the other and shrieked.

"Why do you asked now? We been fighting for ages since we were dumped here by the Masters. Every time we carried the dead to the Temple for re-cycling of their materials. We get restored with the memories and strength of our ego. I must had died five or six times, but this around, my other blood kin took my position as Lord and denied me of it to be a lowly Leader. But fate have a way of restoring my honor. I became the Lord but your side breached the rules. You sent us your rogue Hibagon to toppled me."

"Yes, we did as the Masters changed the loading. Keo was loaded in but his memories were of Teken..." Leader Intai explained.

"Teken? The one who rebelled against the Masters and caused this hardship." Lord Jedi commented back. "Teken was an unstable material."

"Lord Zethre believed it to the works of the Adviser but we have to hold to the legacy. The Adviser changed the events which we ended up in this new war. It was to start when we have got all the eggs matured."

"No, Hibagon. The events have changed since the last intervention by the rogue Master......"

"Rogue Master? You must be pulling my limbs." Leader Intai shrieked out.

"No, its true. We had a visit by the rogue Master. That Master had tried to changed the program and sided with the slave we had then. It changed the sequence of logic and we are now in a disarray. We were warned and the other Masters came over to hunt the rogue one. Then they left with that Master." Lord Jedi continued on. "If you recalled, in all our wars, we hardly fought at this Temple. Or any temples but this time we did. More to it, when have we ever seen a Kaiju Ryu although they did exist. But we are seeing those events now." Lord Jedi explained.

"More to it, the newly arrived slaves came with weapons unlike the long ago previous ones. All of these new slaves took us time and effort to hunt but they also killed many of us. Your recent slaves even escaped to my side and caused much trouble." Lord Jedi told the other. "You also heard the loud bang. When it did, I knew the events have changed."

"So you invaded us to check on the events here? But why come in such force? And such ferocity?" Leader Intai asked.

"As I have mentioned, the events have changed so I decided to make new ones of mine." Lord Jedi explained. "That's why we fought hard and till here. If we destroyed your temple, then your numbers would be smaller or even soon extinct. Then we can live in peace. And die in peace. And be resurrected in peace."

"You are evil, Lord Jedi." Leader Intai replied and tried to get up but the body would not respond.

"Truly, I am. But once the Masters come, I would also do the same for them. Let we can live in peace." Lord Jedi replied and soon saw more of the Nihonzaru came into the cavern.

"Kill them all and destroy the temple. We would finally live in peace now."

Just as the Nihonzaru went forth to do the deed, the cavern was soon filled with the Guardian serpents who came slithering in. They fought off the Nihonzaru and saved the remaining Hibagon.

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