Sunday, December 15, 2013

3.1 Crusaders Book II - Dealer's Shuffle

Dealer's Shuffle

1.          Mongkok District, Hong Kong

The locals are staying indoor as the typhoon alert was on that evening. The shops are closed making it another reason to stay in. But not exactly all; a group of the local gang decided to meet in one of the alley. They are there on the request of their leader to meet there.

"We go in there and do this pig." The leader' a bald headed tall man with a stooped back from an old injury suffered from a similar incident. The leader was dressed in casual outfit with a windbreaker over it. He look at his boys; all six of them ranging from late teens to early twenties, armed with some sharp weapons. The leader opened the rear door of the diner and walked in. His boys followed him behind with their nervous looks. They passed through the kitchen which was empty except for an older lady cleaning it. She averted their looks and continue her work.

The gang went to the serving hall with its ten tables in there, but only one was occupied. The person sitting there was not of local descent but a foreigner in this district. She was dressed casually; t-shirt and jeans with her windbreaker unzipped. Her hair are braided hanging just over her neckline.

"Kwei Lo! You caused us a lot of issue." The leader sat himself in opposite of the lady at the table while his boys stand all around the serving area. "You come no more.... Aargh!"

The leader screamed out in pain when the lady kicked her boots into his inner left thigh; the boot have a blade at the front. Some of the boys wanted to intervene but the leader raised up his hands to stop them. The leader pulled back at the seat, and stood up.

"You should try better. A small blade won't hurt me." The leader tugged at his jeans; the bleeding stopped and the man eye's glowed in red. "I did not expect you to stab me where I hid my demon identity."

"Yup, I hit your sensitive side; the devil in you appeared." The lady stood up and faced the man with the glow eyes. "How many of your boys are from the Legion?"

"None actually." The leader pulled off his windbreaker to show his new anatomy; a three sets of upper limbs. "Like my new look. They grafted it on me."

Just as the leader completed his introduction to the enhancement, his limbs extend out to snuffle out the boys. Those limbs became long fingered claws that pierce the skin of the flesh, cracked the ribs to pulled the heart out. His limbs retract back with the pulsating hearts.

"I like them fresh and vibrant. Most times, I tell the rest they died in the fight. They would never know I did them all in." The demon reached for one of the hearts and bit into it. "Its very tantalizing these way."

The 'sai'; a martial artist weapon that resemble a lobotomy pick with the 'S' shape sword handle. The lady thrust her right hand with the sai into the demon's forehead, while her left hand holding the other sai stabbed his right ribs. The 'sai' was made from a metal taken from the Underworld; something which actually burns like hell on contact. The Demon writhe in pain as the 'sai' works it element on the demon body. Then it became rigid and falls to the ground like ashes/

"I hate heart eaters. They don't last long in a relationship." The lady pulled pull out the 'sai' and placed them in her back pack before she walked away from the table. She soon exit from the shop and looked at the weather. Its still bad and the train won't be operating for sometime. She took to her super bike by the road and rode off in the rain.

Soon she pulled up at her apartment building and rode into the basement. She parked her bike at the designated spot and walked to the escalator that would take her to the thirteen floor of the building. She stood there and looked at the screen display above the escalator doors. Her instinct prep her up for the next move. She moved out her left leg in a side kick at the figure which appeared there but she missed the target. The figure had stepped back but did not retaliate.

"Ms.Geraldine Black, I apologies if I startled you." The figure was of a man dressed in the buttoned up suit with a white collar. "My name is Father Ricken. I am here on an urgent request."

"Father Ricken, if you are of the Church, please find your own way out. I have nothing to confess to you." Geraldine fit the key into the lock and had it opened in seconds. She walked in and kicked at the door to close it. The priest followed in before it closed. Geraldine placed her bike helmet on the table near the door and walked to her adjoining room.

"The door to leave is the same one which you came in. I am going to get comfortable and then have my dinner. So be wise to my request." Geraldine spoke out to her uninvited guest while she get ready to take her shower. Soon she was out dressed in an oversize shirt and barefooted.

"That smells good, so you can cook as well as you can come uninvited." Geraldine walked up to looked at the prepared food. "Those looked does not looked like mine. Did you bring them here?"

"Yes, I did. Much earlier when you were not in. I was getting some drinks when we met in the doorway." Priest Ricken sat himself at the table.

"You were in my apartment before this?" Geraldine looked at him from her food.

"God helped us to work in many ways." Priest Ricken smiled.

Later after a nice warm meal, Geraldine extend her hospitality to the priest to a cup of coffee. Geraldine sat at the couch while the priest sat himself on a high back chair. Then he got up and walked to the bedroom becoming out with a blanket. He offered it to Geraldine who smiled sheepishly. She covered her exposed legs and listened to the older man who had sat himself back on his chair. They spoke for a while but Geraldine could not disclosed why her family reluctance to be involved in the church for over four centuries, but it was a handed down order from the family. Nevertheless, hey were still involved in the fight albeit more hidden in the background.

"I been killing demons since I was twelve." Geraldine told the priest. She also know about the Crusaders and her ancestor, Sir Gerald Black. Like him, she learned from her father art of fighting and being the only girl, she was given the easy tasks initially, but the last of the males soon died. She was all alone at eighteen and had her independence since then. The Black family had accumulated a wealth over the years and that fortune was enough for Geraldine to live on.

"Geraldine, did you ever made contact with the rest of the Crusaders?" Father Ricken was baiting her but she shook her head.

"I met Mileal Landon III from the Moor once, but he was also like me; he was told to stay away but Miles could not resist. So he left for war zone, and fought the real man of flesh. Last I heard he was in the Middle East." Geraldine spoke out on the possible whereabouts. "The Von Kluck escaped the Axis influence and left for South America; according to Mileal."

"Your father's friend and trusted servant, the Clawler?" Father Ricken was persistent on his queries.

"Since Gerald's grandson died in the cotton field of Arkansas before the Civil War, he was never heard of." Geraldine looked out to the window. The storm is still raging out there. She later left the priest to sleep at the couch while she took back her own bed. She hopes that tonight with the priest here, she would not have the nightmare she been getting for sometime.

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