Monday, December 30, 2013

The Tempest Act 4, Scene 1 Part 2

Act 4, Scene 1 Part 2

Alan pulled away at the lock but it would not opened. He used the stock of the sub-machinegun although emptied of its clip served well as a mallet. He knocked it hard on the lock and found it harder to opened. The others were more flimsy and could be pried but this one was tougher. He peek and saw only darkness. They had wandered for hours, if time mattered in this dim lit place, and found nothing. Not even a shred of soul if there was such a term to be used.

"Alan, I think we moved back. It had been three hours now." Gonzales replaced the watch on the chain back into his vest. Stanley and Anthony looked like hobos that had taken one too many train rides without any shower or change of clothes. So was Gonzales with his overcoat and attache case.

"No Freddy and no leaving until we find Freddy.." Alan repeated himself. He had been doing it for the last hour, and was sweating profusely.

"Uncle Nates, you are out..." Stanley voiced out to his uncle. He had been walking through these corridors for hours, looking for the missing Freddy. It was always Freddy this and that. Ever since the Colin's case, Uncle Nates have been harping on this precious son.

"Don't tell me what to do." Uncle Nates jumped on the nephew. "If you do not want to come, stay here or go anywhere."

Anthony calmed down his Uncle. He placed his hand on the older man's shoulder.

"We would find Freddy." Anthony assured his Uncle. Stanley moved towards the door. He stood there and started kicking at it. He was cursing at it as if his kicks would open it.

"Open sesame. Open sesame....." Stanley then started screaming at it. "Open, you bastard."

Stanley started kicking at it. He was losing to his emotions. He was losing his sanity. It was Gonzales who found the key hung on the wall near the doorway.

"Hey, try this. It might work." Gonzales went over and picked it up. He tried the lock and it opened. Alan was the first to go in, followed by the others. They started looking at the rooms. It was all dark and wet, with a single bedding and a high wall. Other than that, there was nothing except some rooms had writings on the walls. It was all random writing with no real purposes. There were profanities or wisdom words, but they were all written in blood or any materials they can find.

Suddenly they heard it.

"Who's there?" Gonzales shouted, and ran to the gate. It was locked and the key was missing. They are locked in.

"No, this was not the plan. I was not supposed to be here." Gonzales shook at the gates. "Open up. "Let me out."

It was Anthony who pull the Attorney off the gate. He pushed the man towards the wall.

"Tell us what happened here." Anthony confront the attorney. "Speak Gonzales, or I would smash your face on the wall."

Gonzales told them.

"It was all a scam to lure Alan here. That was Paul's plan." Gonzales looked to Alan. "You killed his wife. He seek his vengeance on you." 

"Paul? It can't be. I did not kill Bernice." Alan replied. "It was Brady. He killed her."

"But you did shoot her." Gonzales shouted at the man. "You also shot at Paul."

"No! I did not. I did not shoot Bernice. I did not shoot Paul." Alan shouted back. He paced the corridors and then kicked at the walls. "I did shoot Bernice after she died"

"So you did shoot Bernice." Gonzales stated the fact.

"Yes, but why would I shoot Bernice? I was too upset so I shot her. She planned it all. She wanted Paul to quit. But everything went wrong. Brady went for her. I wanted to stop him but he had done it. He was shot by Paul. I saw it."

"Why did you not tell me then?" Gonzales asked.

"How would I know? You were with me then. Remember that?" Alan shouted back. "You joined me soon after Paul left."

"I had to. Your so called family killed my reputation as an Attorney. No one wanted to hire me." Gonzales replied to the older man. "And Paul wanted a set of eyes on you.'

"You were working for Paul." Alan shouted and approached the attorney. "You bastard."

Anthony held the older man back while Gonzales explained.

"I set him up here and then for ten years, he won't see me. Not until recently when Christopher..."

"Christopher? You bastard. I ought to shoot you here." Alan reached for his gun and again Anthony grabbed the gun away.

"Paul asked for Christopher to come here. They been meeting the last three months. They did a lot of talking without me." Gonzales sighed and later went down on his knees. He looked up to the older man. "I am sorry. He paid me good money."

"Money? Gonzales, I paid you too. I paid you thousands for your works. When did I short pay you at anytime? When?" Alan was furious then. "Gonzo, I trusted you. You let me down."

Gonzales began crying by himself. He felt like a broken man. He was all shattered inside. He betrayed this closest friends. He destroyed himself and his own reputation. He was a squealer. The worst act in the mobster scene.

"We got food and drinks." Anthony shouted out. "Whoever had us locked here had left those here."

There was a pushcart with food and drinks. Stanley rushed towards the pushcarts but Anthony stopped him.

"We can't survived without food and drinks. We need those things." Anthony held the man from destroying their food. Stanley calmed down and later point to Gonzales.

"He gets nothing. He gets nothing." Stanley kept on muttering. "He gets nothing."

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