Sunday, December 8, 2013

13. Preys and Predators; The Ends starts herel Part 4 Rating Mature


Special Agent

I uploaded the photo into the database for a photo-fit. It came up with one name; Erich Lichfield, the current Lord of the Lichfield Estate after the recent death of his father in the raid at the Warehouse. We never got to know why was his father doing there with the Golan' and how come he was mauled in that manner. Soon I was there at the estate.

"Mr Lichfield, I am sorry for your loss. Your f...." I was cut off by the dashing man in the tweeds and holding a glass of wine in his left hand. We were sitting in the library; a large library with two levels that holds the the shelves of books and framed paintings that looked like it was from the Baroque period, with its artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur. I was an avid reader of the paintings during my stay in the Lutheran Orphanage.  

"The loss of my father was unfortunate but he is gone. I am the new Lord. I stand for new events and please do not draw on my old events." The man took a sip of his wine, even though it was noon but with the drapes drawn, you would had thought we were having an evening drink. The whole mansion was decorated Neo-Baroque which made the occupants of the place with a rich historical background. In those times, the Lichfield would have been the Lord with serfs looking after his land for the right to live and stay there. He did looked like one, with his attitude and view of us; the so named pittance servants of the people. He may had disliked me for sitting so comfortably in his presence, but I felt then like some scoundrel who had defiled his rules. Perhaps I envisage myself as another version of Robin Hood.

"In my family, only thing that mattered was living, and if death was inevitable. So why bother with it, but in living, we have the ability to change events. I am not sure why my father chose to die at that warehouse, if that was your question." Erich Lichfield took the words of reference to his father as if with his death, the locks around the young man were opened. "He chose his own death in a foul manner. Unbecoming of his ranking and status."

"Do you know those who died?"

"Those other who died with him, were friends; poker or hunting friends. He was a keen deer hunting freak. He hunts with a cross bow. Primitive but effective."

Erich mocked a shooting of the cross bow with his hands.

"I would assumed you are one too." I mocked him back.

"No, I hunt boars in the continent with my hunting knife. I find it more intriguing and deadly." Erich laughed out loud. "On my computer console. I commissioned the game for my own."

Erich got up and smiled. Like the image he was trying to portray, he walked off without a second glance towards me. He spoke as he walked away.

"I am to take my leave of you. I have a schedule with another. Pardon me." I watched my host left me there in that abrupt manner. It was as stated in the reports on him; brash and hold self esteem on himself. I found my way to the door,way when I remembered something. I turned to the servant who was showing me the door.

"Erich had a sister? I did not see her." I recalled it in the notes.

"Greta Lichfield is away on her summer holidays. She would come back soon." The servant had opened the door. I drove back to the city when I saw the young girl carrying the guitar and bag on the road. I pulled over even though she was on the other side of the road. I offered her a lift to her destination.

"Thank you. You can dropped me at the Lichfield Estate." She told me.

"And who may you be?" I asked with my smile.

"Greta Lichfield." She climbed into my car. Her short dress was very sexy. We spend sometime talking about each other. We with my fictitious lies of a bank officer, while she told me her's of the singer. After I dropped her, I got the call from Henris.

"Clarice, are you in the City?" He sounded very calm. "I am at the Hotel."

"Sorry, Henris. I am out of the city limits. I would be back late but I would call you tomorrow."


I barged in to the Shrine. I was in fear but I felt the vibes; I was needed here. I saw the Ancient dragging his body to the inner chamber. He was wounded and trying to reach the inner chamber. I rushed up to him and held him up.

"Get me in there." The Ancient one told me in the mind. Once we were in, he pointed to the wall cabinet. "Get me the blue potion. It would save me."

I walked over and retrieved the bottle but I held onto it. I was holding the elixir of his recovery powers. I feared him as they said he was indestructible; he had fought many bouts and won with his fatal wounds, but he somehow recover to live on. That made him the Ancient one; even as a Prime I feared him. But not anymore, I found his Achilles heel.

"Tell me, Ancient one, why do you want me killed? Golan told me." I held the bottle out with my hand. He tried to reach for it but I moved back. "Tell me now, Ancient one. Or die."

The Ancient one sat back on the flooring. He smiled at me.

"That was the last bottle. If I had survived this bout, would I survived yours?" The Ancient one smiled. "The hardest for me to fight were the Prime like yourself."

The Ancient one coughed out more blood.

"Promise me a quick death. I had suffered enough of the fatal wounds. I have suffered enough pain." The Ancient one communicated to me. "You are not a normal one, Prime One. You are the One who could rival me in the prowess and influence."

"Surprise, my dear?" Ancient one continued. "The Ancient one holds a special position among the tribes. The position to decide over the Council and also to protect the tribes from the others. Others like the Blood Sucker."

"They feared you too. You are the one that could kill them. They knew of your existence. They ordered your death. I obliged them. I owed them my life once before."

"I have betrayed the Order of the Ancient ones. I have used the potion of the others to cure myself."

"Give me a name, Betrayer!" I shouted at him. In my anger, I had began my transformation in part. The claws appeared on my hands.

"Lichfield, their family demands your death." He spoke out with his vocals. I lunged at him with the potion held in my hand. I thrust the potion into his chest; breaking the bottle to spill the potion. I moved my hand up towards his heart and pulled it out. I held his throbbing heart in my hand before I squeezed it till the blood spilled to its last drop.

"Recuperate, Betrayer. Do it without a heart."


I looked to the cup that was offered to me on the street corner. It smelled terrible but not the person who offered me. It was a eastern girl in her teens dressed in jeans and blouse.

"The gentleman offered that to you." She pointed to the man sitting behind the glass window of the tea shop. I followed the girl to the shop.

"The tea antioxidant ingredient is green tea catechins,comprise of four major epicatechin derivatives; namely, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epigallocatechin gallate. There are also a remarkably higher content of myricetin. It had an implications with the bioactivity of tea and its extracts." The gentleman poured another cup of the tea for me. "The green tea had twice more antioxidant-active than Vitamin C with biochemical properties of antioxidant, anticarcinogen, anti-inflammatory, and anti-radiation."

"Enough medicinal information, mister." I told him off. "Who are you?"

"Henris Letas, from Warsaw. I saw you standing there. I thought you might want a drink." The gentleman from Warsaw took his drink. "I dread drinking alone. I am new in the City."

Soon we were talking but I settled for a soft drink instead. He frowned at my choice but indulged in me. When we were talking, he rubbing his index finger over the rim of the cup over and over again. It was sexy. He invited me to his place; the room at the nearby motel. I loved motel; they are discreet. We took the short walk there.

He said he needed a shower which was fine with me. I prefer them clean then sweaty with dirt. I stripped off and then took out the neck leash I had. All my lovers found it sexy like the lady version of the garter. He had stepped out of the bathroom behind me. I turned to looked at him.

It was then he shot me with the tranquilizer gun. I went down on my knees.

"I have another bigger room; more quiet too.I am sure you can howled there, Mr. Burke." I watched him smile. "I could cook some nice Polish dishes."

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