Swiss Alps
The Alps; divided
into two main parts, the Western Alps and Eastern Alps, whose division is along the Rhine from Lake Constance to the Splügen Pass. The western ranges occupy
the greatest part of Switzerland while the more numerous eastern ranges are
much smaller and are all situated in the canton of Graubünden. As the temperature decreases with altitude (0,56°C per
hundred metres on yearly average), three different altitudinal zones, each
having distinct climate, are found in the Swiss Alps: Subalpine zone, the
Alpine zone and the Glacial zone. The glacial zone is the area of permanent
snow and ice. When the steepness of the slope is not too high it results in an
accumulation and compaction of snow, which transforms into ice. The glacier
formed then flows down the valley and can reach as far down as a thousand meters
or form overhanging seracs, which periodically
fall off due to the downwards movement of the glacier and cause ice avalanches.
Fraulein Dure was
rappeling down on these breaks in the glacier to an underneath cavern. She was
far most the most experienced agent of the Crusaders, and was due to retire as
instructor next February. She was dressed in the thick clothing suite for the
Alps with the matching Eskimo head cover. She radioed back her position.
"Dare One to
Base Camp. Over." She held the comms speak set close to her lips. Its freezing
and despite her previous hikes here she had never encountered such temperature
drop before. She reached for the gun on her waist and felt more assured that
its there. She also felt from there to her inside her jacket for the extra gun
she had there. She let go of the hook that was keeping her attached to the
rope. She tugged at it to assure herself that it still firm up there. Then she
pulled out the ice pick from her left boots and adjust the twin light on her
Eskimo head cover. It picks up the cold gleaming surface in the cavern. Then
she found what may appeared to be a small stream that flows into the far end of
the cavern.
That was a good
choice to follow on.
"I would
follow it if I were you." She turned to look at the person who spoke to
her. He was dressed in a waiter suit holding a tray with a glass of wine.
"Whiskey, if
you want. It would keep your body warm." The man smiled at her. "Like
me. I had two already. I am feeling warm."
Dure held the ice
pick in both her hands.
"Do you feel
it getting warm?" The waiter had placed the tray down and pulled at his
bowed tie. "I think I need to take off my shirt."
"Who are
you?" Dure asked of him.
"Me? They
called me Baal. You can call me Ben."
"Baal? Baal
the demon?" Dure dropped the ice pick and reached for the crucifix
underneath her jacket. She took it out and placed it in front of her.
"Back off,
Demon. I have the crucifix." She kept on pushing it towards the demon.
"Had would be
more appropriate." Baal smiled as he willed the crucifix to fall from her
hand. He then motioned her to look behind. Dure turned to her rear and saw what
was behind her.
"Oh my
God!" Dure was looking at Abyss of Hell; souls all around, clamoring all
over other to climb on top of each other but not able to get out. There were
guards using pitch forks to pushed them back. Dure turned back to look at Baal
who had shed his clothes. His skin was all red and flames licked at certain
"Welcome to
my world, Dure. Its a one way trip."
Fraulein Dure
screamed out loud. She ain't going home anymore. She's going to Hell.
Final Touches
The town of Brooke
View had a population of six hundred and seventy one but five of them left for
their family reunion a hundred miles away. So with six hundred and sixty turning
to bed at four am in the morning, the Sheriff and the five deputies still went
about their patrols on those quiet streets.
this is Brad." Sheriff Tommy Jones III picked the comms unit. He was
sitting at the office polishing his newly acquired hunting rifle. He's going
hunting next season; issued the darned license to himself before he signed the
leave form.
"I am here,
Brad. But I ain't signing your application for transfer to the Forensic. We
don't even have a Forensic Department." Sheriff then paused. "Hell,
we don't even have a microscope."
"Sheriff, I
do. I have the basic set in my house. I can bring it here in an hour." The
Sheriff turned to another channel.
"Lowe, you
are on next. If its about Maryanne, she ain't marrying you. Not even for the
second time. You foul up the first one, so you ain't getting another one again.
Over." The sheriff does not mince his words.
"Pardon me,
Sheriff. Its me, Andy. The call came through. We are to be ready." If Andy
tells him that, the Sheriff listen well. Andy was groomed to be his successor.
"Andy, round
up the rest of the boys to come to the playing field now."
The park was
getting filled up by the town folks in their nightdresses or pj's but no one
knows what and why they are doing here. They are not talking but just slipped
in to sit there on the benches. Soon when the benches were filled up, they just
mingle outside the diamond patch.
At the strike of
eight on the town' clock, everyone on the park including the six officers all
stood up and bowed their head to the diamond patch. Then the unbelievable
happened; the diamond design soon broke into two and started to overlap each
other. It showed a familiar design that tells a different tale.
Overhead the cloud
starts to cover the sunlight and then six ex-officers walked into the new
diamond patch.
"We are the
One's. The threat is established and we were hold it against anybody or thing
that would come here." The Sheriff announced it to the listening crowd.
Then he paused. "I just got news that the Crusaders are being taken care
in where they may hide or try to fight us. Fraulein Dure was imprisoned by
The crowd went on
cheering and soon the euphoria died down. Then the town folks went back to
their homes and everyone who was working went back to work.
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