Saturday, December 7, 2013

11. Preys and Predators; The Ends starts herel Part 2 Rating Mature


Special Agent

"We were told that she was last seen going to into the lift. There after, she did not appear elsewhere." The detective who took the statement explained from his notes. They were in the Control Room and were looking at monitors.

"What happened to the inside camera?" I asked. The reply I got was poor maintenance had resulted in it not working. They were giving excuses and now my subject was missing. She could had got off anywhere in the mall including the basements where there are no cameras on the corridors. Or she got out in a disguise and left by another exit.

"Agent, we peruse the movements in from every floor except the basements and third floor; that one was damaged this morning. Some punk vandalized it before we opened....."

"Vandalized? At this morning?" I asked back. The detective nodded.

"It was reported by Maintenance." He looked at me as if I may found the Gospel truth. I think I may had.

"Round up the Maintenance and talked to them. What's on the Third Floor?" I asked.

"Departmental Stores; having their closure sales. Big crowds, with extra guards called in." The detective got my hunch into his head. "I am on it."

Darcy Malone either planned this or she was led with a series of well planned moves. Either way, she was the subject of a kidnap case. There was a ransom sent to the father by email one hour ago.

"Five Million or five portion of her mailed to you in five days."

I seen Darcy' file; good upbringing until she went to High School. Overnight she became a terror with her antics and surrounded herself with the wrong crowd. The psychiatrist reported it as adolescent stage of looking for an identity. She read that line again. She was one like Darcy, she went wild during High School. She did the rounds with the girls on the drugs and wine, indulged in some boys, but she sobered up soon a year later. She went straight from then, and never dated till she cleared her University. They used to called her the Saint Virtue, but she ignored it.

Psychiatrist? She did her studies on it, but she never was into it as a career. She enrolled into the Academy and became a Behavior Agent. She knew a few psychiatrist in her time; all professional during her studies and later from her career, but she avoided them except for one, Dr.Hannibal Lecter. He was one that got close to her, not sexually but mind and soul. Dr.Lecter was her nemesis and on occasion her teacher. She ignored the other one that was buried in her mind; her protector from other killers. She shunned at the thought that she needed protection from others when she herself had killed some of them with her gun or words that she had translated into the reports.

Jimmy? He was an exceptional. Somehow in her three over decades of life, she had felt passion for a few lovers, but none was as intense as towards Jimmy. She had been careful on whom she invited to her personal life; her predecessor to Jimmy, took three months before she invited the person to her apartment, but with Jimmy, it was spontaneous. She denied herself with her strict upbringing as a Lutheran but there were reasons best left unrevealed.

"Agent, I have taken the tapes and would get it done soon." The detective excused himself. I still maintained my surveillance on the monitors. I asked the Officer there who does oversee the Maintenance compliance in the mall.

"We have to report to the Mayor's office every quarter with the maintenance update. It was one of the ruling of the Mayor as he advocate good maintenances in his campaign. We sent to the Facilities Section for review and filing."

I was to called the Mayor' office when I saw Morales walked in. She looked gorgeous with her new hairdo; all free flowing with the light perm to add in the curves that flowed on her shoulders. She was dressed in casual; shirt and jeans with her slung pouch. The badge looked nice on her at the waist belt; it showed out her authority and in some manner her beauty.


"I was caught up in the traffic." I was surprised to see her there. I knew that the FBI was on the case too, but I did not expected to see her. She looked the same; business pant suit and the sweet smile. The last time I met her was outside the local Bureau Office. We spoke and then we hugged. She left in the car, but she did not know I followed her. I saw her drop the plastic bag into the river but it landed on the river bank due to the winds. I had stopped and picked it up. I saw the evidence she threw away. Either she knew or she was ignoring it.

"There are no werewolves in reality." Those were the words of the Bureau Officers during our first briefing on the Wolf. It was prior to Clarice' arrival. "There are only killers out there who kills like wolves."

"Shoot the bastard and skinned of its furs." Someone shouted and the rest cheered, including myself. Our Council had told us to be like them, or we would be be dead. Maybe the Wolf we seek is one of ours and decided to be like them. I don't really know. The Hantok Tribes only numbered a dozen and I knew them all. I knew a couple of the other tribes, but most of them are strangers to me unless I caught their scent on the streets. We, the werewolves have a distinct smell which only the others could detect or sometimes the canines. I been plagued by doors during the heat, but I have learned to musk the scent nowadays.

Clarice offered her hand to me, which I accepted but soon she had me in a hug. That I was unexpected but I reciprocated in holding her close. I admitted that there was the feeling inside me; I loved the lady there.

The Killer

I have to admit that after a period of cooling off, the feeling was more like the first time. Tom the Texan was larger than myself. He was build like steer, as remarked to me. He was the college quarterback and here for sightseeing but soon we ended up in the cheap motel room having our own grappling game. I had to killed him fast with his larger frame and faster reflexes. I had it all planned; I shot with him with the tranquilizer from the blowgun I learned from the masters and modified by myself with a air pump. The dart was laced with curare from the poisonous bark of trees of the genus Strychnos. Tom never seen it coming. He fell down instantly while I got up from the bed.

"It was a good fuck, Tom but now I think I would like to see what you really made of." I pulled him up to the bed and laid him there spread eagled.

"I told myself; I would see the world before I turned fifty." He did, when I dropped the map of the world over his face while I removed his innards. I had bought myself a large cold box with extra ice packs where I stored the removed parts. Then I stood up.

"Time for the finale, Tom. You would never get to see this live in any game." I transformed into my alter ego and let the savage mauling began. One had to live to the reputation that the Bureau had given me.

The Wolf had struck again.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...