Thursday, December 5, 2013

10. Preys and Predators; The Ends starts herel Part 1 Rating Mature

The End starts here .


Special Agent

"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." T. E. Lawrence aka Lawrence of Arabia.

I never read the book, but that passage stood up in my mind for days after having read it from the journal of the purported serial killer named Wolf. The local police had caught him, apparently red handed with the victim's blood on his hands. He was crouched next to the victim in the park when they surprised him. The victim was mutilated like the other victims, but there was a missing element; where was the murder weapon. The accused had nothing on him that resembled the weapon. They also found nothing within a radius of a hundred feet from the scene.

They raided his house out in the woods where he stayed with his blind mother. They found nothing out of the ordinary of a single man except he had no ladies name in the phone book. The only fascination he hold was he researched on wolves. He claimed that they are his hobby, and wanted to be a park ranger if not for his mother that he needed to take care. He was at that time a gas attendant in the nearby station, and also worked part-time as the mechanic.

His defense was he happened to walk by the place, saw the girl lying there injured, attended to her and then the police came. He denied killing her. Tommy Burke was released without a charge.

I had looked through his journals; they found a few by him in the drawer. I had them read by experts and all they could conclude was the guy was nuts over his life the last two years; wake time to sleep time and his daily chores. It was all recorded meticulously. Tommy Burke may had been a freak on recording or he was lying to us with his journal. It was nine months ago he added in the new passages at random. He started quoting the above several times. I co-relate the dates and found it was right after each murder by the so named Wolf. Still it was circumstantial evidence.

That took my mind to keep on looking at Tommy Burke aka the Wolf.

The phone rang. Not many people know I was in the city, and not in DC. I was in the city as the Wolf had returned here. I picked it up and listened to it. It was a long distance call.

"Hello, may I please speak to Clarice Starling?" I listened hard to the line and replied.

"Yes. I am. Who's on the line?" I shifted the phone to my cradle and turned on the speaker. The reception was weak but the caller sounded familiar.

"Its Henris Letas. I am calling from Warsaw."

Henris Letas? Oh, my God. Its him. I met him some years back at the convention in Berlin. He was representing his country for the convention on New Criminology Methods, and we were in the same group on serial killers. He hold the rank of Inspector there and was involved in serious crimes including serial killers. I met him only for three days, but he was so charming, we were having all the meals together. We did not jump into bed for he claimed he was married. I told him I was engaged; a white lie to recoup my vanity.

"I am coming to your city. DC. Can we meet sometime?" Henri was a gentleman. I told him yes.

Doyle, my other agent placed his head in.

"Clarice, we tracked Burke to our previous city. He may be roosting or planning another one." I look to Doyle. It had been nearly eight weeks since the Wolf struck. He had moved to one of the three counties marked with his kills. I picked up the phone.

"Morales, Special Agent Starling. Are you back on active duty?" I knew she was as Jimmy had wrapped the case last week, with her acquittal. The video was put to high definition conversion and it showed Cinderella under the wig. She got her badge and gun back. I had followed the case from DC, but never once did I called her or even Jimmy before. I wanted to place the whole event behind me.

The Detective

I shuddered at the call. It was the Special Agent who had led the raid on the warehouse. She did rescued me but I was concerned on what she or the others may had seen. I previewed the reports which I could previewed but nothing was mentioned of the wolves. There was one remark made; the number of naked bodies may had signified an orgy could had taken place.

I had avoided the Council for I was not ready to confront the Ancient yet. I need to bid my time to confront the Ancient. He was still the Head of the Council. There were rumors that he had removed some of the others who was not in his favor. I need to find allies to fight him. But first, I would need to find this killer named Wolf.

But first I need to one other. His family name was given as Lichfield. He was one with the blood suckers. I have checked the databases; there are no Lichfield in the list of listed names in the counties but there were a dozen close to it in vocal sounds. There was one family named Lichtenstein. It was a old family that had moved here generations ago. The address given was a large estate in the hills where they have built a medieval castle there. It was a good place to start with.

I took up the phone to called Jimmy, but he was away. According to the message box, he was on his extended sabbatical leave in the hills.

"Morales, are you listening? We got a Code 207. Someone had taken Darcy Malone from the mall. The FBI are there too."

Darned! Its been only weeks and the girl had got herself in a fix. She took out her gun and placed into her pouch.

The Killer

I sat at the bus station, after my trip from DC. The dust in the city was appalling. I had the face mask to cleared my breathing of the dust. The agent was still onto me, riding with me on the three hours trip seated three seats from me. I had with me the duffel bag; a rather large one. I took my time and then walked to the bathroom. I had waited till it was empty and stepped to the side of the door. I took out the bottle and uncapped the bottle I had acquired from the pharmacy. I poured the content into the bag when the agent walked in. I slipped it over his head and pulled the strap around the neck to hold it on the agent. The chloroform took effect within seconds; he slided down and ended up on the flooring.

I left him there and made my way out. I borrowed his badge but I left the gun. I can't stand that weapon. I am the weapon myself. I left the bathroom to joined the next bus load of visitors to the city. I spied a young traveler to the city. I walked up to him.

"Hi, I am Bradley. Can I assist you? I am from the city."

"Howdy, the name Tom. I am from Texas." I shook the hand of the hunk.

"I love Texas beef." The Wolf had returned once more to the turf. 

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...