Saturday, December 14, 2013

17. Preys and Predators; The Ends starts herel Part 8 Rating Mature


Special Agent

I called for backup and rushed there. All of us convened at the entrance before we rushed in. There was forty of us, with twelve heavy armored personnels with high powered rifles. We saw the front doors opened and rushed in. It was like the warehouse but this time. We had eight bodies with open wounds and cuts, while two was stripped naked. They were all dead with their throats slitted.

"Wow! Did they fucked themselves to dead?" The commander of the heavy armored made the lewd comment.

I had the whole mansion searched; the servants rounded up but no one seen the Lord and his sister. They were missing. I called in the K9 units but the dogs would not come out of the vehicles. In the end, we did the search on the estate grounds by ourselves. There was not much to find, but we found Morales car, and another car belonging to a Benjamin Lake. And we found Darcy Malone's remains. She was murdered some hours ago.

When I reached back the mansion, the Forensics guy ran up to me. He showed me the evidence bag. It was gray fur. Then he showed me another bag. It was a broken upper jaw with the fangs.

"I think we have to called in the bigger boys." I knew who he meant; the Smithsonian Team. They would know what to look for in the bones and fur.

"Let me have that. I would pass it on." I told the Forensics guy.

"That won't be necessary, Agent Starling. My name is Guy Forest, NSA. We are taking over." The man in the black suit handed me the letter. It was signed by the Bureau Chief. "Please leave the scene and stay in the City. We got things to cleared with you."

I called Jimmy Landon but he was still away.

Morales is missing.

But there was still Henris Letas. I called him but they said he was not in the Hotel. Darned time to be sight seeing.


I opened my eyes to the new surrounding. It was dark and cold in there, but with my human eyes, I was blind as a bat.  I knew I was in a cage deep down in the tunnel of some sort. The light was turned on and it was an infra red bulb.

"Good morning, Detective." I looked to the voice and saw the young girl sitting there. She was wearing a short dress with her guitar on her lap. "I was strumming while you slept. My brother never did like my strumming. He liken it to garbage cans music. But he won't be saying much now."

She motioned the body that was laid on the wet flooring; arms folded and legs straighten down. It was Erich Lichfield, dead and no more a threat.

"I tried to revived him, but you did a good task on him. Every pint of blood I gave him got out by his asshole." The girl applauded like a singer receiving her ovation. "Lycan, you have killed my Lord."

"With him dead, I would be the Lady of the Estate. It does sound nice, but I wondered if the hundred over Lichfield would respect their new Lady. I guessed they would if I have your head on the plate for their viewing."

"I won't kill you just yet. I have invited a guest over. He would tell me how to kill a Lycan permanently." She was getting all excited. "And he is an older man. I loved older man. Let me be a old man's love than a young man's slave."

She then stood up. I guessed I would need to get changed now. He would be dropping by soon." She took the stairs nearby and went up. I tried my restraints but they are well placed in the flooring of the cage.


I was never driven to a dinner before, unless you ignored the forty seater coach I took for the Police Dinner. It was a rather long drive to the so named estate. The driver pulled over on the far side of the estate at a stone hut with a small chimney and its small garden fenced by the white picket fence. I had prepared the meal to be best of my ability with the limited use of the kitchen. The chefs were upset but the management earned their days taking from me alone. My hostess received me in a green dress with a low cut on the front and back with high heels. I had my dishes brought in with the warmer still hot.

"I had very little time and choices of meats. I hoped you like something exotic." I presented my dishes to my hostess.

"The onion soup with smoked plum and chanterelles, served with a little boat made of onion filled with blood sausage and horseradish. I had that borrowed from the Japanese restaurant."

"The roasted tender meat of the wolf with spinach roulade and beans, whose delicate flavor blended very well with the lightly sour noodles made of farmer cheese and the sweetness of braised red cabbage with rose and rowan. An excellent choice with a zest for the adventurous."

"Gingerbread and poppy seed mousse with hot cherries in red wine. I added in the silver leafs for decorations. A fine glint like the edge of the sharp knife."

"Of course, the thick red wine, to be drunk instead of laying on top of the food. Mine was ingested with the blood of the wolf, to make it more robust with taste and refined with character." I poured her a glass. "Non-alcoholic in taste and does resembled tomato juice. Ah, it bring out the cherry red lipsticks of yours. The gloss and the desirable edges."

She thanked me for the dishes and sat down with me. She picked at her vegetables but she took the wine like soda to her lips.

"Do tell, Henri. How do you find our City?" She was being courteous to asked of myself on a city I had just visited.

"Intrigante in the day, misterioso at night, seductor before dawn." I replied. "So many varied people in one small city. And your estate is so I right to say that?"

"Yes, the estate is huge. We could accommodate a dozen cemetery and none would be discovered." She laughed and then held back. "My father said I was born wild. So pardon my brash manners."

"Please do not underestimate yourself. I find you most...interesante." I stood up and asked if she would dance with me.

"There are no music." She spoke up as she hot up.

"Music is what we hear be it from the ears or the mind. I heard yours in the mind." I held out my arms. "Wolf dance...No, I meant Waltz. My pronunciation gets mixed up."

We waltzed to the sound of the night; she stand only below my chin but it was a well coordinated dance. Soon she told me to be seated while she presented the evening entertainment.

"Uh....I am a married man. I do not...." She hushed me up. She walked over to the fireplace and opened a hidden panel. The flooring before the fire place slide open and the sound of the whirring machine gears were heard. A cage soon appeared from the flooring, and it housed a naked lady in chains inside it.

'I am most curioso." I remarked as the naked lady. "Who may she be?"

"Meet Morales. The Prime One and I was advised the Ancient one now. Shes a ....." 

"Werewolf.." I replied.

"Please allowed me to demonstrate." My hostess must had pressed a switch which electric currents coursed through the cage metal surface causing the lady there to scream. And then howled. She had become the Prime One. Both my hostess and myself sat back at the table to complete our dinner. My hostess was eating with an appetite like a predator then. She soon fell back on her seat asleep. I could not bring myself to tell her of the sedative I had added to her glass and plate.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...