Saturday, December 7, 2013

12. Preys and Predators; The Ends starts herel Part 3 Rating Mature


Special Agent

"I never seen it coming? Fucked you, Agent Davis." I looked away to the skyline. My killer is somewhere out there, among the twelve million people. My phone then rang. I picked it up.

"Clarice." I was upset at Davis for being outwitted by the subject. Now I got two case to handle here.

"Its me, Henris. I just arrived from DC. I am in the Hotel. This is the number." Henris on the other line gave me a set of numbers. I was shocked by the call and more so that the man was in the same city as myself.

"I would hang up now. You continue on." The line went dead. That was Henris; all professional and work to him was more important. I replaced the handle and then saw the agent still standing there.

"Get out and find the Tom Burke." I told him. He left me with bad ache in the head. I reached for the medication in the drawer, and found instead the report on Jimmy Landon. I did a profile on him, after the Golan' case. His life read like a obscure to famous in the legal fraternity but he had some dubious clients like Hasin, Golan and others of the shady life. I wondered if he would be who he was if not for them. I recalled that his wife died of the vicious attack that resembled the Wolf, but there was concern that it was a copy cat. He was seen close to Morales, but that was the baffling part.

I knew Morales was not in any relationship with him before; she had other preferences. But the two had met in the Darcy's case and later at her own. I asked to dug more from the system, but we hit a blank. I guessed I had to assumed Morales met him on professional terms.

"Agent Starling, we got another one. College boy mauled in the motel room. Its the Wolf." I was out of my seat before the agent had pulled his head out of my doorway.

"We got the squad on standby." I heard him but I am not going to use them just yet. I am sure they had bad memories of myself from the previous raid; four casualties in one raid stood out as the worst record in their history.

The uniformed were all there, cordon with the yellow tape and three suspects in questioning. I looked into the crime scene, the body was still there. It was the work of the Wolf. I saw the bag and the contents taken out. He may had been a bright boy with a future in the games, maybe as a professional but then he remained dead on the bed.

"The manager said he came in with another person. He thinks they paired up upstairs." The manager was a Korean immigrant. "He paid by cash...."

"Ask him on the person who was with him. Show him the photo." The reply I got wishy washy at best. The manager said he did not see the face but it could be him. I walked out of the motel to the outside street. There was a lesson we learned at the Academy; the killer do come back to the scene as a bystander. I scour the faces and then I saw one which stood out. I took out my new portable; Jimmy sent it to me after I returned to DC. It allowed me to take pictures. She had ducked out after I took her mug. I pulled the nearest uniform officer.

"Find her in the crowd." I instructed him.


I heard it on the police radio when I parked the car by the kerb. I was going to the Mayor's office. Clarice had given me a lead to follow. Soon I found myself at the Facilities Section. I asked for the reports on the mall where Darcy went missing. I asked for more details on the personnel involved. Nobody gets kidnapped by ghosts. I saw a name that was familiar to me.

"He is at the basement. We have leak there at the gas pipes." The desk staff told me. I descended to the basement. He was there.

"Ben Lake." I shouted to him. He was dressed like the Supervisor; white shirt and beige pants but he ignored me. I caught his scent. He was from the tribes. My own tribe, Hantok. He was transforming before my eye.

"Stop, I command you!" I shouted out. He stopped and then turned back to his human self.

"Why are you in rage with me?" I looked to him. He had his head faced down but on my question, he looked up.

"I am told that you are not of ours. The Ancient had said you betrayed our kind. You are to be killed on sight." The man bowed to her. "I can't do it. You are my Prime. I cannot hunt my own Prime. Forgive me."

I thrust out my right hand towards his throat. I grabbed it firmly but held back on my claws. He did not put up a fight nor did he asked for mercy. Soon I let go of him and stepped back.

"The Malone girl? Do you know?" I asked him. He nodded.

"The Ancient had taken her. She was wanted with him." I looked hard at the man. Soon he was telling me the details. The cameras were damaged by him. He had planned dit all. She was placed into the large chest before he shipped her out to the basement. There was the van there which she was driven off. He does not know where she was taken.

"Ben Lake, you would served your remaining life here. Do not appeared before the tribe or the Council. I would kill you for that."

It was evening when I passed by the shrine which the Council meet on the full moon. I was tempted to go in as the Ancient would be alone then. He lived there alone but I did not. I skipped the shrine and went to checked on the murder scene of the own known as the Wolf. I parked a distance away from the motel and walked there. It was when I walked past the corner, I caught the scent. It was a new one; an unnatural one. I looked to my back and noticed there was nothing there. I tried to pick up the scent but it was musked by some other scents.

I strolled up and down the street but there was no scent. It was like it never happened. I recalled them, the Goeld tribe; whom Hasin and Golan were the leaders. They had learned to hide their scent. Like Cindy, and maybe her missing brother. Could it be it was him, I bumped into.

"Golan, Gelim, Hasin, Goeld..." I muttered to myself. I think I may had found the killer named Wolf.

The Ancient rang in my mind.

The Killer

I looked across the street to the Shrine. It was the reason I have come back. My place where I was to be brought up; along side with a sister, but my father had me sent away. He said I was not ready to with them. I was an omega; the wrong one. But soon he had contacted me, after such a long time. He left me a message, that the tribe allowed me back but I must prove myself. I am to prove myself. There were names given; loved ones of the guilty ones. I was to removed their loved ones they once removed his.

I killed seventh in the last count. There were all relatives of the ones he wanted to suffer. Tom Burke was the son of the distant cousin of Richard Lichfield. The victims were all his cousins siblings or lovers; the man who owned now the Lichfield estate.

This one was for myself. I had heard from the agents that Cindy had died. She was killed with my father, and there was the rumor that it was the works of the others. I need to know who, and why. I crossed the street towards the door. It was unlocked and I walked in. Who would dare to come in, unless you like to taste the fangs of the wolf on your flesh.

"Who is there?" The old man stepped out. He was dressed in a long robe. He held himself up with the walking stand.

"I come to seek answers, old man." Tom twitched his nose. The scent of the other was strong. He was told that the Ancient was from the Stone Tribe. They are liken to the Northern Rocky Mountain breed. 

"I scent something and yet nothing. Who are you?" The Ancient was getting restless. His limbs were twitched and then he began to transform. It was a slower process than compared to the one who was from the Goeld tribe. The younger werewolf closed the distance in seconds before his claws thrust into the Ancient throat.

"Who ordered the killing of my sister?" The young werewolf twisted his claws causing the other to howled out. "Who was it?"

"You....who are you?" The Ancient was still fighting to know who was myself.

"Tomas, son of Golan. Omega of Goeld." He told the Ancient. It was then the Ancient pushed the young Werewolf off. It staggered on it with one hand holding onto to its bleeding wound. The Ancient staggered back and smiled.

"Tomas, I did not become the Ancient to be defeated so easily. The wound would heal in time, but yours may not be so fortunate." The Ancient had full transformed then held out its arms and howled. It then charged at the young Werewolf with its ferocity that marked the Rocky wolves.

The young Werewolf had stepped aside on the charge and had its right claws on the back of the charging Werewolf. The claws tore into the flesh and attached it self to the kidney to pulled it out. The older Werewolf rolled onto its side in pain but the younger had the scent of blood on its claws went for the kill. Its right claws buried into the throat while its left claws tore into the lower spine. It left claw grabbed the spinal cord and pulled it out towards the upper back. The older Werewolf howled out louder and then it croaked on its own blood which was gushing out of the throat.

"I guessed you would not be telling me anything." The young Werewolf was transforming back to it human form while the dying Ancient Werewolf also did the same.

"Beware, young Goeld. Your heritage is marred with mistakes. We banished your kind for good reason." The Ancient spoke not in words but in the mind. "Beware the blood suckers. They had you marked. Your tribe. A long feud that only with death would suffice."

"Did they ordered the killing of my sister?" Tom asked.

"No, it was the Lichfield family. Now go. I have to recuperate."

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...