Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Dark Queen of White; Part 1 of 1.1

Jimmy Loong
December 2013

The beginning


The sentry on the high tower spotted the return of their royal entourage, and alerted the guards on the castle walls. The same alert was then sent to the guards manning the drawbridge, which would in turn begin to lower the drawbridge over the moat. While all this was going on, the head servants would instruct their staff to prepare the food and drinks in the Main Hall, and the maid servants would get the rooms ready for the King's return. The personal maids of the Queen would have alerted the Queen herself in the chamber or at the garden, on the return of the King.

On that particular day, that was not forthcoming, as the Queen was unwell, and had to remain in bed. By her side, was the twin crib, with the young babies of the King and Queen, born a week ago. Their birth was not easy and had added to the Queen's recovery. She lay in bed, while the healers attending to her pack their boxes, to withdraw to the corridor to await the King.

On that day, the King had ridden ahead with his horse ridden guards, while the caravans were half a day away. The King's company was the ten knights and fifty guards on horsebacks, while the caravan loaded with their supplies trailed them with a company of two hundred foot soldiers. It was wise then for the King to travel with such a big company for the land was unsafe with the presence of bandits and above all, enemies of the King.

The King column trooped into the Courtyard of his magnificent castle with the six high towers overlooking the wide river on its right side, and the vast farmlands on the left. Further to the extent of the farmlands was the township which bear his name, and under his protectorate; the township of Egan.

King Egan dismounted from his white stallion and threw the rein to the stable master. He removed his head piece; the helm while walking into the main doors of his Main Hall. Before it was his good friend, Lin Denham; the Castellan of the Castle during his journey to the neighboring lands. Beside the Castellan was the wizard under his employ; Corellian, the wiry looking man dressed in the blue cloak and sporting a long staff that he claimed was from an enchanted tree trunk.

"Where's my Queen?" King Egan roared out, while he threw his head piece towards the servant standing there behind the Castellan. The King himself was still in his battle armor; with the mail hood over his head, while his body was encased by the cuirass and to his lower torso was the faulds to protect his hips and waist. On his limbs, are the greaves which cover his exposed arms and legs. He pulled off his gauntlet and hollered for the servants to assist in removing his armor pieces. He had left his battle sword; the three feet long double blade with the single hilt with his squire.

"Hurry, you fool. I must see to my babies." King Egan was growing impatient with the servants who were struggling to remove his armor. Once they had removed his cuirass, he had kicked out at the servants who were attempting to pull at the legs greaves.

"Fools! Even the wenches on the battlefields are better than the lot of you." King Egan strode off with his lower body still encase by the armor. He mounted the stairs to the upper landing towards his personal chambers. He passed the three healers who bowed before their King as he walked past. He stepped in to the chamber and the personal maids of the Queen all cower to the sides to avoid the King.

"How is she?" King Egan asked of the healers who trailed behind him up his entry.

"The Queen is weak. She had lost a lot of blood, and we still cannot stop the bleeding." The senior healer named Tgin spoke up on behalf of the healers. The healer was a middle aged lady with seasons of handling the Queen's health and was experienced with the birth of the young 'uns.

"What ails her, healer?" King Egan asked. “Was there a curse on her being by some of my enemies?"

King Egan had many mortal enemies, and he feared that the ones he had wronged may had allied with the unnatural beings to wreck havoc on him and his Queen. He thus had the services of the wizard, who claimed to able to suppress such dark arts. He did not wait for the reply from Tgin and called on Corellian to reply.

"Aye, my King. Queen Evie had truly being attacked by the dark beings...." Corellian spoke up while stamping his staff. King Egan in his wrath slapped the wizard across the face for the reply.

"And what had you done to protect her? I paid you heavy in gold coins." King Egan retorted back and then gave the order. "Away with his head and had it staked on the walls for all to see."

The guards of the castle who were at the doorway, stepped in to hold the wizard.

"Kill me, King Egan, and your land would be cursed more. Only I could stop these dark ones." Corellian voiced out in a threatening mode.

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