Monday, December 9, 2013

14. Preys and Predators; The Ends starts herel Part 5 Rating Mature


Special Agent

I found Greta Lichfield but in the system, there was bare information of her. No bank accounts, no driving license, no phone, not even a listing in any colleges. She may not even exist if I had not checked. It was the Davis again.

"Agent Starling, someone dismembered the caretaker of a Counseling Center for the Poor. It was funded by the community with Mr.Golan its incumbent President." Davis looked concerned for my reaction.

"Get the local precinct on it. It could be a punk thing." I ignored the other agent.

"I think you ought to know. It was them who called us. And more to it, they think its the Wolf."

I hated presumption but it was too close to be false. The Wolf had killed just a day ago, and it was not in his MO to do another kill so near. I grabbed my jacket and followed Davis to the crime scene. I found Morale there with the Uniforms.

"We found the caretaker in the inner rooms. There was blood at the Main Hall but he may had dragged himself to the inner rooms." Morales gave me the brief. "His spine was removed and so was his left kidney. And also his heart; stomped on. We are running traces, but we don't expect much from it. There was a prayer section that evening, and so we could be getting mixed results."

"Darned sad way to die." Morales completed her brief. I walked over to look at the body. The boys have left it for me.

"Diego Gonzales, aged sixty seven, no conviction, caretaker for over twenty years." Davis read off his briefs. "Maybe the Wolf took on him after Golan."

I ignored the agent and checked the body. I found a strand of hair. It looked familiar; similar to the one I threw into the river. I picked it up and passed it to Forensics.

"Agent Starling, we go a call. The person claimed to be the killer. He is now holding out in a store at downtown."

I rushed off with Agent Davis calling in on our move. When I picked up the bullet vest, my hands shook. I recalled the last raid I led; it was a disaster. I asked Davis who was in charge there.

"We are. The Commissioner wants to us take the lead." Agent Davis held onto the wheel as we sped past the traffic. It was nine am in the morning and the traffic was hell. We reached there half an hour later. There were uniformed all around and so was the SWAT Team. I met the commander of the SWAT.

"We got him in position at the left hand side of the store. He is armed and had taken shots at us. We got snipers at ...." I cut him off.

"I am going in alone. No backups." I shed my bullet vest and passed it to Davis. The later tried to stopped me but I told him off. When I took my walk to the store. I heard the commander said to Davis; 'Is she the bitch that got four of the team downed? She is one crazy bitch'.

Yup, I was crazy but I had seen enough killing. I was going to talk to the guy there. On my fourth step, I was joined my Morales. She joined me and walked alongside me.

"You crazy, Morales. This is my battle." I told her but she said it was her City. We had reached five paces to the shop when the man inside called out.

"Come no closer. Who are you?" The voice called out.

"Special Agent Starling. FBI." I looked at Morales. "This is..."

"I know her." It was then Morales spoke up.


"The Ancient un muerto ( Spanish for, the Ancient one is dead )", I spoke out in whispers. If it who I think it was, then he could hear me.

"Lo sé. Quiero saber quién lo mató. Lo hiciste? ( Spanish for, I know. I want to know who kill him. Did you do it? )" He asked back. Then he considered again. "Come in, but with the hands raised."

We did as he asked. Clarice went in first followed by myself. I closed the door and looked at the man huddled near the window. He was my opponent from the Arena. His nose was still mending but I doubt he would smile with that misplaced jaw. He had a gun and it was then at his feet. I stepped forth to confront him.

"Can we talk?" I asked him. He nodded and looked towards her.

"I am sorry, Clarice." The back swipe of mine knocked her out. With my enhanced strength, it must had felt like a pile driver. Clarice fell to the ground while I called in on the radio.

"Its okay. Clarice fainted. It could be the heat. I would take over." I had to tell them something or they would rush in guns blazing. I looked back to the man.

"Can we talk now?" He nodded again.

"You were banished from the tribes. Why did you come back?" I asked him.

"I came to collect my money. I had done all he told me. But he was dead. Now I am alone." The man lowered his head into his knees. "He was my Prime. He made me Omega after I lost to you."

I knew such wolves in the pack. They are like soldiers; do the task asked by the Prime. He was one. He may know which I needed to know.

"Dígame lo que usted le pide que haga? Yo soy el nuevo Ancient uno ahora. ( Spanish for Tell me what he asked you to do? I am the new Ancient one. )." The man started talking; the planned fight in the Arena, the killing of my mother which he had led the killers there, and also the abduction of Darcy Malone. It was all on the instruction of the Ancient one who had collaborated with the blood suckers. He had his regret and wanted to leave the city. He was promised money.

The shot came right through the window. It shattered his right side of the brain across the flooring.

"Who the fucked order the shot?" I shouted into the radio.

"I did." Clarice sat up on the flooring. "I heard it."

I ignored her and walked out. The uniformed rushed in after me like reporters looking to get the first pix for the headlines. I walked to my car when Clarice caught up.

"Morales, I want to know." She looked at me. "Please, I can help."

I ignored her and got into the car but she slipped in on the passenger side. I gunned up the engine and reversed the car to drive out to the freeway. From there I hit the side roads before pulling over at a deserted stretch. We did not speak a word since then.

"I need to pee." I told her and got out. I walked to the bushes and contributed my nutrients to the soil. I walked back to the car and saw the keys missing. She soon walked back with the keys.

"I took it just in case you left me here. I had my needs too." She threw me the keys. I gunned up the engine and looked towards her.

"I know a motel nearby. They served a good breakfast and have the hot shower. No cams when I last checked it." She laughed at my humor. I was not kidding her; I had my other colleagues telling me they had found cams in some motels. I guess in DC, they don't do that. They probably reserved it for the Presidential suites.


I looked to my guest; latched to the long metal table with his limbs all spread out. I had time to prepare the place; isolated hut in the hills, bought some strong chains and locks, my herbs and culinary set. The last was a cheaper set as I was not sure how long I would stay but the paring knife was personally selected. My guest had awakened and I walked over.

"I hoped you like my new apron." It was a yellow one with the face of the hog on it. "Meet Piggy. Piggy meet Wolf. Pardon my lack of clothes. I had a limited baggage limits."

I was naked except for the apron and the yellow rubber boots.

The killer named Wolf struggled on the restraints I had placed on him. I took extra precautions, with the tensile strength, after all I was not sure who I was going to face. When I was in Europe, I read many cases of unexplained murders of similar nature. The one thing they all reported on was the brute strength exerted on the victims. If it was true, Mr.Burke was a werewolf, it would be most challenging to matched his strength with my wits.

"Tell me, Mr Burke. Are you a werewolf?" I had the table attached to the generator set so I could apply psychology treatment. I switched on the power and watched him jerked on the restraints.

"We named it the Milgram Study. It encouraged patients obedience. But please don't quote me. I had stopped practicing for some years now. I am now into medieval torture treatment. It worked very well for my new profession."

I took onto him several jolts with my routine questions, then I saw the results. Mr.Burke was transforming before my own eyes. I grabbed the extra chains and lobbed it over the table. I quickly latched them to the grounded bolts. I was not taking chances. He had become his alter ego.

The Wolf had surfaced.

I grabbed the syringe and thrust it into his wrist. I attached the syringe to the pump which would draw out his blood. He struggled harder on the restraints, but I was not complete yet. I reached for my culinary set and retrieved the surgical blade. I did the incision on his navel to his groin. I reached in and removed the liver, the spleen and then the kidneys. I looked to his testicles and penis.

"I doubt the ancient ever eaten that. I do know the eastern do. Sadly, I am not in need of those vitality strength." 

Mr.Burke took a long time on my table, but I had my freezer filled up with the essential cuts including the tender areas. I had my last look at Mr.Burke.

"We belong to the same University, but our fraternity motto would not allowed us to mingle. Sad, but I would had like to join us." I smiled at him. "And thank you for this lovely meal".

I had cooked up the Polish Pierogi with a change in the recipe. Wolf meat does taste like the others. I guessed as predators, we ought to share the diet taste.

My portable rang. Only person who know that number was Clarice.

"Henris, here." I heard her voice. "Its okay, my dear. I caught up with a new friend. He had invited me to his house for dinner."

"Oh, his name is Lobo. Nice chap. Tender on the inside." I laughed. "Wild man from his looks. We are having a meat dish now."

"Sure, my dear. Works come first. Bye."

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

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