Friday, December 27, 2013

The Tempest Act 4, Scene 1 Part 1.2

"I guess so." Freddy replied and tried to push his way back to her breasts but she held him back up.

"No, Freddy. I must know." Miranda told him.

"Yes, I would...." Freddy paused. "But we hardly know each other."

Freddy struggled with his words. It was then Miranda pushed him away. She pulled at her dress to covered herself.

"I meant I love you. I would marry you but could we not enjoyed ourselves before the patters of feet invade our time." Freddy spoke out but he did not know why he had formed those words. In truth, he was afraid that he may lose her like his mother was dead when he was only twelve. He felt he hardly knew her long enough. Nor did his father who was always outside. Abigail Nates died the same year as Miranda' mother but on different situation.

"I am sorry, Miranda." Freddy pulled her over to hold her. "I do love you."

Miranda felt his pain and his sincerity. She pulled away and then looked at him. She lowered her straps again and pulled him to her breasts. It was how they moved on until both were naked on the flooring, with hormones surging but no sex was to take place.

It was also how Paul found the couple when he walked in on them. He had come from the hidden corridors when Ariel told him that he would continue doing the show alone to frighten the guests more.

"I had laced the food with some hallucinations drugs, they saw worms on the food, as we have tested before on the inmates. They saw the descending devil; another act of mine with puppetry and lights." Ariel told him then. He left Ariel to see his daughter. 

"How dare you this to me?" Paul in his anger had pulled the young man off the his daughter's side. "I who had saved you , fed you and now ......"

"Dear Sir, I did nothing to her. We just lain there as the body was weary." Freddy pleaded with the older man. "I had not touched her improperly if that was you meant."

"And to what I was envisage; a man of your youth with the surges of the body? A mere sunbath in the shed when it rained outside." Paul point to the man, while his daughter who had woken grabbed the clothes there to dress.

Paul saw her inconvenience and turned away from them.

"Dress up quick and then I would speak." Paul stood there looking at the walls. It was then Ariel came to him. He had just arrived from the hall where his magical presentation had confused the guests.

"They gone looking for him. Three are dead though." Ariel reported to him.

"Collateral damages." Paul replied. "Trail them and set them off the dead tracks. Better still lead them to the dungeons. Have them locked there for a while. I want them confused and perhaps mad. What better place to do it than in this place."

Paul then turned to the young couple. They were dressed but they held each other hands to faced him. He called forth his daughter to him.

"Miranda, for ten years I had brought you up. I had told you many a times, you are not ready to lose yourself onto any man. Be it Kabib or ...." Paul was interrupted by her.

"Father, I never lain with that brute. He forced me. ..." Miranda defended her innocence.

"Yes, I know. I had Kabib confessed, and he did not asked you. He was like any growing man; they go crazy at times." Paul looked to Freddy who looked away sheepishly. "You ought to know..."

"Father, we did nothing. We merely kissed and touch..." Miranda tried to explain.

"Enough please. I need not hear of the details....." Paul looked away. He wished Bernice was here. She would known what to do. At that time, all he wanted to do was shaft the piece of wood up the man' butt but he restrained himself. He would be fair; after all he did like the young man. He fitted into his new plan.

"Come here, impostor." Paul motioned to Freddy. He wanted to ask his daughter to go away but reckon he would do the talking together.

"Young man, I find your action deplorable." Paul started off with the words. Freddy immediately reacted back.

"I took responsibility for my action, Sir. I did not took advantage of her. I really loved your daughter. May I have her hand in marriage?" Freddy spoke all of that in one long sentence.

"No....not yet." Paul replied before he took on his breath of air. "I knew not who you are, but a straggler into my home."

"I am, Sir. Ferdinand Thomas Nates...." Freddy replied but was cut off by Paul.

"An impostor which I had declared upon you." Paul replied. "I met Ferdinand Nates. He was not called Freddy."

"Pardon me, Sir. Freddy was my nickname given by my mother, Abigail Smith before she married my father Anthony Nates. I was named after my grandfathers'' Ferdinand and Thomas. I...." Freddy told his whole life tale while Paul listened. He knew most of it as he was the Godfather of the child at birth. Paul looked to his daughter and noticed her smile. She was becoming to know more of her husband to be.

"So what does your father do, young man?" Paul asked.

"He is a trader of sorts. Works most time in the exports and imports of goods." Freddy replied. Paul smiled. So another one that does not know his father's real trade. But Paul was wrong.

"Actually, I knew that my father does more than that." Freddy admitted to Paul. "He works with the mobster and also do some smuggling. He told me he was going straight. Handing over to my cousin Anthony and then retire."

"Sir, I won't disappoint Miranda. We would get a new life and away from all of that." Freddy continued on.

"Let me think on it." Paul replied. He was to go back to his guests when Miranda called him.

"Father, I love Freddy. There may not be another." Miranda spoke out. "I am blind and even in my state, I know I am not that beautiful like many others. But if Freddy truly loves me as he had said, then I am the most beautiful one to him. That matters a lot to me."

"Sir, Miranda is the most beautiful one for me. Please consent our love." Freddy asked of the older man.

Paul nodded. But then he turned around to faced the two lovers of sort.

"You must promised me one thing, young man." Paul looked at the man. He then asked Freddy to stepped forth for him to whispered to his ears.

"Preserved her till we can find a proper person to marry the two of you. Shatter not her virginity or I would had you impaled with the lance with the blunt end first." Paul looked sternly to the young man who nodded.

"I shall obey." Freddy did looked rather silly with his legs closed up tight as if he was in need of the bathroom.

"If I may, Sir." Freddy asked and the older man allowed him to leave. Miranda walked up to her father.

"What did you do to him?" She asked of him.

"Nothing that he does not deserved." Paul replied and went off to look for his servant Ariel.

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