Saturday, December 21, 2013

4.1 Crusaders Book II - Stakes Declared

Stakes Declared

1.                    Mongkok District, Hong Kong

Geraldine looked at the scheduled of the planned intinery for the reunion while enjoying the breakfast prepared by the priest. Its a simple spread but the last few days, she had been well fed like today. She saw the note on the table; she read it and ran for the bedroom. Her travel bag gone and so are some of her personal things. Then the call came in.

"Geraldine, I have little time. They are here; downstairs of your place. I am in opposite the theater down the street. Just get here." The line was dead.

Geraldine picked up her backpack left at the couch and ran for the door. Then she hesitated there for a while; contemplating why is she running. She only knew the priest for a few days and all he told her was unbelievable; the ruckus of some demons wanting to takeover the world. Things that you read in the Bible or listen at the End of the World Symposium. Now that she's thinking back, it sounded like a hoax.

But then way the door was slammed back was no hoax.

Geraldine was thrown back by the explosion on the doorway. It was targeted to break open the hinges and locks. The door fell on her and before she could react, some one stepped on it. She reacted with her instinct; using her hands to pushed the door up. She found new strength in her limbs and got up. She find herself; facing tree uniformed officers of the elite squad, the Flying Tigers. They are armed with automatic short barrels rifles, and its electronic strobe lights are drawing bead on her.

"Not today, darlings. I am seeing someone else." She drew out from her back pack the automatic hand piece with nine bullets. She let off three shots in succession on them; breaking their googles with her bullets into the skull. She rolled over on hearing the comms call.

"Target armed. Sniper One and Two on."

The two shot came in just where she was lying on. She got up and ran out the door. She reached the stairs and looked down; thirteen flights down with two officers coming up on the eleven. She heard the windows shattering; that means they are more than three admirers. She ran into the staircase, and moved up. She ran up to the sixteenth floor and onto the rooftop. She barricade the door and half crouch in her run. She stopped at the Maintenance Room which stored the equipments. Inside it was a high rise chute; one that allows you to jump off buildings. Its her crazy antics among her friends, and sometimes on the day she feels high.

"Wowee!" She jumped off the other side of the building; the blind side of the structure. Its a short jump but she can direct her landing. She choose her risky one; the row of old four level shop houses, with their clothes lines and antennas. She came in hard and fast but the laundries slowed her and eventually stopped her from falling off. She took off the chute and limped to the doorway. She went all the way down and stopped a cab. Then only did she rest.

"What did he feed me?" She asked. It was a sort ride to the theater but the cab could not get there. They sealed the roads, but Geraldine saw the priest walking away. She called to him and he joined her.

"Where's next?" She asked.

"Vatican City. We can take it at the airport."

"I did not bring my travel documents." Geraldine protested. "And also my on-flight sickness bag."

"Its all arranged. Your bags are checked in and we are flying private. We do have our faithful who are willing to offer us their plane." Priest Ricken sat back and smiled.

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