Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Tempest Act 3, Scene 2

Act 3, Scene 2

The musical and dancing trio ran out to the southern part of the land, and soon laid down by the small creek there. It was a favorite for the richer inmates for their personal sojourn on the land. Steven had been here once too many times during the heydays with the affordable ones. He once had a orgy organized by an eccentric millionaire who had his mistress placed here. He wanted her to 'have it the fullest when interned here'. The three men had removed their clothes to swim in the creek, and was drying themselves under the sun.

"Kabib, do you remember this place?" Timothy spoke up on some past memories.

"How could he? He was kept in the halls." Steven jumped to defend the hunchback. "I was here many times; courtesy of my position. And of course my vitality."

Steven was the vile one then before he got drunk on his lack of it. He went for the bottle after the last lady complained of his spontaneous action. It was a personal attack on him, but he was further ridiculed by the ladies when he was back at the Block. That was nine months before they closed the place, but he was on the daily bottle then.

"Fuck your vitality." Timothy splat it out. "I am not interested to listen to your tales then and now."

Surprisingly, Steven then turned to Kabib on his right.

"Hey, Hunchback." Steven called the other by his looks. "If I am King, I would appoint you my Minister."

"My Minister of Defense." Steven continued on. "That would be your position. You are a good logistic person. You knew where all the things are kept in this place. So that made you qualify for the position."

"Hey, what about me?" Timothy asked.

"You are not ...needed." Steven replied. That cause the other to moan out his protest.

"How come, I am as good as him. I am better than him." Timothy sat up and tried to shake the intoxication off. He looked towards Kabib.

"That is not Minister of Defense. He should be Minister of Horror. Like his mother, she was the Minister of Whores. Everyone had a thrust into her." Timothy laughed at the hunchback. Kabib sat up and turned to looked at Steven.

"My King, defend me against my enemy as I would had if I was your Minister." Kabib called on the elder man to defend him. "My benefactor would do it."

"Benefactor? Who's he?" Steven asked. He looked to Kabib, but Timothy was still raving in his drunken stupor.

"The benefactor was the guy who kept us supplied with the food and drinks." Timothy spoke up. "He needed us to accompany him. He needed some faces to see when he took his walks. He needed someone to speak to. I bet you that he was probably the father of the hunchback."

"Your benefactor never spoke to me." Steven replied. "Never did. Not even when he saw me. He walked past me like some ghost or statue."

Timothy laughed out loud. He then spoke out.

"It was the same to me too. He never glanced at me, but he fed me well. He fed me all these time. He gave me the shelter. And food. And drinks."

"I felt like a frigging inmate. Ten years." Timothy continued on with a sigh. "Served by the monster he fathered."

It was then Steven hit him.

"I was no inmate. I was the staff. I was Mr Steven to them. They called me that. No one brand me the inmate." Steven was in rage. "No one."

Steven landed several more punches to Timothy.

Kabib reached out and pulled Steven off the unconscious man. He pulled Steven to the creek and dumped the head into the water.

"My benefactor promised others their freedom but I am the one he held here. He runs the place like his own, make me do his tasks, but he does not know that I am really the King." Kabib spoke up. "I am true King."

"I would be King if you help me." Kabib looked to Steven. "Help me topple the fake King."

"Who? Your benefactor? Our benefactor?" Steven asked the hunchback.

"Yes. He stole my land. My palace. My .....girl." Kabib told him.

"Girl?" Steven was all ears. He had not a girl for ten years now. When Kabib mentioned a girl, he was all excited. He forgot how that feels like. Timothy had just recovered from the blows and stood up.

"You could had killed me." Timothy rushed at Steven. They ended up in the creek water and wrestle each other. Kabib jumped in and pulled them apart. He pulled Steven off to the side while Timothy was left sitting in the shallow water in the creek.

"I am the King. Obey me, and you would be given your needs." Kabib looked towards Steven. "You can have the girl. I do not want her."

"You can share the golds and silvers he had in the room." Kabib told them. "We can all share and then leave."

"And for me, a soft bedding for my body....." Steven laughed.

"Yes, she would be. She would be your thy bed, and bring thee forth brace brood." Kabib danced around the laughing man. It would be his vengeance on her for causing him pain. She would pay for it with the pains of labor.

"But how would we find the benefactor? This place is huge. Even with my long stay here, I am lost sometimes in its corridors." Timothy voiced out.

"Aye, I know how. I know where. I know it all." Kabib replied. "We would kill him in his sleep. He sleeps alone in the room. But we must move with stealth. We must not let him wake up."

"He holds the weapons to jill us from a distance. He's all powerful with it. But if we get it before he does, he is just an old man." Kabib continued on.

"Tim, the man is armed. He could be having a gun." Steven spoke to his friend. "We have none."

"I have still my baton." Timothy wield a baton then as a nurse. He was violent with it, and many inmates from the packed rooms feared him.

"I know when he sleeps. We would surprised him." Kabib whispered to his newly formed alliance. Unknown to the trio, another was nearby. He was Ariel who heard the dancing and had followed them. Ariel was a voyeur due to his impish frame; he hid many a times in the hidden corridors to see the inmates then. He even peek at the girl when she was alone. Its was his perversion, and it paid off this time. He heard their plans. He would tell the benefactor. That would give him some more credits to his tasks.

It was then the wind picked up again, as the next stage of the storm was resumed. The wind roared through the trees in the woods, bringing with it the sounds of the canopies of leaves intermingling with the birds seeking shelter at the lower branches. As the wind swept on the plains in between the trees, its released an eerie sound that would filtered into the large blocks of rooms; weeping its way passed corners and broken patches of the walls. It raised up the loose planks and tiles, or sheared the wall papers at the edges.

"The sound again!" Timothy reached out with his hands to cover his ears. "I must have the key to my room."

The same key that made him seek out Kabib at the shed. It was his enclosure without windows that shuts the noise off. Kabib knew that and he had taken it. He wanted to punished Timothy for the pains he had endured. Just as he watched then, he recites the words to agitate the man.

Be not afraid, the isle is full of noise.
Sounds and sweet airs that gives you pain and hurts you
Sometimes down to your soul and bones
Well hide your thine ears and the voices
That, if the may sleep the sounds
May make you sleep again, and then in your dreams
The mind would open and show you the nightmares
Endure by myself by you when I was young
Dream on that and be suffered.

"No, I begged of you. Let me go." Timothy got up to run, but Kabib stopped him.

"Bow to me, and called me King." Kabib told the man. Timothy obliged and the later laughed.

"Now I am truly free. Free to reign back my land." Kabib declared to the coming storm. "Your Tempest would be mine."

Again, unknown to the trio, the faithful Ariel ran off to warned his benefactor. He was not keen to swap one other King for this new one. With the later, there would be no freedom at all.

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