Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday Special: Villan vs Spy

Hold on, this is the disclaimer first. Its SX18 ( from where your country may rate it. ) So read on with caution. I am not responsible for any untoward cause of tissue hike in prices.

She screamed out loud, deep within her when her body betrayed her. Her body strained against the leather bands that tied her to the bedding poles on all four sides, while her body glands have wet the linens on the bed. She pushed hard against her restraints, but it was hopeless. She was as helpless as a kitten in the jaws of the hound. She took in her breaths in heavy pull before she released it with the exasperation of her helplessness.

"Was it good, Agent 009?" She opened her eyes to look towards the voice, but her exertions have also clouded her vision with the blur images. She recalled last she was stripped naked and then positioned on this bedding with her limbs all spread eagled. It was clearly a move towards degrading her but she had been in worse situations.

Her name is Jenny Honeywell, aka Agent 009 for she was the last of the list of recruits who are asked to performed the impossible tasks for the nation she had bravely served and endured for the last ten years.She had been beaten, tortured, shot and even twice raped by sadistic men, but never had she been subjected to such vile acts like the one she had just endured.

"Aargh!" She screamed out although she was not in pain but in pleasure, when her body was touched. It was all so sensitive then, every pores of her body was an erogenous zone with the sensitize feels that would triggered off her orgasm.

"I am afraid the dosage administered was too high. It heightened your senses or shall I named it appropriately your nerves ending on the skin. You see the drugs induced a form of sensitivity that resembled the persistent genital arousal disorder, but in your case, it was induced by the drug. Every time your body registered a touch on your skin, you would erupt into a series of mild to major orgasms."

"Fuck you." Jenny muttered through her dry lips towards the nemesis she was to removed. His name is Doctor Noah, but he prefers to be known as the Doctor. Her mission was to get herself admitted into his clinic farm at the hills to checked if he was perfecting any drugs that would harm the world; her tasks are all earth saving or quake shattering if known to the public. She came in as patient with a neurological disorder on her hormones aka she was frigid. She played her part well, with the persistent screams when she saw any man with their genitals exposed. He had accepted her as his patient and proposed to her that she undergo some tests to determine her level of 'frigidity'.

"There are some women with minor discomfort when they viewed the male genitals. It could be a traumatic experiences or a major upheaval in their younger days like rape or molest." Doctor Noah was academic at it. He had just undergo a series of interviews on her sexual 'hangups' and even dose her with visualization of the men's anatomy to measured her 'absurdity level' towards it. While he was putting her through the tests, she was also doing her own, with stealth checks on his office and records. She soon discovered his secret lab and the specimens he was handling then. Unfortunately, she was caught and became his latest specimen on the advanced stages of his special drugs.

"Fuck you, you imbecile." Jenny screeched out loud. Her contempt for him caused her to pulled at her bindings thus creating a surge in her body. She slumped back on the bedding feeling rather bushed by the exertion.

"I would, Agent 009, but that would had compromised my test data." Doctor Noah walked up to her bed stand. He was wearing his doctor frock but naked beneath it with his penis standing upright. "If I had induced myself on you, I would also had compromised on my integrity."

"Fuck yourself." Jenny screeched out again and felt another surge in her body fluids.

"Oh, that would not be needed." Doctor Noah reached for the switch by the bed stand to tilt the bed up at certain degree. "I hoped you have a better view of the room now. The up view can be quite boring at times. We need some variation to our sights."

Doctor Noah walked over to the desk in bottom of her bed. It was a long desk with a high back chair. There was his bodyguard, Kanno; the sumo wrestler and his evil looking nurse, Ms. Frenche as she named herself. The so named wrestler was clad in his loin cloth ( very obvious ) while the nurse was in her white frock ( another obvious fact ). Doctor Noah walked to the nurse and stood before her with his frock pulled back. The nurse went down on her knees to give him a pleasurable suck to his tormenting penis.

"Ah! The pleasure of being served outweighs all the time waiting for the results." Doctor Noah humped his hips as he imitated the act of fucking into his nurse mouth. "You can add into your report, that all my nurses were at one time fucked by me. Be in the storeroom, the ops room or even in the corridors. I even did your nurse once when you were doing the MRI. Such indulgence befit my role as the evil doctor."

The evil doctor then pulled out prematurely and motioned to the nurse to bend over his desk. He then proceeded to fuck her there. He did not stopped until he had completed his satisfaction. He then pulled himself to the seat.

"Wow! Age must be catching on me. I am so dried out after that one act." Doctor Noah smiled. He then looked at the guard.

"Okay, both of you can continue over there. I needed to speak to Agent 009." Both Frenche and Kanno ran to the far corner to continue their personal liaison de pleasure. "Yes, Agent 009. I was hoping that you would be more amicable. After all, I did run those images of your fantasy by hypnosis into your mind."

Doctor Noah had compiled up a dossier of her personal fantasies and had them played into her two hours of ordeal there. She had every fantasy played into her mind.

"But you left out one, Doctor." Jenny spoke up. "I always get to fuck my nemesis."

Doctor Noah stared at her. He looked through his notes. It was unbelieving that he had left out that session from her list.

"So Doctor Noah, do we fuck or just bored ourselves with each other?" Jenny spoke out seductively. "I read your dossier too. You like to indulge into your enemies."

"True, but they were all males before you ....came." Doctor Noah felt the stir in his blood. "I never had a...nother like you besides my nurses. I am .....aligned to the concept of their dressing."

"You knew I was a nurse before. I even dressed like one to fucked twice." Jenny taunted him. "I told you so in my interviews."

"But they were ladies. You were a lesbian hence your disgust with men." Doctor Noah referred to his notes. "I specifically read that....."

"Yes, I dislike their looks but I use them on myself, and onto them like men." Jenny licked at her lips. It felt dry there. "You knew that. I knew that. You liked it. I read yours."

"I..... I am not telling you anything. Its not my role to tell you. I am the doctor." Doctor Noah stood up but his urges betrayed him.

"So soon. I was expecting that he may needed some more influencing." Jenny poked her tongue out before lapping her lips. "You have it in the drawer. Let me show you how I lived my fantasy."

Doctor Noah reached for the drawer and withdrew the strap-on. He looked at it and then at Agent 009. He was bewitched by her calling. He would had asked Frenche, but she had on a bull to ride on then. He walked up to her and stood there.

"I need the movement. Please untie me." Jenny asked. "I won't run. I just want to hump."

Doctor Noah did as he was told. He untied her from the bedding. She could hardly stand on her feet without feeling the need to fall, or collapsed in a heap of orgasm releases but the effect was wearing off. It was her hard training that carried her on, while she strapped on the tool belt. Doctor Noah bend over to lower the bedding to horizontal when she took the opportunity to thrust into him.

"Yelp!" Doctor Noah screamed off while he lain on top of the bed. "Oh, yes."

She moved her body to the moves but he stopped her.

"Lubricate me." He told her. She looked at his pucker hole and cringed. She then saw the extra syringes with the drug inside it. She grabbed it and jabbed it into his back cheeks. She gave him a full dosage which took its toll on his body. He went into a series of convulsions while his groin was all awash with his release. She stood there for a while until he stopped convulsing. She then stepped forth whole grabbing one of the leather bands on the bedding. She reached for his hands to the back, and bind him with it.

"Doctor Noah, you have the right to remain...." She thrust herself up into him. "Silent."

The doctor was silent; he was bitting the linens to quell his screams.

"Anything you do..." She thrust in harder, before she continue. "May caused you to lose your balls in the process."

"You have a right to a nurse..." She pulled back to pushed in once more. " I doubt she would do this for you. You are one pathetic fuck."

That ended the task and Agent 009 was given a two weeks holidays in the Bermudas. She had the needed supply to keep her girlfriends happy and satisfied during her stay. Her post card said it all.

"007 is too short for me." It showed a photo of the Walther PPK gun compared to her Glock 9mm.

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