Friday, September 20, 2013

D&C 2.4; Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.

I was celebrating with Frank on his son's engagement at Di Angelo when the call came in. It was a 187 ( Homicide ), that was under my concern. I placed the siren and sped there which was across the city. I looked up at the address; right at the border of the next next Precinct. Why can't they drop dead on the other side?

That part of the city was all the average income with the two adjacent colleges and one high school clustered within a radius of five miles. It was named the 'student section' as there were students everywhere. I had to slowed down to avoid the bicycles and cars driven by amateurs behind the wheel. I parked at about a hundred yards away; the front of my car was all vehicles and more curious people. I locked the doors to avoid it being taken for a joy ride by some amateurs. When I reached the yellow line, I told the officer there to keep an eye on my car. He looked up and smiled.

"If its dark blue, then you are numbered five in my list." Darned, most of us drive dark blue cars; who ever thought of driving a pinky Cadillac unless he or she was looking to be mugged. I saw the Coroner van was inching towards the crime scene with the crowds asked to moved by the uniformed ones. I reached there before the van did, and met Dan. He was leaning over the victim's body.

"Hi Dan", I did not get the respond I was expecting, but he replied to me with his findings.

"Blunt trauma to the head may had killed him, but I would need to examined more. He got bruises over his body. I would say, severe beatings by one or more persons, armed with a blunt weapon." Dan looked to his assistant. "Bagged and moved it to the lab."

Dan stood up and then walked past me. I tried to stop him, but he muttered about taking care of Bernice. I left him to go while I checked with the uniformed for updates. Later, I kicked in my report; homicide by aggravated assault and battery. Possible crime hate. It got my licking my paws soon after when the Commissioner lambasted me for shoddy work.

"That is not a report. I do want probable causes. I want concrete answers." The Commissioner hauled my ass into his office for the thrashing. "Do you want this case? Or I could passed it to Gonzales and Andrew?"

I had stifle my laughter. Those two names mentioned are stiff in the closets. They would love this case, as it was their kinship who laid there dead. The Commissioner freeze my thoughts.

"I just attended a talk by the FBI on the rise of hate crimes. We ranked in the top ten listing." The Commissioner looked at me square on the eyes. "Do I need to make myself anymore clearer to you, Detective Barnes?"

I knew when I was cornered. I nodded and took up my report to go back to the desk. I grabbed the overcoat and went over to Di Angelo. I had coffee and hot dogs.

"Gracious me, you hold that pose and I would had said you looked like me." It was Rose, and she was not supposed to be here. Not at this hour, as we agreed on, but who ever tell you a lady ever agree to you must be loony. She sat down at the seat next to mine, and ordered coffee. I ignored her presence, but she spoke up first.

"I heard of the murder of Nathan Levin." Rose mentioned the name in my folder. "I knew him sometime back. He was an activist on equal gender rights. He did stirred up some bad press on the corporate for discrimination."

I gobbled up my hot dog with the tip at my throat. I drunk it down with my coffee while she continued.

"I may had heard some news from the streets, but who cares when activist like us died with mysterious circumstances." She finished her coffee and left. I looked at her walking with her back swing that even a tiger could not resist to mauled.

"Jim, are you cheating on Jenny?" I looked over and saw Frank seated next to me.

"Heck, no. I was just admiring her butts." I laughed at my humor. Di Angelo came to my rescue.

"If Jimmy cheats, then I am better at poker." Di Angelo knew I brought Rose here a couple of times; off duty and casual. He won't tell; he's my brother in name.

"Yeah! Yeah! If the two ever did, it won't be me clubbing you." Frank picked up his coffee and took a sip. "Anyone knows what a lady would like for her wedding present?"

Thank the stars, he changed channels. Soon we were giving Frank lot of ideas; more lewd than lawful ones. It was Di Angelo who gave the most kinky one; a double headed dildo. His reply was more amusing; its pleasurable at both ends. It was then the scones came flying at him courtesy of the daughter who overheard the discussion. We made our escape in the midst of the shelling.

I left for Dan' morgue and he told me plenty.

"Subject did not die of residual physical effects from that beating." Dan gave me his assessment. "He had a punctured wound in his left ribs that was pierced to his heart, thus rupturing it. I am looking at a sharp object with a sharper end of about nine inches in length. He was not sodomized if you cared to ask. We got some DNA and still running the checks."

Dan was kind to showed me the punctured wound below the heart around the bruise marks. He then walked away but I was not letting go. I walked with him to his inner office. I watched the man sit down on his seat before I slammed the folder on the desk.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked him. "Since I met Bernice, you had been cold and not like yourself? Have we a problem?"

"No", Dan replied. "I am just in my moods. So f*****d off, and I cared not whom you may had fucked."

Dan knew or suspected but he was keeping mum. So that was boiling inside him. It was his hatred towards me for screwing his wife. I wanted to explained but the darned phone had to ring. I picked it up and it was Rose. She may had found the murderer. I looked back to Dan.

"I did not fucked Bernice, Dan." That was not entirely a lie. We did fuck but we could not complete it. I respected Dan too much to finished it off. I got out and apologies to Bernice. Her reply was the same; I am sorry if I led you on. I was lonely too.

"Que sera sera.... Now get out of my office." Dan shouted at me. I left him to see Rose. She was waiting for me at the apartment. I walked in, I f*****d her and then she told me who was the one did the killing.

"I heard on the street that Danny Oswald did it. He runs a hate group on gays, and was loggerheads with Nathan." I looked at her. She was on first name with the victim, as if she knew him well. She looked at me and smiled. "Nathan was not all gay then. He was a man like you before. We had a fling in the earlier days but stopped after the lust worn off."

If there was a word to described me then, it was hoodwinked. I got up from the bed and turned my back to her as I dressed. She leaned on her arm and smiled.

"Why? Because I was with a so called faggot, that you felt turned off." Rose got up and walked to the dresser window. "Is this only reserved for you? Or your prick? Or don't I have a choice?"

I was buttoning my shirt then when I stopped. I looked over at her but I had no words.

"Jimmy, you had too much on you. You left it to fester to hatred on some. Don't draw the line on others. They also have rights." Rose spoke up. I finished buttoning up and left her standing there.

I would had picked up Danny Oswald, but I left my mind do some thinking. I needed some evidence to convict if he was guilty. I can't; I cleared the word in my mind before it came out, believed all that Rose told me. So I donned on my detective coat and approached the suspect with the usual questions.

Danny Oswald had all alibis leaving me with a bad taste on my report. But Danny Oswald made one mistake. He should had not told me his father ran a surgical tools shop. I did a check on the father; Brian Oswald, was the founder and backer of the organization that spew hatred for gays. More to it, Brian Oswald had a record of intimidation and assault before, but was never convicted as he had good friends. Among them was some corporate directors with better lawyers. He had no alibi on the time of the murder but he claimed how could he being an older man fought off 'that twerp who was younger than him'.

The next person to gave his hatred speech was the Commissioner.

"Jimmy, I don't intervened in your investigation, but don't offend the city' fund providers with your baseless accusations. I hate to take you out but I would if the Mayor called me one more time." Corporate sucks in the city sometimes. But I was not getting anymore from Rose. She did not take my calls since that last journey to heaven. She once told me; how come its always yours and never mine? I never bothered to reply. I was getting old and held the right to be biased in my opinion.

It was Dan who gave me my popping smack when he handed me the report. It was the result from the DNA test. I read it and then took off to see Brian Oswald. I met the suspect at his office. He was filing his papers and had a orbitoclast for a paper weight. I showed him the warrant to search his premises. He got up from the desk and reached for his walking stick. I stopped him and requested for the stick.

"Why should I give you my stick? How am I to walk?" Brian complained.

"The same way you stood up. If your legs are strong enough to raise you up, they are strong enough to move your body across the room."

Brian raised up his stick to hit me but I was quicker on the move. I grabbed his arm to twist it so that he would let go of the cane. He fell back against the desk but I had the cane. The other officers helped him up while I examined the cane. It was heavy; there was lead inside the cane top like those of the older days. More to it, the midway of the cane pulled out to reveal a sharp nine inch sawn off orbitoclast inside it. It had traces of blood inside the sheath of the lower cane body.

I read Mr Brian Oswald his Miranda Rights. We soon got around to the son for abetting in a murder. I guessed some families do stick close to each other even in hatred. Back at the Di Angelo the next day, I got a note from Rose. She had passed it to Di Angelo. It read with a simple words.

"I am leaving town." I guessed we won't be f******g no more. Then Frank walked in looking exasperated.

"I bought them a set of glasswares, and guessed what." We all looked at Frank.

"They told me that already had theirs. I could keep that alongside with their mum's ones." Frank replied. "I hate to tell you this but kids today ain't appreciative."

I could only smiled. I have no kids. But Di Angelo replied it loud.

"True but we still love them nevertheless." Then the daughter's voice was heard.

"I heard that, Pa."


Hate crimes (also known as bias-motivated crimes, or race hate) occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group. Examples of such groups include but are not limited to: racial groupreligionsexual orientationethnicity or gender identity.

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