Monday, September 30, 2013

Double Lovers

You receive a phone call from your husband, confessing to some despicable act. you are horribly surprised, especially since you receive the call at his funeral.

But this was not Marlene expected from the Twilight Tales of Jimmy Loong.


"Marlene, there is a call for you." It was her cousin, Stacy who was holding the receiver with one hand while the other held the plate of pastries. She walked over and picked up the receiver. Her eyes scanned the roomful of people, all known to her or his, but they are there to trampled over her carpet and finished her food. Not forgetting her collection of wine.

"Hello?" Marlene spoke into the receiver. There was no answer.

"Hello?" Marlene asked again. Then the reply came.

"Hi Marlene, its me." Marlene shuddered at the voice. It sounded familiar. A voice that was supposed to be dead. Dead and buried three hours ago. This was his wake.

"Hi Marlene, can you hear me? The reception here is bad."

She hung up. It was a crank. It had to be. The phone rang. She picked it up.

"Hi Marlene, can you hear me?" She held the receiver close to her face. She had the pale look.

"Can you hear me? I haven't got much time." The voice spoke to her. "Are you still there?"

Marlene did not reply.

"Okay, you been yourself. Always a bitch and would be one even I am dead." The voice laughed.

"Look, arsehole. I am not entertaining you to your sick joke." Marlene told the caller. "And I am hanging up."

"Wait! You remember when we first made love. We did it on the kitchen floor at your mum's place." The caller said it all in one breath. Marlene paused in her words that she was going to say. She had the nearby people looking at her from the last outburst. They were then doing an early exit and gave her the room to 'screamed profanities'. Nobody knew of her liaison with him but only they both knew. They were interrupted before he could complete his. She had came twice; he was a stud. Her mother came in when she was still on her knees. She told her mother, they dropped the sour cream.

"Who are you? The real one?" Marlene asked.

"I am your husband, the rightful one. The one you buried was my double." The caller told her. "Its a long tale, but to make it short since I ....I meant he was dead, we cheated on you. We took turns to be with you."

The caller paused to wait for her reaction. Then he continued.

"I was insecure and needed someone to be with you. You were so confident, so assured and demanding. It was fine during the first two years and then I had an accident." The caller paused. "An accident with some illness. It made me weak. You know bad in the performance."

"Look, you bastard. I heard enough of it. I would hang up now." Marlene told him.

"Wait, let me finished it. He offered to sit in. I meant he took over my role the last year. You may had known. I never told you the ear nibbling."

Marlene wanted to cry then. She was fucked by another that looked like her husband. Oh, God, how sick can it be. She was moaning to a stranger that looked like him. God, she was with his child. No wonder he had different ideas of having sex; more adventurous and thrill seeking. She loved.....the sex, but then she was not sure.

"Hey, its okay. He was my twin. So its okay for both of us. We used to swap dates. Its normal for us....."

Marlene threw the receiver down and pulled out the cable from the wall. She was very upset and wanted to kill someone.

"Anyone seen my daughter in law?" Her father in law walked in. He was perfect for her vengeance.

Ashes to ashes.

Father for the son.

She smiled when she reached for the kitchen knife.

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