Sunday, September 8, 2013

Oz; A remake of the tale 2.7

7         Scare no more Munchkins.

The Munchkins are not allies of the White Witch but they feared her. More to it, they dislike Scarecrow or Cen Krow; her real name. Cen Krow was more than outspoken; she was a rebel among the Munchkins. Her rebel side was due to her attraction to the unknown; she was into magic practice. That caused her to be blamed most mishap to the Munchkins.

The Munchkins held her in their most fortified fortress of theirs; the wind swept plateau of the Mont. Its built below the surface at the top; sunk below so the wind would not ripped off their walls. The Crows, Hornets or the Monkeys can't reached them here so that made it the perfect location. In view of that, Munchkins built that place for them to hold up in the case of an attack but nothing stop the White Witch when she wants to go there. She was the one who told the Munchkins to hold Cen Krow there.

"You mean we are to climb up there?" I looked up at the steep cliff face that rise up above us by many versions of our height. My whole group now including the droid all lowered their gears and looked up. Droid walked up to the cliff face and scanned the surface to the top.

"Three hundred meters above with no overhang or ledges to hold on." Droid gave his assessment of the situation. "The surface is polished granite with hardness created over years courtesy of the strong winds."

"You could throw me up like a heap of fur ball, but I ran out of lives to survive if I fall." Puss was being true to us but it was an inspiration. Droid walked up to Uncle Henry. He asked to borrowed a phaser rifle with some three hundred rounds. Droid proceeded to approach the cliff face but he was stopped by Hicks.

"You might do well with this." It was a hovering board designed to climb places.

If there ever was a happier droid; this was one. Droid climbed on board and clamped his magnetic clamps on. Just before he flew up on a vertical climb, he adjusted his scarf and cocked the gun. We did not have to wait long before we heard the explosions and then dropping Munchkins.

Then we saw the arrival of a loving couple; one droid and the other was a sexy looking Scarecrow. Scarecrow was dressed differently; a tight red suit with white stripes like mine before but this one curved in the right places. Her feet are tucked into a set of red knee high boots. She was still holding her pouch across her chest.

I hugged my good friend, and we soon retired to a place decent to offered us drinks and foods. I had to asked Scarecrow on her ordeal and this was she told me.

Soon after I left, Scarecrow was lauded by her people as their savior. It was a good show until she was dunked in too many barrels of wine; she soon find herself naked tied to a cross on the square and missing her pouch. She screamed out her protest but the Munchkins just ignored her. She was left there without any food and drinks, and resigned to her fate.

"I cursed and screamed all the profanities in your name." Scarecrow spat out her words towards me. "How could you leave?"

I wanted to assure her but the droid came in close and hugged her. It went on all the consoling statements known in its database and retelling the tale of how I helped to recover its parts. But the best part was when Droid told her he love her.

"Would you two stopped it? I need to know more. How did you climbed down?"

"There was a secret path known only to the Munchkins; we just stroll down when Droid came with a vengeance. That was where Droid came in with his version.

"I landed on the cliff edge with the wind bellowing behind me. I kicked off the board and unslung the rifle. I laid the cover fire to get the Munchkins on the ground. I shot dead some who came at me with bad intent. I walked off the edge and proceed to bring down some structures down to its foundation. Then I grabbed a surviving Munchkin, and scrub the dirt off the face before I asked the question."

"Where is Cen Krow? The Munchkin was talking faster than I can decipher. Then my sensor picked up an attack on my back. I looked back and saw the Munchkins preparing a catapult that was used to shoot at me." Droid picked up the phaser rifle and cocked it. "I took up the aim and blew them at seven strategic weak points causing the catapult it to collapse."

"I saw him." That was Scarecrow crowing on her lover's feat. I could swore that Droid metal skin glowed for a while.

"I saw her, and my rifle took down the bindings that held her up there. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped her up. She was so weak and my concern was her health. I carried her over my left shoulder and used my right arm to fire on the Munchkins. Soon I was laying her on the bedding of a nearby structure...." Scarecrow interject in.

"I looked at him; all gleaming and looking gallant holding the rifle. He leaned over and offered me a drink; slowly lowering it to my parched lips. The liquid that seeps past my lips was rich to my soul; a touch to my heart and makes my mind looked to him."

"Then she asked me; do you love me. I nodded to her. Dorothy, I found my heart inside me. Thank you." Droid and Scarecrow hugged each other.

Darned, I wished Hicks was doing that to me but he was busy polishing his rifle. Droid like most men; daft in the emotional cells had to pulled away and then looked at me.

"I got back her pouch and she leaned in to grab some clothing. She told me it was inappropriate with her naked. I wanted to tell that I am naked most times with my gleaming skin but she felt modest then. She reached in there and pulled out her old uniform. I told her I like something red like her lips. She smiled at me and then waved her hand. The uniform was changed in a swipe of her hands to the colors she was wearing now. It was then I remembered my old pet, Toto.

Then Scarecrow jolted me back to the reality.

"Dorothy, I met Toto. Its not the same fur ball we knew. Its a deadly griffin now. It belongs to the Witch now." It was then Hicks approached me.

"We got a new problem." Hicks pulled me up and to the wall opening. The outside scene was a crowd of armed Munchkins. They are chanting for the Scarecrow or our heads.

I met them outside with the boys backing me.

"Give us back Cen Krow." That was their request but I told gave them a flat answer of decline.

"Dorothy, they would had been nasty if not for the boys backing me up. I wanted to tell more but there was a dark shadow over us before the flames came down on the crowd.


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