Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Oz: Remake of the tale 2.6

6.        Droid finds himself.

We were told that the nearest piece of Droid was in a nearby estate owned by Lord Keenan. The Lord was just a namesake; its actually owned by a rich Nomes who betrayed his own people. He showed the White Witch the hideouts of the Nomes. Hundreds did and more were wounded but the ones that survived and became slaves were into the thousand.

Lord Keenan unlike the description before was a squarty square framed people dressed in what may be termed as three piece suit and holding a walking cane instead of mallet or pick on his hands. The metal round bowl with a lighted wick  on the head had been replaced with a bowler hat. He met us outside his manor within his estate grounds with over twenty mercenaries; combination of Nomes and Rampsies. The mercenaries are well armed with swords and spears. Lord Keenan walked up to us and started off his ramblings.

"I do not like to sound like a bad host, but I dislike anyone calling me out without my breakfast. I also....." I had my rifle and blew his bowler hat a new venting hole.

"I want the arm of my droid. Give it to me or you would be needing a new one soon."

"Manners, my luv." Lord Keenan shook his head. "I knew you'll come, Dorothy. I asked the White Witch for the arm to bait you. Do you know why?"

"You spoiled my plan then. I was negotiating a new deal with Nolan Rich. He was to give it to Gourn who would break the ground for me.takes  Then Gourn gets kicked off and I am come in but you had to stepped in." The Nomes who called himself Lord Keenan. "You spoiled all I had planned."

Lord Keenan then laughed out loud.

"Lucky for me, I had every contingency planned in. " The Nomes smiled. "I had them rounded up in their so called victory celebrations. Dorothy, you have given them fake hopes. They were celebrating on your so called battle, but the White Witch won the war. The one you started and forgot to end."

"Enough of this talks. Give me the arm." I shouted back and walked towards the Nomes.

"Emotions, my dear; gets you nowhere." Lord Keenan replied and then raised his hat before he do the curtsy on me. "The arm is with me, but you need to get it yourself."

Lord Keenan points to the droid arm hanging on a long rope over his manor's doorway. Below the rope was a smelting pot with a fire built underneath it.

"Move for it, and the arm drops." Lord Keenan warned me.

The shot came from behind me. I turned to look and saw it was Hicks. He is a good shooter, and this time he proved it again. Much to my dismay, I rushed forth and ended up bumping into the Nomes. I scrambled over him but then I stopped. The arm is still up there. Its hovering on mid air.

"It's okay, Dorothy. I have kept it up there." I looked back to see Hinkley assuring me. "I am back in OZ, and here my magic does work."

The snapping of the levers on the rifles deter the mercenaries from intervening. They seen what it can do and they decided that retreat is a better option. As for Lord Keenan, he picked himself up and placed his bowler hat on the head. He turned to walked back to his manor, but I placed my right hand on his shoulder.

"Lord Keenan, we got some unfinished discussion." I was to end his reign then, but the boys decided that he needed a more fair punishment. They had him hauled up the manor roof and hung upside down over the smelting pot.

That's one arm we got back. The rest should be easy now that words have gone out on our comeback. But our thoughts were wrong.

"I can assure you that we have no possession of any parts that belong to the ....droid." This was the third claimant who had denied taking the droid' part. He is a Hammerhead and a darned stubborn one too. We had him strung up upside down on the tree branch and been pounding his head onto the ground. We have searched his home and found nothing.

"Puss, could he be telling the truth?" I asked of Puss. The cat meowed back in reply.

"If he was, I am the dirty rat in the alley." Puss was not going to give up that easily; it took a bucket of water over to the Hammer Head and dunk the head into it. It soon had the Hammer Head screaming for mercy as it feared rust would had stepped in when the water seeped into its head. He solemnly told me, the missing part is in the secret vault at his rooftop of the house. We found the needed part and lots more silvers which made the Puss an adorable pussycat.

We had now the droid head, his two upper limbs and torso. Now the next one was more difficult, as this one involves the Crows. They would collect anything they like like shiny objects. More to it, they placed them high on the tree branches and they would chant 'You can't touch it' if you get too near.

"Hello, Ms.Dorothy. Since our last meeting, we have decided to improve on our arsenal of weapon. Meet the new Crow warrior."

If you recalled the crows here are bigger and they have fingers with long talons instead of claws. Well, the new breed have more; they got a coat of armor on their wings and the beaks. They also carried long handle iron mallets on their hands.

"We named them the Steel Crows." There was about twelve of them perched on the high branches. Without any warning, the boys behind me took their fancy on some crow shootout. They shot down four of these Steel Crows before they flew off for safety.

"Well, Steel Crows. Meet the Shooters." I be darned Hicks looked handsome holding the rifle in his hands. I looked at the King of the Crows. "Are we finished here? Or do I have to burned down your whole tree before you hand over to me the missing parts."

The King Crow ain't giving up that easily. It swept it wings back and flew off to the top of the tree. There it shrieked out for more reinforcements.

I had enough of it, so I screamed out my frustration at the crows on the tree. My sonic vocal boom was back and my last outburst shaved off every leaf on the tree, including the Crows feathers on their scrawny looking flesh. The King hop down by the branches and dragged behind it was Droid' lower limbs.

"You dinna have to scream. We were just polishing it up for delivery." I grabbed the last parts and ran to droid. We placed the parts in accordance to his physical frame and then the Wizard chanted a spell which forged the parts to be whole again.

Droid stood up and walked over to my Aunt. It asked to borrow her double barrel mini cannons. The droid took it and inserted in the mini shots into it.

"Stand back, everyone. I am going on a warpath." The droid emptied ten rounds of the mini shots onto the nearby trees. The shots blew the trees off its branches and tore the trunk into firewoods. Then the King of the Crows approached Droid.

"Don't you care for the environment or even save the trees campaign? Do you know its takes to grow a tree?" Droid points the mini cannon at the crow.

"Don't make me make you extinct." The King of the Crows got the meaning right and flew off for different directions. Droid took us to his old hideout before he was captured. The droid found a scarf belonging to Scarecrow among the things in the hideout. .

"Thanks for keeping it safe." Droid thanked the cat, and then tied the scarf on its forehead. "Its was from Scarecrow and now I am back to rescue her."

My aunt loaned the cannon to the droid with extra ammo belts while she settle for a long curvy sword named Katana found in the heap things once belong to Scarecrow. The eerie part of it was when she swings the sword, she would shrieked out the sound of the attacking eagle. Uncle Henry warned me before on my aunt's martial art preference.

"Time to move on. We got a Scarecrow to rescue."


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