Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My brother cooks but I like them raw on the spread

I had to admit one of my all time favorite was to have a place I could call my own. And I did at the age of twenty two when I moved to the far side of the city. I got myself a small apartment, with my own bathroom, kitchen; more like a make shift one as I was not much of a cook, but I had my own bed. All mine with no one to share; not yet then as I do not have a boyfriend yet. I did however got the job I wanted and the ability to cover my rent. So I declared independence.

What do you have when you own a place of your own?

Privacy was one. I could walked around stark naked ( drapes are closed, mind you. ) and not have anyone yelling; cover yourself, girl. And I could leave my panty hanging over the radiator and not having to worried they looked like stringy bow ties. Bra? Who cares about them? I ain't no 'mama-lades' build so I don't need gravity stabilizer on them. I do however have a few which are kept for the think layers of clothing or the extra piece when I played strip poker with the girls.

Yup, the one thing I loved about my place, I could have girl's parties. That was when I sneaked them in past Mrs Harold's doorway. She was a personal wreck who things any groups of people partying equals orgies and drugs abuse. God, she sounded like my spinster aunt, Mabel. May she rest in peace among the others who laid by her beneath the layers of soil.

Okay, back to my apartment.

That evening, I got Winnie, Jenny and Abigail to come over for a night stay and we brought ourselves chinese takeaways with the sticks that could be used to fight like Darth Vader later, some pizza with the natural cartons of yogurt to ease the digestion and retained the curves. Abigail brought over a bottle of scotch; claimed she got it from her dad's case, but we knew she bought it. We were all frisky and jumpy to have a sub-zero sober party.

I opened my unit door after having tip toed past Mrs Harold's creaking floorboards corridor, and walked in. I was shocked by the sight.

Someone invaded my unit, was my exact thoughts.

My panties are missing from the radiators, my bra lines are missing from the overhead lighting, and my leftover nut shells are cleared from the coffee table.

"God, I think the aliens have invaded my place." I told the girls. They all paraded behind me with their heads popping past my rather well maintained shape to peek in.

"It looked ...clean." Abigail said it first while she adjusted her spectacles.

"Did your mum come over?" Jenny asked while adjusting her bra straps. She had them one size bigger so James could peek at her cleavage. She likes to show off her limited sized orbs to him. She hoped he could make out the moon from the earth sized planets.

"Or did you opened the wrong door?" Winnie was much smarter than I thought. I shook her head. I could still see my my playgirl centerfold on the shower door across the unit. It still had that pasted on extra length anatomy piece, courtesy of my enhancement program on the PC.

"Oh, hello sis." I looked to the source of the voice from the make shift kitchen. It was my brother., Mark who was standing there with the apron over his chest. "And jello to you all."

The girls were all 'jello' when they saw him. He was the perfect male, six plus footer with the six pack that you do a facial scrub without the milky wash. I knew him well, as we grew up together before he went off to Uni. That was two years ago and then he was standing in my kitchen.

"Please step in, ladies. I have enough food for all of us." Mark was the one who took over from my mum when she was unable to move with her sickness. He was the perfect house maker while I was the sneaky tomboy at the back yard. The ladies friends of mine broke rank and lined up like chorus girls to inspect him or was it he inspecting them.

"Mark. This is Winnie, Jenny and Abigail." God! Jenny stood there with her chestful of medals held up. I looked back at Mark. He was no more the chubby brother which I used to arm wrestle, but his two years away, had reshaped his looks. He did looked good.

Damned! He was good looking. I walked to the shower door and blocked the offending view.

"Did you ....cleaned my place?" I asked him.

"Yup, I did and had them folded into the cupbaord, changed your linens and washed the shower rooms, plus refilled the shampoo bottles. You were never..."

I stopped him there.

"Thanks, Mark. When did you get in?" I switched the channel.

"This afternoon. I thought I surprised you. And was I surprised." He was looking at the ladies. They were still standing there with their different variations of Marilyn Monroe. I felt then like Greta Garbo; out of sync and place.

"So what did you cooked?" I asked him

"Scrambled eggs, and baked beans?" Mark replied. He knew I hated them. Then he laughed; his masculine deep laugh that vibrated all the muscles on his throat. I could had sworn, Jenny bust went one size bigger with the extended tip.

"No, actually I made the roast with the baked potatoes, with a healthy salad bowl of leafy greens and root vegetables garnished with the sour cream. Plus I had a bottle of wine." Mark openly declared it out. "I knew you had enough of takeaways and pizza. Abigail hid the pizza box behind her.

"And I got a friend with me." Mark laid it our plain. The girls went down on the plains with nothing to perked them up. Another version of the male specimen pushed his way past me; another finer example too of why men needed to be sculptured more often. The other guy was dressed in a towel and had his body glisten with droplets of water.

"Sorry, ladies. I was not expecting company so early." Strong southern accent. "Ma' name's Henry.. If you would excuse me, I need to get proper for the evening."

He paraded past the ladies and I think the world had stopped rotating for a few seconds. I looked to Mark.

"Your friend, are you...." I winked at him.

"Nay, sis. We are straight. He's here to see the city. He's leaving soon after he changed." Mark replied. I looked to the girls and smiled. "Could you take him around?"

"Well, girls. It looked like you are going to have a chance to chomp on some roast while I played host to a Southern dude."

I don't know what about men that ladies like when they knew he could cooked roasts. I guessed its the recipe behind it. Well, I loved my dang Texas meat all raw.....

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